America isn’t ready for another war — because it doesn’t have the troops

There`s a lot of things we need in this country but more military spending isn`t one of them. We`re responsible for 36% of the world`s military spending and we have friendly neighbors north and south and 2 large bodies of water east and west. Do you think Mexico or Canada is planning an invasion or do you think we should invade and get thrown out of another poor country?
You can bet both Don and K will increase military spending. It’s a given with the uniparty.
Lets see….

Conservatives invaded Afghanistan
Conservatives invaded Iraq
Liberals sent aid to Ukraine

Your binary, hopelessly partisan thinking is showing. My point was not about which party is more warmongering than the other, they are both warmongers. My point was simply that in the past 'liberals' used to be for peace, now they cheerlead for war.
Your binary, hopelessly partisan thinking is showing. My point was not about which party is more warmongering than the other, they are both warmongers. My point was simply that in the past 'liberals' used to be for peace, now they cheerlead for war.
He doesn’t really believe what he posts. I’d like to give him this benefit of doubt. Lol.
Your binary, hopelessly partisan thinking is showing. My point was not about which party is more warmongering than the other, they are both warmongers. My point was simply that in the past 'liberals' used to be for peace, now they cheerlead for war.

Biden ended our war after 20 years
We have no current war
We were never ready for wars, and in any case it's not like the rest of the world lets you choose; sooner or later you will have to fight or die, just a fact of life and human history. Those ocean moats aren't nearly as effective as they used to be. We're only a few minutes from anywhere via missiles these days, plus we have entire armies of hostile 'refugees' and illegal aliens roaming the streets of out cities.

Good luck with your ostrich strategy.
You Clowns have been at war with someone since WW2 ended in 1945 without a break don't you think that is abnormal? it's a business a racket and of the worst kind because it's built on blood.
The US has the strongest military in the world by far.

Russia has shown itself to be a Paper Tiger and China cannot reach beyond its shores

The question is…
Why do we have a military the size we do?
The threat is not there
Where have i heard that before? that's right the third Reich, and has it not crossed your mind China may not want to spread beyond its shores not every Country is a violent Imperialist Country like the US.
Where have i heard that before? that's right the third Reich, and has it not crossed your mind China may not want to spread beyond its shores not every Country is a violent Imperialist Country like the US.


What countries have we taken over?

What countries have we taken over?
Not for the want of trying, you were in Afghanistan for over twenty years and its not just about taking over but controlling, you still have some illegal bases in Syria stealing oil, the Russians should have blasted them off the map a long time ago you stole part of Serbia and gave it to some Albanian Narcos.
Your binary, hopelessly partisan thinking is showing. My point was not about which party is more warmongering than the other, they are both warmongers. My point was simply that in the past 'liberals' used to be for peace, now they cheerlead for war.
buttercup is as binary as they come. Conservatives support Russia, libs support aid to Ukraine.
There`s a lot of things we need in this country but more military spending isn`t one of them. We`re responsible for 36% of the world`s military spending and we have friendly neighbors north and south and 2 large bodies of water east and west. Do you think Mexico or Canada is planning an invasion or do you think we should invade and get thrown out of another poor country?

And are you aware of what the biggest part of the military budget actually is?

Pay and allowances, as well as dependent care. Are you saying we are not paying our military enough, or that we should stop taking care of them and their families?

The fact is, a great many nations (like Russia and China) have excessively low military budgets because the pay and benefits they give their servicemembers is crap.

And why bring up Canada and Mexico? You know, a lot of people were saying pretty much the same thing before WWII.

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