America isn’t ready for another war — because it doesn’t have the troops

WTF. Genocide Joe was actively involved in starting and continuing the war in Ukraine. Simultaneously he has supported the genocide in Gaza.

If you can’t accept this it merely proves you are nothing more than a partisan D, exactly like partisan Rs who support Don.
How many American divisions, battalions, etc. did Joe send to Ukraine or Gaza? You should quit while you`re behind.
Another possibility would be bringing individuals in the Retired Reserve back on active duty while we build our manpower.

I know where could find a potential Command Sergeant Major!

Another possibility would be bringing individuals in the Retired Reserve back on active duty while we build our manpower.

I know where could find a potential Command Sergeant Major!

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Cartoons, you got. A candidate who isn`t a convicted felon, you don`t got.
Did you watch Harris’s acceptance speech?

No, and I never do because speeches by politicians mean nothing.

Has she stated an intent to increase trop numbers? Has she stated an intent to increase military funding or finally allow funding for some projects that have been lingering for decades?

If not, then her speech does not interest me in the slightest.

Now, to paraphrase a song, "What has she done for me lately?".
You and pknopp better go read the fucking UN Resolution about Libya. And when you do, you will find out that war was done by France, the UK and Lebanon. And it was approved by the UN Security Council. Syria was already a failed state were where ISIS was. And everybody now talking stupid about Obama were all about ending ISIS. Obama didn't start any pre emptive wars. He inherited 2. He got out of Iraq.

Nothing starts up without our involvement. All the same there was never any excuse to run arms out of Libya and then lie about it.
Trump isn’t in the reserves, dumbass. Retired military ARE, meaning Tampon Tim can be recalled to duty, if needed.
Not at 60

When did Trump stop wearing a Tampon on his ear?
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Trump isn’t in the reserves, dumbass. Retired military ARE, meaning Tampon Tim can be recalled to duty, if needed.

Only barely. Tim Walz is indeed retired, but the odds of his being recalled are essentially slim to none. Because just like me, he is past the mandatory retirement age.

It is a very rare exception that somebody serves past the age of 60. So short of WWIII, the odds of his or anybody of our age being recalled is "slim to none". And even if recalled, it would be to fill some paper pusher job to free up somebody else to actually go and fight. For example, in WWII many veterans injured in WWI or retired due to age were recalled to service. But they did not go overseas to fight, they remained in the US so others could go and fight.

Now JD Vance on the other hand is only 40, so the odds of him being recalled are actually much higher than that of Tim Walz.

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