Another result of MAGA/Trumpism


The Adams quote is scrambled, Washington's mildly so.

Adams wrote that in a letter seven years before the Constitutional convention. Washington upon leaving office.

Our Founders did not anticipate there would be political parties, and yet they formed almost immediately during the 1787 Constitutional convention.

Washington is the only President who was not a member of a political party.

To me, it is a weird oversight our Founders did not anticipate or appreciate there would be parties.

I think a "loyal opposition" is the lifeblood of a democracy.
But they can call Trump a rapist, a convicted felon, a con man, a dictator ... with impunity?
I expect them to be low-lifes.

Does not mean we have to follow.

The name calling drives out the middle.

They do it, they lose votes.

If Trump would stop doing it, he'd gain those votes.

I'd spit on Max Waters if I had the chance. But I don't want Trump doing it.

I want him to win.
Don't get me wrong, but I will be voting for him.

Harris and the democrats 11th hour change is a load of crap. It doesn't impact me (I was always going to vote for Trump), but as people settle in realize this is a coup, she's going down in flames like the Hindenburg.
It is not a coup.

Let me remind you what a coup is:


It's hilarious the only people whining about a Harris "coup" are...Republicans. :laughing0301:

Trump is terrified of the black woman.
How will any of those incentivize 3rd party candidates?
The first goal would be to change the most counterproductive behaviors of the two "major" parties. Getting money out of the system and reducing the amount of time and money they spend on fundraising and running for re-election would alter their behaviors immediately. When a politician's top priority is raising money and getting re-elected, they're in there for the wrong reasons, and they're subject to manipulation.

I don't know how to get more parties involved. So for now, I'd be happy taking some influence away from the whacked out wings, who currently control the system.
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I expect them to be low-lifes.

Does not mean we have to follow.

The name calling drives out the middle.

They do it, they lose votes.

If Trump would stop doing it, he'd gain those votes.

I'd spit on Max Waters if I had the chance. But I don't want Trump doing it.

I want him to win.
Where do you draw a line? How about Marxist? IMHO it fairly describes her political philosophy.
Trump is a convicted felon.

Trump committed adultery against all three of his wives. THREE wives.

Trump had sex with a Playboy Playmate and a porn star while his third wife was home nursing their newborn.

Trump ripped off the elderly at his fake university.

Trump stole millions from eight charities, including one for cancer kids.

Trump's Organization was found to be so criminally fraudulent, it was shut down.

Trump's Foundation was found to have such a "shocking pattern of illegality", it was shut down.

Trump was adjudicated to have raped a woman.

Why was this man not put in prison a long time ago?

I will tell you. Friends in high places. Rudy Giuliani and the New York Favor Bank.

I have wondered over the years how Trump has been able to lead so many evangelical sheep to perdition. I recently figured it out.

There have been a number of church leaders, whose flocks number in the millions, who have been found to be guilty of pedophilia and other sex crimes.

And it is these vermin who have led their followers into Trump's claws. These scum recognize one of their own.

I don't know what kind of incredible mental gymnastics it must take for any moral person to support Donald Trump. It is downright biblical.
Alexis de Tocqueville warned in 1834 the perils of mixing politics and religion.

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

Democracy in America, Chapter 17

That is how Europe lost its religion and we can see it happening here now.
Well Harris isn't a authoritarian?
She has shown respect for the rule of law while Trumpy Bear is less so...

Harris isn't an elitist, she don't have a golden bathroom and born with a silver spoon. She worked to where she got.
And yes she dated a man older than her, so did a lot of people.
Dream on buddy.

You better research her record and stop believing propaganda from CNN.

Shut off the teevee!
Trump is a convicted felon.

Trump committed adultery against all three of his wives. THREE wives.

Trump had sex with a Playboy Playmate and a porn star while his third wife was home nursing their newborn.

Trump ripped off the elderly at his fake university.

Trump stole millions from eight charities, including one for cancer kids.

Trump's Organization was found to be so criminally fraudulent, it was shut down.

Trump's Foundation was found to have such a "shocking pattern of illegality", it was shut down.

Trump was adjudicated to have raped a woman.

Why was this man not put in prison a long time ago?

I will tell you. Friends in high places. Rudy Giuliani and the New York Favor Bank.

I have wondered over the years how Trump has been able to lead so many evangelical sheep to perdition. I recently figured it out.

There have been a number of church leaders, whose flocks number in the millions, who have been found to be guilty of pedophilia and other sex crimes.

And it is these vermin who have led their followers into Trump's claws. These scum recognize one of their own.

I don't know what kind of incredible mental gymnastics it must take for any moral person to support Donald Trump. It is downright biblical.
Yeah he sucks big time but amazingly, he might be better than Harris. That’s how bad she is! Neocon authoritarian doofus.

Two very unlikeable uninformed corporatist, elitist, warmongers for potus. What a country!

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