What happened to the Republican party?

Denial of W-H-A-T ??? I have no idea what you're babbling about. Unfortunately, apparently, neither do you...
I posted a TON of what I'm talking about in THIS THREAD.
Are you BLIND?????
Yes, YOU are blinded by your terminal TDS.
Nothing but FEELINGS from you here.
Check back thread, carrion crow.
Where I come from weird are men who prefer a mans dirty butthole over a beautiful vagina.
Weird are rug munching butch lesbians.
Weird are men who think they can be women by proclamation.
Weird are attention whore whackos with green 14” mohawks.
Weird are women who wear pink pussy hats.
Weird are leftarded kids with face and neck tattoos.
Weird are latte sipping pajama boy faggots.
Weird are suicidal gaming incels who dwell in grandmas basement.
The place you come from sounds awful. Full of intolerant, ignorant, bigots with no understanding that people love who they love because they were born that way. Otherwise known as trump country.
I posted a TON of what I'm talking about in THIS THREAD.
Are you BLIND?????
Yes, YOU are blinded by your terminal TDS.
Nothing but FEELINGS from you here.
Check back thread, carrion crow.
If you have no specifics to deal with in our narrow context then this exchange has come to its end...
The place you come from sounds awful. Full of intolerant, ignorant, bigots with no understanding that people love who they love because they were born that way. Otherwise known as trump country.
Yeah, this place with established standards, expectations, normalities and a moral order is no place for purple hairs, you’d hate it, folks are united, likeminded, law abiding and patriotic.
Yeah, this place with established standards, expectations, normalities and a moral order is no place for purple hairs, you’d hate it, folks are united, likeminded, law abiding and patriotic.
Which frightens you more, purple hair or brown skin?
Which frightens you more, purple hair or brown skin?
All good, real core Americans who care about the future of our nation are “frightened” by any and all factions that compromise the quality of our once great nation.
If you had standards…wouldn’t you be “frightened”?

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