Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

" Qurayshism Does Not Apply Within Israel That Is Outside Of Hejaz "

* Not Concurring With Homicide By Doctrine For Sectarian Supremacist With Universal Expectations *

Yes, Trump was asking the same question recently, its fine to show contempt for other races, ethnicities and cultures so long as it's not Jewish.

It is valid to have contempt towards fictional ishmaelism as surah 9 was written 113th out of 114 in chronology and it is a hate speech militant manifesto upon which 1400 years of homicide by doctrine has been exercised .

The surah 9:111 correlates with september 11 of 2001 , wherein the following is stated , even though there is not a directive in the gospel to kill and be killed .

surah 9:111
Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

9:29. Fight those who do not believe in God or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., Islām] from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

* Self Defense Claim Is A Misrepresentation As A Tactic Of Fear *

The fictional ishmaelism adherent will practice takfir ( tactic of fear ) and misrepresent that its adherents are only entitled to self defense , when that dictum is only related in surah 2 and only applies within the " holy months " , after which surah 9 and conquest by the sword prevails .

Surah 2:194
[Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear God and know that God is with those who fear Him.

* Torahnism Not Judaism And Qurayshism Not Islam Both Are Genetic Religions *

as torahnism , qurayshism is genetic religion by eponymous patriarch
Surah 8:75 - And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God.

surah 106 Quraysh
1. For the accustomed security of the Quraysh -
2. Their accustomed security [in] the caravan of winter and summer -
3. Let them worship the Lord of this House,
4. Who has fed them, [saving them] from hunger and made them safe, [saving them] from fear.

The tribe of judah was one of 12 and the correct reference is to torahnism , just as the correct reference is to qurayshism , as the qurayn was written for the quraysh , as lineal descendants of ishmael .

The hejaz means the barrier and its jurisprudence spent 700 years determining its boundaries .

The ashkenazi ( ash kin of the nazis ) are descendants of japheth through peoples of gomer ( surprise , surprise , surprise ) and are not genetically semites from the lineage of shem as abraham via isaac , yet they adhere to expectations for a semitic deity .
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the delineation of races in use today was invented by ANTHROPOLOGISTS but informally
goes back to the 16 th century. HOWEVER color of skin was notable to many peoples who left records thereof. Color of skin is not "race" but naive people imagine it is. Your comment "He looks black to me" is about as idiotic
as if the first car you saw was red so you mistook an apple for a HONDA. HOWEVER---
color of skin was a huge issue in the literature
of the muslims and catholics because SOCIALLY---black skin was associated with slavery. The people of MYSORE INDIA---usually have darker skin than the people of
New Dehli India---or Kashmir but based on
race criteria developed by anthropologists---they are CAUCASIAN---race is a very nebulous and vague concept in the human SPECIES----it is a subset of species that is relevant in dog and horse breeding. The darkest color skin I have seen on a human is DRAVIDIAN (indian)---they are caucasian too-----if you want to be technical
See also: Eugenics and Scientific Racism

The US played a pivotal role in this, even to the point of influencing Nazi ideas about race, see how this is not an Arab idea, all of this eugenics, antisemitism, racism, mass extermination, gas chambers all of these originate in White European "Christian" civilization, not Arabs, not Islam.
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" Qurayshism Does Not Apply Within Israel That Is Outside Of Hejaz "

* Not Concurring With Homicide By Doctrine For Sectarian Supremacist With Universal Expectations *

It is valid to have contempt towards fictional ishmaelism as surah 9 was written 113th out of 114 in chronology and it is a hate speech militant manifesto upon which 1400 years of homicide by doctrine has been exercised .

The surah 9:111 correlates with september 11 of 2001 , wherein the following is stated , even though there is not a directive in the gospel to kill and be killed .

surah 9:111
Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

9:29. Fight those who do not believe in God or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., Islām] from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

* Self Defense Claim Is A Misrepresentation As A Tactic Of Fear *

The fictional ishmaelism adherent will practice takfir ( tactic of fear ) and misrepresent that its adherents are only entitled to self defense , when that dictum is only related in surah 2 and only applies within the " holy months " , after which surah 9 and conquest by the sword prevails .

