32 ARMED Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO [911 Call Audio Included]

Nonsense. House immigration bill HR1 was killed by Chuckles Schumer.

Hate to break it to you but it never reached the Senate who had already stated that they would support it as well as the president. HR stands for House of Representatives, stupid. Schumer is in the Senate. Wow, Stupid AND ignorant to boot you are, says Yoda.
Hate to break it to you but it never reached the Senate who had already stated that they would support it as well as the president. HR stands for House of Representatives, stupid. Schumer is in the Senate. Wow, Stupid AND ignorant to boot you are, says Yoda.
Nonsense. The house prepared HR1 to address border security but Chuckles Schumer refused to present it to the senate for a vote.

Don't hurl the "stupid" label when you are too stupid to know what you're writing about.
And you should understand (You aren't capable) to understand each of us needs to clean up our own messes. You MAGAts created not fixing this problem by reneging on Immagration bill that YOUR side forced one the house. And then your Orange Deity decided he wanted to take credit when it passed. You OWN a this problem. Now clean up your own mess.

BTW, you seem to believe that anyone that disagrees with your fantasy that we are all Democratic Marxists. Got a news for you. I am a Eisenhower Republican and can't wait until 2025 when we start stuffing you John Birchers back under the rocks you came from
The fraud immigration bill you're wetting your pants over was in realty a foreign aid, Ukraine funding bill. Obviously you know nothing of the facts. The fraud Senate bill set a minimum number of illegals to be imported while layering new laws over existing laws that Biden had no intention of abiding by.
And you should understand (You aren't capable) to understand each of us needs to clean up our own messes. You MAGAts created not fixing this problem by reneging on Immagration bill that YOUR side forced one the house. And then your Orange Deity decided he wanted to take credit when it passed. You OWN a this problem. Now clean up your own mess.

BTW, you seem to believe that anyone that disagrees with your fantasy that we are all Democratic Marxists. Got a news for you. I am a Eisenhower Republican and can't wait until 2025 when we start stuffing you John Birchers back under the rocks you came from
You know that that bill allowed in 5,000 criminals a day. W8th no mass deportations. No decent republican would have voted for that.
You know that that bill allowed in 5,000 criminals a day. W8th no mass deportations. No decent republican would have voted for that.
Yes and even the lone republican negotiator, Lankford, eventually pulled his support.
The fraud immigration bill you're wetting your pants over was in realty a foreign aid, Ukraine funding bill. Obviously you know nothing of the facts. The fraud Senate bill set a minimum number of illegals to be imported while layering new laws over existing laws that Biden had no intention of abiding by.

Which when the border bill was removed from it, it passed with flying colors. Then the immigration bill was introduced by itself and your Orange Deity decided that the bipartisan bill should be held up until he becomes President again and Johnson withheld it from the floor. Just think of this, YOU own this problem and you keep trying to lie your way out of it. Yes, folks, the most conservative immigration bill in history was defeated by same people that fought to get it. Now, be a man, step up the table and own it.
The illegals imported by Biden-Harris are feeling good about crimes while armed.

Those sanctuary cities are a real joy.

Aw hell, if the libs of tictok post it….it must be gaslighting.
Which when the border bill was removed from it, it passed with flying colors. Then the immigration bill was introduced by itself and your Orange Deity decided that the bipartisan bill should be held up until he becomes President again and Johnson withheld it from the floor. Just think of this, YOU own this problem and you keep trying to lie your way out of it. Yes, folks, the most conservative immigration bill in history was defeated by same people that fought to get it. Now, be a man, step up the table and own it.
You keep whing about a phony immigration bill that was a slush fund for more rapid "processing", importation of illegals.

You can't understand that there is no reason to expect that Biden-Harris would respect layers of new laws when they explicitly ignore existing immigration law.

WHy did the negotiators of the senate bill eventually advise against its passage?
You keep whing about a phony immigration bill that was a slush fund for more rapid "processing", importation of illegals.

