Trumps abortion flip flopping is costing him votes

The families have come out and said they requested Trump and the pictures. So you loons can fuck off. Leave those poor families alone.
You people must really be panicked by Trump's disgraceful effort to exploit fallen American soldiers for some perceived partisan gain, you're lying about it in threads where that's not even the topic.
It's gotta be something in the Old Weird Guy's internal poll #s.

Against Biden, Trump won white men 17% and white women by 7%. Imo if you're a white male who voted for Trump in 20, you wouldn't likely change your mind if he grabbed your wife in a private area. But that latter 7% number seems likely to fall. And Trump "only" lost hispanic women by 24%.

Can Trump make up losses with white men? The math says its possible, and surely Biden did better with white men than Harris will do.


His problem is that he is shedding votes from the fake christian nutcases but not picking up votes from normal folk.
He is also at odds with his VP pick who probably voices the authentic GOP view.
IE Stone them now..
Its confusing for voters but trump himself let this Genie out of the bottle.
I dont know what the answer to this issue is.
I dont think there is an answer.
In contrast Kamala is very clear what her policy is. Simple, sensible and humane.
I just need to ask, do you consider yourself tolerant of different views?
Aside from in bizarre instances of forcing kids to shower with transgender individuals of a sex non-conforming to their perceived gender, what are dems forcing anyone to do? By and large gerrymandering voters is fine. I'm not sure there's any affirm action by govt, and I'm heartly opposed to it. Can't be forced to abort.

I know dems in my city want ME to pay for some non-worker's tap water, but so far .... that ain't happening.

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