Its Time for Blacks to leave the Republican Party.

We have seen what the Republicn party is doing. Until there is a change, it is time for any black person who has good sense to leave the party. White republicans can just shut up tryingto tell us how we shouldn't. Your party has opposed everything that has helped blacks improve our situation since the civil rights act, claiming it is all racism against whites when it has not been. The problem in cities are not democratic policies, it is white backlash, and that white backlash woud be magnified if Republicans ran cities. There is really nothing more for me to discuss. I'm black living this, not some white Republican offering an opinion arguing based on my hurt feelings.
why would you guys stay with the democrats?....wasnt it Al Sharpton who said they tell you how they are for you but never invite you to dinner?..the democrats use your people for votes and once in a while throw you a bone and say see how wonderful we are...
I guess you’re just right, everyone is entitled to opinions.

I think the studies imply causation. Social pressure, familial history, and influence = 90% of black people voting for democrats. That could be just as much a causation as personal experience.
Implying causation isn't the same as proving causation. They're are no shortage of black voters who'll be happy to tell you why we don't vote for Republicans, all you need do is listen to what we tell you rather than cosplaying and make believing what you want to hear.
But you did, that’s what this whole thing is about, black people voting democrat because of Republican policies as opposed to democrat.
Yeah, Republican policies suck. They lead to poorer outcomes generally for the people who live in their counties and states and a lot of their voters are deplorably bigoted and racist. That isn't to say Democrats are perfect but they aren't the shit show the Republican party is.
But policies that make things fair for all is the way to address those inequalities.
Again that ain't saying shit. Fair is some subjective notion. I don't think you and I would agree on what's fair. I don't think it's particularly fair that Black Americans should have to live under laws and socio economic systems designed by slavers.
Nobody should be held back based on anything to do with race.
Again, that's just rhetoric. The fact of the matter is that Black Americans were so what are you prepared to do about it? If your answer is nothing then why wonder why so few wish to vote with you? Maybe you've succumbed to the notion that government isn't supposed to do anything for you but I'm of the belief that if you want my vote then I want to know how you plan to address my concerns, not just spout sad poetry at me about equality and freedom.
Everyone should have the same opportunities to succeed. That’s what republicans want. Everyone works hard and gets to go as far as they want. If there are any race based barriers that prevents that, then i am in favor of removing all of them.
The pretense there is that we live in a merit based society and yet the 10 to 1 wealth gap between white families and black families and the economic disparities between white Americans and the colonized immigrants of the third world is not from merit but from atrocity. Stopping your assault and theft of life and livelihood isn't the same as atoning or addressing it.
Some have, and you call them uncle toms and sellouts….
And? It all comes back to why you think that would particularly influence any free thinking adult to vote one way or the other.
So, in your opinion, 90% of all black people are like minded? They have all had the same negative experience with republicans?
I think we generally agree that Republicans suck as human beings, yes. You're looking at these studies for comfort as to why rather than just listening to the words coming out of black people's mouths.
But did you grow up in a typical black community? I thought you said you immigrated here.
Exactly. That's the thing, I didn't grow up in a typical Black American family. My family came here from Jamaica in the 80s and it didn't really take us long to figure out Republicans suck as human beings as well.
Still, these are not representative of how an entire populace votes. Remember, social pressure was just one factor. The others being influence by media and also familial history.
Or just history history. White southern conservatives have always been trash human beings.
What would you think if she did vote….Republican? Would that be ok? Or would you think something was wrong with her for doing soDoes your encouraging her to vote come with “vote what you think”?, or does it come with coaching, perhaps a lifetime of you saying things about how repubs are bad etc? Or have you always been neutral in your house about politics?
I've always been happy to let my daughter or whoever, be whoever they want to be. Who she votes for is of absolute no concern to me, I'd just be happy for to her more civically engaged. My concerns are all about whether she's a decent person and whether society will be decent to her in return.
What is pedantic about suggesting that social pressure and influence plays a part in how almost
all of one demographic votes?
Because apparently you think something is different in this population that makes them particularly susceptible in a way other demographics arent when the fact of the matter is nearly all minorities vote against Republicans in overwhelming rates. Asians, LGTBQ, Muslims, Jews..... Latinos give you the most support at a whopping 40% and many of them identify as white.
That’s a very plausible explanation, certainly as plausible that 90% of an entire group has had the same experiences that has influenced their views. THAT is a pedantic viewpoint. Im merely suggesting that there’s more at play here than “all black people have views formed by personal experience with the Republican Party”, I think a lot of their experience has been influenced by negative perception based on what they’ve been told all their lives.
I think a diverse group of people look at your people and your policies and have collectively concluded that you're trash.
So then you admit social pressure exists, yet you deny this is a possibility among the rest of the black community. The fact that you admit you are socially pressuring her…does this mean she can’t think for herself? I mean, that is the same argument you are using to debunk my argument.
I just mean that I ask her and her friends if they voted yet every election (I early vote) as subtle nudge and send her Jasmine Crockett videos unsolicited.
Not at all, it’s just a viewpoint based on what I’ve read, and it makes more sense than 90% of any demographic being of the same experience.
I'm sure it does make sense to you. There there. :itsok:
You feel free to imagine whatever motives you like cosplayer. :itsok:

I don't have to back up my feelings about you. I'm just expressing them, Moron.

You can find statistics about anything and all your studies showed were correlations, not causations.

I never claimed it was. Its your general vibe.

They are platitudes. Wanting those things isn't the same as coming up with policies to address socioeconomic inequalities.

And? There is social pressure for lots of things, as an adult you're supposed to be able to over come that sort of thing. Is there some reason you think black adults can't?There was social pressure to be catholic in my family and I'm agnostic. There was social pressure from others in family for my daughter to not get tattoos and she's all tatted up. (I happen to like them) And do you know what I try to socially pressure my 23 year old daughter to do? Vote! Does she? Not at all. I actually wish this social pressure was an actual thing. I've been trying to socially pressure her and friends, (who practically lived at my house through high-school) to vote ever since they turned 18 to no success. I don't even know if she knows there's a Jamaican running for President.

Because you have pedantic views about black adults.

It's not at all a plot, it's just plain ole dumb racism in search of a justification.

I’d be curious on your thoughts on this.

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