Women prefer alpha males

And this is something an incel sexist would say.

Women are not some single entity that all think and act alike.

They are all individuals.

Have you ever even had a date?
Not lately. I'm referring to the women I dated back in the day. To say that women have differences is to concede that men do as well.

Recently I looked at some old photos of Mick Jagger and asked myself why I ever found that skinny-armed satanist attractive! Ditto Robert Plant. This was after I started realizing how satanic their music was too.



lol ... you think they would even consider YOU for a lay?
Not lately. I'm referring to the women I dated back in the day. To say that women have differences is to concede that men do as well.

Of course they do. I am not the one speaking of either group as if they all think the same.
and since then you are an incel, it seems since you think women all have some group mind that all think exactly the same.
How do I fit the description of an incel? And how does insulting me advance your argument?

Women may be different but often respond the same way to certain men that they are strongly attracted. It's what they do.
When you have many similar experiences with women you make generalizations.

and what percent of women have you had experiences with?

were they all in/from this country?

Perhaps you have similar experiences with women as those are the only women that will have a relationship with you?
Submission is something women do. It's built in.


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