You can't understand that there is no reason to expect that Biden-Harris would respect layers of new laws when they explicitly ignore existing immigration law.

WHy did the negotiators of the senate bill eventually advise against its passage?

Yah, I know.

The 2020 election was rigged
Everyone is out to get DjtRump
It's all a witch hunt
And on and on and on.

Your story isn't making headway anymore. People are smartening up and recognizing a series of serial lies. 2024 and on are not going to be kind to you.
Yah, I know.

The 2020 election was rigged
Everyone is out to get DjtRump
It's all a witch hunt
And on and on and on.

Your story isn't making headway anymore. People are smartening up and recognizing a series of serial lies. 2024 and on are not going to be kind to you.
Serial lies like "the border is secure" and "Biden is as sharp as a tack". A reality based worldview laughs at you.

Tell us how much went to Ukraine in the phony senate slush fund border bill.
You keep whing about a phony immigration bill that was a slush fund for more rapid "processing", importation of illegals.

You can't understand that there is no reason to expect that Biden-Harris would respect layers of new laws when they explicitly ignore existing immigration law.

WHy did the negotiators of the senate bill eventually advise against its passage?

You go back to Feb 24th 2021. Well, cupcake, let's discuss the one that was kept off the House Floor by Speaker Johnson that had a majority of the Reps and enough Dems that it would have passed. It was the most "Conservative" Immigration bill every almost passed. It was primarily written by Reps with a little help by the Dems in the house. The Senate Leader already had the support for it to pass and Biden already stated he would sign it. It gave the Reps almost everything they demanded with the exception of shoot on sight. I am an old style Conservative and it's exactly what is needed. Can you tell me why it wasn't put on the House Floor in Feb 2024? Be honest for a change. You will be graded.
Serial lies like "the border is secure" and "Biden is as sharp as a tack". A reality based worldview laughs at you.

Tell us how much went to Ukraine in the phony senate slush fund border bill.

Actually, they are finding your bunch more than hilarious. Last year, they found you as dangerous. Not this year. You are a joke. "Snicker".
You go back to Feb 24th 2021. Well, cupcake, let's discuss the one that was kept off the House Floor by Speaker Johnson that had a majority of the Reps and enough Dems that it would have passed. It was the most "Conservative" Immigration bill every almost passed. It was primarily written by Reps with a little help by the Dems in the house. The Senate Leader already had the support for it to pass and Biden already stated he would sign it. It gave the Reps almost everything they demanded with the exception of shoot on sight. I am an old style Conservative and it's exactly what is needed. Can you tell me why it wasn't put on the House Floor in Feb 2024? Be honest for a change. You will be graded.
Well pumpkin, tell us about a bill you know would magically have passed, because you say so. Tell us about HR1 for which Chuckles Schumer refused to allow a vote.

See pumpkin, that you know with 100% certainty, using 0% facts that a bill would have passed makes you the target of pointing and laughing. But You're accustomed to that, right?
Well pumpkin, tell us about a bill you know would magically have passed, because you say so. Tell us about HR1 for which Chuckles Schumer refused to allow a vote.

See pumpkin, that you know with 100% certainty, using 0% facts that a bill would have passed makes you the target of pointing and laughing. But You're accustomed to that, right?

You can gaslight all you want but it doesn't change the fact that there is going still be a Dem Prez and a number of seats in congress will be newly filled by dems due to this stupidity.

Thank you for playing the game "Insanity is your friend". You can pick up you prizes as you exit the back door.
You can gaslight all you want but it doesn't change the fact that there is going still be a Dem Prez and a number of seats in congress will be newly filled by dems due to this stupidity.

Thank you for playing the game "Insanity is your friend". You can pick up you prizes as you exit the back door.
Very impressivecthat you state "phacts" you cannot support.

Take your pointless "because I say so" nonsense and stop being a buffoon.

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