Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

what? When did he do that?
Don't expect Trump to say what he thinks on foreign policy of aggression. He's already stuck with proclaiming that America started the war against Russia and is responsible for it.

Let me know if you need the proof.

Kamala on the other hand is stuck with having to live with the danger of proclaiming that she is totally prowar.

There is opportunity for both of them but both are risky. Which one of them will make the first move? If Kamala's fortunes go south, she will most likely need to make the point that Trump loves Russia and hates the Ukraine's democracy. Or something of that nature??

To which Trump will get the luxury of playing the nuke card!
A "shine" on Trump??
Ummm, I ain't exactly convinced that this little episode made Don Trump look better to America whatsoever.
It makes him and his enablers seem more than a little crass and tone-deaf.
Don Trump and the photographer and/or bullyboy that shoved the military veteran who was serving as a cemetery official are lookin' an awful lot like the bad guys in this sad mess.

Other than the fact, that the pictures taken in the restricted area ended up within hours on Trump's campaign website. In my humble opinion, that sure seems sorta 'partisan' to my poor avatar.



Not quite. Those tragically touched families ain't the only families that have an interest in that restricted section.

There are hundreds of families who have deceased members in that restricted area of newly dead. Those families have a say too. And with that many voices having legitimate and understandable motivations about the protocols effecting that section the military needed, and did.....enact regulations so that acceptable deportment and comportment of ALL visitors would be required.

In short, the rules exist for a reason. And that is because many many families have an interest in that restricted section.
There is no rule nor law nor precedent that pictures cannot be taken
It was a picture favorable for all and that rattles your feelings.
You should declare a nonexistent law that your feelings can’t be jostled
Tater was CIC, Simp. He could have sent in enough to secure the area. Or follow the advice of his military leaders and used Bagram AFB instead of the shithole airport in downtown Kabul. What an idiot.
First your premise that after Trump pulled out 90% of our forces, and 0% of the civilians. He should have done another escalation. That he should choose to put in 12,000 troops, before he chose to withdraw 12,000 troops.
Yes, so did the gold star families. This was all a disgraceful hoax by harris and the dembots
What's disgraceful is that gold star families would lie about meeting the president.

Just because they're a gold star family, or an ex-president, doesn't stop them from telling lies, and when they do, we call them on it.
Not illegal. Not a felony

You are making shit up again, Vrenn

Game. Set. Match.
Not all crimes are felonies.
An example. Illegal entry into the United States. People guilty of it you call illegal aliens. Yet that crime is NOT a felony.

But it's still illegal. Maybe you should study more.
Not all crimes are felonies.
An example. Illegal entry into the United States. People guilty of it you call illegal aliens. Yet that crime is NOT a felony.

But it's still illegal. Maybe you should study more.
another example of a demofks word salad
Ummm, mein freund, are you in the right thread?
The right chatroom venue?

You seem to have created your own little conversation with, it seems, an imaginary respondent.

What's up with that?
Yep, right thread.
Where is a picture and what’s the name of the DEI who started the ruckus ?
Army knows who is at fault and thus the hiding and silence
There is no rule nor law nor precedent that pictures cannot be taken
It was a picture favorable for all and that rattles your feelings.
You should declare a nonexistent law that your feelings can’t be jostled
If it's in section 60 of Arlington, or in a SCIF, or at NSA headquarters, photographs aren't allowed.

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