Surah 2:194
[Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear God and know that God is with those who fear Him.

* Torahnism Not Judaism And Qurayshism Not Islam Both Are Genetic Religions *

as torahnism , qurayshism is genetic religion by eponymous patriarch
Surah 8:75 - And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God.

The tribe of judah was one of 12 and the correct reference is to torahnism , just as the correct reference is to qurayshism , as the qurayn was written for the quraysh , as lineal descendants of ishmael .

The hejaz means the barrier and its jurisprudence spent 700 years determining its boundaries .

The ashkenazi ( ash kin of the nazis ) are descendants of japheth through peoples of gomer ( surprise , surprise , surprise ) and are not genetically semites from the lineage of shem as abraham via isaac .
Ashkenaz is the ancient designation of the large land mass which is europe and parts of
Asia ----just as Canaan is the land mass sometimes described as THE LEVANT----the semantics game in which islamo nazi idiots engage is a branch of ISLAMO NAZISM ---
for the record HODU is the land mass which is largely India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh. ---
Mitsrayim is generally Egypt CUSH is another
geographical designation as is ARAM V'NAHARYIM. Bavel is you know what. ----
Atlantis SUNK
See also: Eugenics and Scientific Racism

The US played a pivotal role in this, even to the point of influencing Nazi ideas about race, see how this is not an Arab idea, all of this eugenics, racism, mass extermination, gas chambers all of these originate in White European "Christian" civilization, not Arabs, not Islam.
Your diversion is noted. Your understanding of ISLAM is a joke. In fact ---GENETIC LINEAGE is a very big issue as is race in
muslim societies. You fell for the "we are all equal" bullshit lie that muslims use to attract
members to their FIGHTING FORCES. Now go look for a SAYYID whose ass you can kiss
Ashkenaz is the ancient designation of the large land mass which is europe and parts of
Asia ----just as Canaan is the land mass sometimes described as THE LEVANT----the semantics game in which islamo nazi idiots engage is a branch of ISLAMO NAZISM ---
for the record HODU is the land mass which is largely India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh. ---
Mitsrayim is generally Egypt CUSH is another
geographical designation as is ARAM V'NAHARYIM. Bavel is you know what. ----
Atlantis SUNK

From Wikipedia: Ashkenaz

Ashkenaz (Hebrew: אַשְׁכְּנָז‎ ʾAškənāz) in the Hebrew Bible is one of the descendants of Noah. Ashkenaz is the first son of Gomer, and a Japhetic patriarch in the Table of Nations. In rabbinic literature, the descendants of Ashkenaz were first associated with the Scythian cultures, then later with the Slavic territories,[1] and, from the 11th century onwards, with Germany and northern Europe, or the Indo-European people, in a manner similar to Tzarfat or Sefarad.
That a person can be so blind and ignorant when there’s so much access to information tells me some people are beyond hope.

Try reading something other than the anti-Jew press.
It's a religious obligation to islam and those that support islam. There is no changing minds. Kill the Jews. Kill the Christians.
Your diversion is noted. Your understanding of ISLAM is a joke. In fact ---GENETIC LINEAGE is a very big issue as is race in
muslim societies. You fell for the "we are all equal" bullshit lie that muslims use to attract
members to their FIGHTING FORCES. Now go look for a SAYYID whose ass you can kiss
I do not claim to be a scholar of Islam madam, but I am keen to see what it is that has upset you so? Did I say something demonstrably false?

I fell for nothing, I simply stated some facts that some here prefer to keep hidden, preferring instead to contrive fairy tales about Arabs and Muslims hating Jews throughout history.

The mass extermination of Jews arose from WITHIN European civilization, not Arab culture, not Islamic culture. Antisemitism arose from WITHIN European civilization, being the result of politicized Christianity.

