Will the Electoral College screw up another election?

The Electoral College is a curse on American democracy!
Our Presidential election process (via the electoral college) makes it difficult for a party to win by focusing on only the most populous demographics. For example, it's really hard to win by focusing on urban voters and dismissing rural voters.

Sorry, not sorry.
Our Presidential election process (via the electoral college) makes it difficult for a party to win by focusing on only the most populous demographics. For example, it's really hard to win by focusing on urban voters and dismissing rural voters.

Sorry, not sorry.
Because rural demographics deserve some special protection?

The electoral college is genius. Best idea we’ve had.

The better idea would be to strengthen the electoral college to include the popular vote.

Meaning that you have to get the 270 in the electoral college BUT you also have to win the plurality--not majority--of the popular vote. If you don’t get both, the House figures out who is the President. Meaning that of all the people who ran in the election, you have the will of the people embodied in the President elect either through their direct vote or through their elected representatives in the House.
I think that (in addition to the electoral win) it should require majority support - not just a plurality. And if they fail, we have a run off until one of them makes it. That's basically what ranked choice voting accomplishes.
Why is that a good thing? Why should Montana have the same power as Texas in the Senate? Why should Rhode Island have more electoral power per voter than Texas in the Presidential election?
Because every state in the union has sovereignty... Montana and Texas have equal power in the Senate because of the structure of the U.S. Congress... that balances representation between populous and less populous states...
If that wasn't the case states would leave the union...

To balance it out the House of Representatives is based on population... with larger states like Texas having more representatives than smaller states like Montana... and the Senate ensures equal state representation... while the House ensures representation based on population size....

So the Senate's structure emphasizes equality among states... while the House emphasizes equality among individuals based on population.... its a beautiful system and the only reason The United States are still United....
That IS, after all, the goal, to put the power of electing the president in the hands of a few large population centers. If they can do away with the EC, the next step will be to do away with the Senate, because each state has the same number of Senators with the same power, and they don't like that at all.
Because every state in the union has sovereignty... Montana and Texas have equal power in the Senate because of the structure of the U.S. Congress... that balances representation between populous and less populous states...
If that wasn't the case states would leave the union...

To balance it out the House of Representatives is based on population... with larger states like Texas having more representatives than smaller states like Montana... and the Senate ensures equal state representation... while the House ensures representation based on population size....

So the Senate's structure emphasizes equality among states... while the House emphasizes equality among individuals based on population.... its a beautiful system and the only reason The United States are still United....
The Electoral College is a curse on American democracy! It must be terminated, which I'll never see in my lifetime - but it must be terminated. Presidential elections should be based on PEOPLE - not ACREAGE.

What do you think?

It's time to abolish the Electoral College

5 Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College

Outgrowing the Electoral College

Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College

Since it is part of the system it can’t screw up. The only screw up are people that bitch and moan about it and yet, like yourself, do nothing about it but complain. Real positive action there.
I think that (in addition to the electoral win) it should require majority support - not just a plurality. And if they fail, we have a run off until one of them makes it. That's basically what ranked choice voting accomplishes.
Well, the system has to work in all conditions. If you have 2 candidates or 200. Currently we have 2 major parties. That could change. So I’m good with a plurality.
Does it though?

Do the more than 2 million people in Illinois that voted for Trump really have a voice?

Do the more than 6 million people in California that voted for Trump really have a voice?
Well, if we add the stipulation that the President elect also get the plurality of the popular vote in addition to 270 electoral college votes, they would.
Well, the system has to work in all conditions. If you have 2 candidates or 200. Currently we have 2 major parties. That could change. So I’m good with a plurality.
Plurality IS the problem. That's how Hitler got elected. We should demand majority support for the leader of the entire country. And, to be clear, I'm not arguing against the EC - I think it's an important safeguard.
I love when right wingers admit that they think slavers are end all be all to political thought. :lol:
Nope. The founders were wise enough to allow amendments to the constitution. Slavery is already taken care of. Now if you were wise enough to get off the dem plantation that would be great.
No other country uses the electiral college. It should be abolished due to the rest of the world using a popular vote. That will stop claims of stolen elections.

Did you ever stop to think no other country is as great as the USA because of the constitution?
Nope. The founders were wise enough to allow amendments to the constitution. Slavery is already taken care of. Now if you were wise enough to get off the dem plantation that would be great.
Wise enough to allow for change but not actually changing from slavery is even more damning to the deplorable nature of the Founders you Moron. It would be one thing if they engaged in slavery under duress but they chose it. :lol:
Wise enough to allow for change but not actually changing from slavery is even more damning to the deplorable nature of the Founders you Moron. It would be one thing if they engaged in slavery under duress but they chose it. :lol:

Quit your whining little bitch.

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