What happened to the Republican party?

This is the same group that's haywire because Walz taught his students about Communism. They don't know what Marxism means. Neither does dumbass Orange Jesus.

Like the other terms they use for scaring themselves and each other, it appears to just mean "anything or anyone who doesn't fit into my incredibly narrow, simplistic and ignorant world view".

This is the same group that's haywire because Walz taught his students about Communism. They don't know what Marxism means. Neither does dumbass Orange Jesus.
You can keep on flailing in denial as you deny the REALITY right before your eyes.
The Republican Party had come to be to save America from the slaver Democrats.
Now, it's up to the Republican Party to save America from the Communist Democrats.
What is your definition of Marxism?

You Trumpsters spray it around like water, so you must have a clear and concise working definition of the term.

I can define it in one medium-sized sentence. Go ahead. I'm guessing your standards for it are spectacularly low.

A ideology made popular by Karl Marx that purports that a powerful, centralized State holds, maintains, operates and administrates the means of production which then get distributed to the people.

^^^ My own words

In history, in practice, and even in theory, it is an unmitigated disaster, often with a tragic number of preventable deaths.

^^^ Also my words

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