America isn’t ready for another war — because it doesn’t have the troops

Dude I was an infant in those years. Literally. That's first.

Second, no one should be treated soldiers like that, that was despicable.

But we went too far just randomly thanking random people on the street. Because some of these people are not admirable. That's stupid, it just is.
Christians should be so thankful as soldiers who thank each other. Why are they not?
For those keeping score at home: The U.S. has 11 active aircraft carriers in service. China has 3 and Russia has 1. We`re built for offense. No one wants to attack us, so we`ll take our game on the road and find someone to F with who doesn`t have the means to fight back.
They never invade if we had lived up to our earlier agreements and then agreed to fund the stupid war.
Putin thought he would defeat Ukraine in days

Now, Ukraine is pounding his weak Army
For those keeping score at home: The U.S. has 11 active aircraft carriers in service. China has 3 and Russia has 1. We`re built for offense. No one wants to attack us, so we`ll take our game on the road and find someone to F with who doesn`t have the means to fight back.
US has modern carriers and full carrier task forces

Russia and China are a joke
Yet your girl has the audacity to proclaim she wants the US military to be the most lethal force ever. Fucking warmonger.
There is not one polliticin in any party that woud not say the same thing. The difference is how they woud use it. I don't think yuou would see a doctrine of preemption with Harris.
Currently Russia is bleeding soldiers daily, drafting kids and criminals to fight. Our soldiers are eating barbecue on Labor Day safe and sound. I like our situation much better.
You made a mistake right? It’s Ukraine not Russia bleeding soldiers and drafting criminals right?

If wrong, you must get all your news from state controlled sources.
There is not one polliticin in any party that woud not say the same thing. The difference is how they woud use it. I don't think yuou would see a doctrine of preemption with Harris.
My point is in years past you’d never hear a D spout such warmongering bs.
Yeah she’s your typical imperialist warmongering neocon, but you love her.

The D Party is now the war party. Why do you support this?
The D prty is not the war party. This is getting stupid. Were re not fightimg wars at this time.
You made a mistake right? It’s Ukraine not Russia bleeding soldiers and drafting criminals right?

If wrong, you must get all your news from state controlled sources.
ActualLy Russia is bleeding soldiers and its been that way almost from the start.
The D prty is not the war party. This is getting stupid. Were re not fightimg wars at this time.
It clearly is. Your beloved messiah O was worse than W. Biden is worse than O, warmongering in Ukraine and Palestine.

Open your eyes!

The D Party is the war party.
There is not one polliticin in any party that woud not say the same thing. The difference is how they woud use it. I don't think yuou would see a doctrine of preemption with Harris.

We didn't think that with Obama either.

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