Explain this to me like I am 5 years old

even if firearms were outlawed and confiscated that wouldn't include criminals and it would not stop firearms from being smuggled in and sold to criminals. all it would do is disarm law abiding folks.
Yes it would
Because any criminal illegally possessing a firearm will be arrested
Yes it would
Because any criminal illegally possessing a firearm will be arrested
Someone yesterday said if we tracked all the illegal guns or if we could track them, we'd see they go from gang banger in Chicago from someone in a red state who got them from a gun manufacturer. Purchased them. So the gun manufacturer doesn't care. Corporations only care about $.

According to a federal study, the most common source of illegal guns used in New York City crimes are from Southern states with lax gun laws:
  • Georgia: 1,736 guns
  • Virginia: 1,677 guns
  • South Carolina: 1,421 guns
Someone yesterday said if we tracked all the illegal guns or if we could track them, we'd see they go from gang banger in Chicago from someone in a red state who got them from a gun manufacturer. Purchased them. So the gun manufacturer doesn't care. Corporations only care about $.

According to a federal study, the most common source of illegal guns used in New York City crimes are from Southern states with lax gun laws:
  • Georgia: 1,736 guns
  • Virginia: 1,677 guns
  • South Carolina: 1,421 guns
I wished that those guns stayed out of the hands of gangs. You see gangs kill someone from their car with a submachine gun and drive away. It is sad to see my state supply guns to gangs and other criminals.

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