Trump Admits He Lost in 2020

The key word in his statement is "lost " - the point of this thread. Try to keep up.
Fine, you can bleev that title and first part of the OP, but then this part is clearly bullshit;

I'm really curious as to how all of you who have been vociferously parroting the Big Lie, feel about a man who lied to you shamelessly, and sent his supporters to overturn an election he knew he did not win. People died for his lie.

Try to keep up.
Trump knows he lost.

You know he knows.

Why this bizarre behavior from you?
And folks in Russia that run against United Russia will know that they are going to lose, and folks in China that run against the CCP will know they lost too.

That does not mean that the process was at all free and fair.


It isn't bizarre behavior from me, I have listened the whole interview.

. . . and the folks that hate Trump, in this thread, lying and spinning about what he meant? That isn't bizarre either.
It is a common symptom of TDS.

I'm pretty sure, y'all know I don't give a shit about one side or the other, just the facts.

I have posted the facts, and they don't fit yoar narrative. . . so keep on lying, it is what you do best.

And folks in Russia that run against United Russia will know that they are going to lose, and folks in China that run against the CCP will know they lost too.
Trump knows he lost a free and fair election.

You're immature behavior and bad acting aren't compelling. You know the above is true.

And no, I don't want to hear your sore loser crybabying.
Isn’t “lost by a whisper” still losing?

If he had admitted it in 2020, he would have saved us from an insurrection and himself from Felony charges
He should have also retired from politics and returned to private life as other presidents voted out of office have done, respecting the will of the people that they don't want him in the WH.
Fine, you can bleev that title and first part of the OP, but then this part is clearly bullshit;

Try to keep up.
Keep up what, retard? Unless baby Jesus came and spoke to him personally, there is no way Trump knew the elections were stolen.

And he was explicitly told by some of the adults around him that there was no evidence. And so, yes I have kept up. You on the other hand are still licking the big fat Trump butt. :itsok:
Trump admits he lost the 2020 election. Finally.

I'm really curious as to how all of you who have been vociferously parroting the Big Lie, feel about a man who lied to you shamelessly, and sent his supporters to overturn an election he knew he did not win. People died for his lie.

Unfortunately we know magaturds will be just fine with it. :rolleyes:
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Keep up what, retard? Unless baby Jesus came and spoke to him personally, there is no way Trump knew the elections were stolen.

And he was explicitly told by some of the adults around him that there was no evidence. And so, yes I have kept up. You on the other hand are still licking the big fat Trump butt. :itsok:
My my my, you do get nasty when you are proven to be a liar.
My my my, you do get nasty when you are proven to be a liar.
LOL You are on a thread where your orange loser has admitted he is a loser... and yet you claim somehow you are vindicated?

And you wonder why I call you a retard. :itsok:
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There is no evidence of this.

The only thing I know is what he has stated.

I have no idea why you folks like to make up shit about what is in Trump's head, or in another person's head.

. . . could it be, reality doesn't suit you?
LOL Reality. Is that the same reality where you retards along with your fuhrer claimed he actually won? That reality? :auiqs.jpg:
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where your orange loser has admitted he is a loser
Not my candidate. I have never voted for him, nor do I plan to.

Interesting, you have to tell more lies, to support your original position about the MSLSD's lies.

I suppose I should not be surprised.
Not my candidate. I have never voted for him, nor do I plan to.

Interesting, you have to tell more lies, to support your original position about the MSLSD's lies.

I suppose I should not be surprised.
What lies, am I saying, retard? Your Fuhrer lost and there was no election stolen.

Feel free to prove otherwise. Voices in your head don't count, you know that, don't you? At least you would if you weren't such a retard. :itsok:
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