The laws of nature existed before space and time

Oscillating universe fits Hindu theology ... there is no beginning of time ... there is no end of time ... just the ying of an expanding universe; and the yang of the collapsing universe ... in perfect balance ...

It is what it is and there ain't no more ...
It sounds good but it does not fit the observations. In a closed universe, gravity should be slowing the rate of expansion- the opposite is what is observed. Not only is it expanding, but it's expanding at an increasing rate.

A collapsing universe also implies a reverse in entropy- e.g. going from a state of disorder to a state of order, which is contrary to 2LOT.

So I tend to think the Big Crunch, "not likely". Universe appears open to me. Continued expansion until ultimately the "Cold Death".

I know, quite dismal, lol. As you say, it is what it is...
has there ever been a single study into light being red shifted by distance alone?

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To date, there has not been a comprehensive study or accepted scientific model that attributes redshift solely to distance without considering the motion of the light source. Here’s a brief overview of the reasons and the context:

1. Cosmological Framework

  • The prevailing cosmological model is based on the expansion of the universe, where redshift is understood through the Doppler effect related to the recession of galaxies. This framework has been supported by extensive observational data.

2. Key Observational Evidence

  • Hubble's Law: Observations consistently show a correlation between distance and redshift that is interpreted as a result of galaxies moving away. This has been confirmed through numerous studies involving galaxy surveys and redshift measurements.

3. Theoretical Considerations

  • Theoretical models of cosmology, including general relativity, incorporate the expansion of space, which inherently links redshift to the motion of galaxies rather than distance alone.

4. Absence of Alternative Models

  • While alternative theories can be proposed, they have not gained traction or been substantiated by peer-reviewed studies. Most discussions around redshift focus on its connection to motion and the dynamics of an expanding universe.


In summary, while there may be discussions or hypotheses about redshift related to distance alone, there is no significant body of scientific literature or studies that support this idea in a manner that challenges the established understanding of redshift as a consequence of motion and the expansion of the universe.
Please explain infinite temperature in terms of conservation ... and quite frankly, I don't think you're capable enough to speak about QM ... I certain can't, not with my limited math abilities ... try googling "naked singularity" ...

Is there an experiment we can conduct to demonstrate your claims ... or is this philosophical gymnastics ... at least my crackpot theory holds true to conservation laws and QM ... and I have evidence, picometer differences at 10 billion light-years distance ... even Gandalf is impressed ...
Why? Because you can't accept the laws of nature had to exist before space and time? Isn't it self evident?

You think this shit happened randomly?

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