Anyone paying attention to this?

You have bad information.
This is a graphic that was posted by the MAGA member Healthmyths.


The interesting thing about these numbers is this...

Had COVID not slowed illegal immigration and it had keeping the same rate of growth as Trump's first 3 years, 2020 would have seen 1,504,638 crossings, which is pretty close to what we saw in 2021. Keeping the same rate of growth that Trump had his first 3 years 2023 would have seen 3,127,415 crossings...again pretty close to what we got.
This is a graphic that was posted by the MAGA member Healthmyths.
This is a graphic posted by WAPO sourced from US Border Patrol

Not really. The is no open border. It's a Neo-GOP myth. We don't have to worry about a false talking points.
"The 1.1 million deportations since the beginning of fiscal year (FY) 2021 through February 2024 (the most recent data available) are on pace to match the 1.5 million deportations carried out during the four years President Donald Trump was in office. These deportations are in addition to the 3 million expulsions of migrants crossing the border irregularly that occurred under the pandemic-era Title 42 order between March 2020 and May 2023—the vast majority of which occurred under the Biden administration."

Deportations were up because illegal crossing were at historic levels. They also admitted historic levels of illegals into the country. THis isn't rocket science
This is a graphic posted by WAPO sourced from US Border Patrol

Yep, peaked in May of 19 and then hit the valley during COVID.
The facts still destroy the myth that we have an open border.
Good luck selling that. What's going on in virtually every city in the country supports the "myth"

False. It ended itself. It had an expiration date.
"President Joe Biden initially kept Title 42 in place after he took office, then tried to end its use in 2022. Republicans sued, arguing the restrictions were necessary for border security. Courts had kept the rules in place. But the Biden administration announced in January that it was ending national COVID-19 emergencies, and so the border restrictions have now gone away."

How could it have an expiration date?
By it being written into the order. Of course.

Do you ever feel kind of silly, when you make stuff up that is false? Does it ever feel like you're being rude, when other posters have to do the work of debunking something you pulled right out of your ass?
Nice but these actions could have been taken three years ago but they weren’t. Instead the Biden/Harris administration told us for those three years there wasn’t an issue the border was good and secure when it clearly wasn’t. Let’s be glad they took action but let’s be honest as well they did so only when it became clear to them it was hurting their reelection chances not because of the damage the open border was doing to the country.
Nice but these actions could have been taken three years ago but they weren’t. Instead the Biden/Harris administration told us for those three years there wasn’t an issue the border was good and secure when it clearly wasn’t. Let’s be glad they took action but let’s be honest as well they did so only when it became clear to them it was hurting their reelection chances not because of the damage the open border was doing to the country.
And then those talking points disappeared into the wind, when the orange slob killed the border bill for personal gain.
Great work by our Border Czar
You Border Czar SUCKS ASS! She is the worst thing since Liverwurst sandwiches. She and Biden did NOTHING to stop that estimated 15 MIllion that came over and then right before the election, they "decided" to do something about it. Hell half the world is already here!

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