AZ Refusing To Remove Illegals From Voting Rolls

10 seconds and you could have done a search yourself. But instead you wanted to waste my time.

Statement from Stephen Miller, America First Legal President:

“We are taking emergency action to secure our elections. In addition to Maricopa, we are now suing 14 additional counties in Arizona for refusing to remove illegal aliens and non-citizens from their voter rolls. America First Legal will do everything in its power to fight mass illegal alien voting and foreign interference in our democracy.” said Stephen Miller.

Read the amended complaint here.

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For press inquiries, please contact [email protected].
Statement from Stephen Miller, America First Legal President:

“We are taking emergency action to secure our elections. In addition to Maricopa, we are now suing 14 additional counties in Arizona for refusing to remove illegal aliens and non-citizens from their voter rolls. America First Legal will do everything in its power to fight mass illegal alien voting and foreign interference in our democracy.” said Stephen Miller.

Read the amended complaint here.

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For press inquiries, please contact [email protected].
The people are watching this time and the RNC is proactive not just allowing them to cheat like in 2020 and 2022...
They will sue AZ just like they had to do in other states... however a lousy 43,000 illegal votes won't stop the Trump train in AZ this go around...
You think anyone that you trust would report this?


Stephen Miller founded American Legal a few months ago.

Statement from Stephen Miller, America First Legal President:

“We are taking emergency action to secure our elections. In addition to Maricopa, we are now suing 14 additional counties in Arizona for refusing to remove illegal aliens and non-citizens from their voter rolls. America First Legal will do everything in its power to fight mass illegal alien voting and foreign interference in our democracy.” said Stephen Miller.

Read the amended complaint here.

Follow us on social media for the latest updates on America First Legal’s fight to protect your constitutional rights!

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For press inquiries, please contact [email protected].
The people are watching this time and the RNC is proactive not just allowing them to cheat like in 2020 and 2022...
They will sue AZ just like they had to do in other states... however a lousy 43,000 illegal votes won't stop the Trump train in AZ this go around...

As a White House spokesman, Miller on multiple occasions made false and unsubstantiated claims regarding widespread electoral fraud.[5][16][17] Emails leaked in November 2019 showed that Miller had promoted articles from white nationalist publications VDARE and American Renaissance, and had espoused conspiracy theories.[18][19] Miller is on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of
As a White House spokesman, Miller on multiple occasions made false and unsubstantiated claims regarding widespread electoral fraud.[5][16][17] Emails leaked in November 2019 showed that Miller had promoted articles from white nationalist publications VDARE and American Renaissance, and had espoused conspiracy theories.[18][19] Miller is on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of
Just because you don't like what he says doesn't mean he lied... so go and find the proof of your claim... or shut up....
Can someone / ANYONE PLEASE tell me when Americans with a pair are going to actually Do SOMETHING to save their nation ?

Are Americans really this STUPID and out of touch with reality ?
Stephen Miller founded American Legal a few months ago.

Statement from Stephen Miller, America First Legal President:

“We are taking emergency action to secure our elections. In addition to Maricopa, we are now suing 14 additional counties in Arizona for refusing to remove illegal aliens and non-citizens from their voter rolls. America First Legal will do everything in its power to fight mass illegal alien voting and foreign interference in our democracy.” said Stephen Miller.

Read the amended complaint here.

Follow us on social media for the latest updates on America First Legal’s fight to protect your constitutional rights!

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For press inquiries, please contact [email protected].

"Correct. Arizona has 42,301 voters on the federal voting rolls who could not or would not present proof of citizenship. On July 17, we sent demand letters to County Recorders in all 15 counties notifying them of their legal obligation under state law to screen existing voter rolls against federal databases in order to remove ineligible non-citizens. All 15 counties failed or declined to do so—which is also an open invitation for ineligible non-citizens to register in Arizona in the weeks to come. So we sued all 15 counties."

What's your source on this, mudwhistle?
Looks like it is "America First Legal"
Harvest much? In an 11K race from Cyber Ninjas findings. Even though they were denied so much crucial information. This is where they send out those NON-CITIZENS votes to shelters, Motels etc. Then they go get them. "moved" lol! that's' one way of classifying it. Those ballots should have all been returned and the Voter registered as inactive right away.

View attachment 1006423

I love the wording here. "If ballots are being sent by forwardable mail". Well Ninja's - you could have asked whether they were or not. Why didn't you???? Why are you speculating on a crucial piece of information to your hypothesis. Seems pretty stupid since you clearly think this is important. If non-forwarding envelopes were used the ballots are valid. Best not to ask and leave it in.

If you had ANY legal training whatsoever, you'd realize that the whole paragraph is bullshit, and if this gets to court, the judge will see right through this and throw it out.
Statement from Stephen Miller, America First Legal President:

“We are taking emergency action to secure our elections. In addition to Maricopa, we are now suing 14 additional counties in Arizona for refusing to remove illegal aliens and non-citizens from their voter rolls. America First Legal will do everything in its power to fight mass illegal alien voting and foreign interference in our democracy.” said Stephen Miller.

Read the amended complaint here.

Follow us on social media for the latest updates on America First Legal’s fight to protect your constitutional rights!

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For press inquiries, please contact [email protected].
Can someone / ANYONE PLEASE tell me when Americans with a pair are going to actually Do SOMETHING to save their nation ?

Are Americans really this STUPID and out of touch with reality ?
You can always start something. We are trying to do it the legal way. If that fails, then, and only then will the shit fly.

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