None of what I say is controversial, go and look for yourself.
right--the term ASHKENAZ is ascribed to a land mass and the term ASHKENAZI refers to a person with background in that area of the world. Your idiot diversion is noted. Sefarad
is also a geographical term as is MIZRAH, CUSH, MITZRAYIM, HODU etc etc and AMERICA
Do you have a source that support the claim "ASHKENAZ is ascribed to a land mass"?
It's a religious obligation to islam and those that support islam. There is no changing minds. Kill the Jews. Kill the Christians.
This is a canard, under the Ottomans for example Jews and Christians lived in relative peace under an Islamic government. There was no "kill the Jews" that came from Germans.
I do not claim to be a scholar of Islam madam, but I am keen to see what it is that has upset you so? Did I say something demonstrably false?

I fell for nothing, I simply stated some facts that some here prefer to keep hidden, preferring instead to contrive fairy tales about Arabs and Muslims hating Jews throughout history.

The mass extermination of Jews arose from WITHIN European civilization, not Arab culture, not Islamic culture. Antisemitism arose from WITHIN European civilization, being the result of politicized Christianity.
you are again revealing gross ignorance---
my very own hubby was born in a shariah
shit hole and I have interacted CLOSELY with
many people with the same misfortune---
hindus, christians, zoroastrians etc. You
have very scanty knowledge of history and
have clearly never read the koran--- kinda the classic comic version. POL POT
was not a christian nor are the BOKO HARAM
" Hodge Podge Of Who Is Who "

* Japheth Is Not Shem *

Ashkenaz is the ancient designation of the large land mass which is europe and parts of
Asia ----just as Canaan is the land mass sometimes described as THE LEVANT----the semantics game in which islamo nazi idiots engage is a branch of ISLAMO NAZISM ---
for the record HODU is the land mass which is largely India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh. ---
Mitsrayim is generally Egypt CUSH is another
geographical designation as is ARAM V'NAHARYIM. Bavel is you know what. ----
Atlantis SUNK
Is it factual that those contesting the establishment of israel continue to do so based on an assertion that those doing so are japhetic and not semitic ?

Gomer (Hebrew: גֹּמֶר‎ Gōmer; Greek: Γαμὲρ, romanized: Gamér) was the eldest son of Japheth (and of the Japhetic line), and father of Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah, according to the "Table of Nations" in the Hebrew Bible (Genesis 10).
This is a canard, under the Ottomans for example Jews and Christians lived in relative peace under an Islamic government. There was no "kill the Jews" that came from Germans.
The Ottomans are all dead. The civilization THEY had is gone. Islam now believes in the Koranic obligation to kill Jews, and kill or convert infidels. It is what they teach in the mosques and madrasses.
you are again revealing gross ignorance---
my very own hubby was born in a shariah
shit hole and I have interacted CLOSELY with
many people with the same misfortune---
hindus, christians, zoroastrians etc. You
have very scanty knowledge of history and
have clearly never read the koran--- kinda the classic comic version. POL POT
was not a christian nor are the BOKO HARAM
Are you disputing something I actually wrote or something you imagined I wrote? What does any of your diatribe have to do with anything I wrote?
Do you have a source that support the claim "ASHKENAZ is ascribed to a land mass"?
Yeah----I have a fairly poor to fair working
knowledge of the Hebrew Language. A very
interesting detail is that people who bear
the last name ASHKENAZI are usually,
I strongly believe----SEPHARDI . They got
to be designated ASHKENAZI because some
ancestors spent time there. Most typical
ASHKENAZ early on ---like 1000 years ago---
was in the vicinity of the Rhine valley
" Nothing New Under The Sun "

* Contempt For Call It Fate Dhimmi Status *

This is a canard, under the Ottomans for example Jews and Christians lived in relative peace under an Islamic government. There was no "kill the Jews" that came from Germans.
The general rule of fictional ishmaelism is to kill anyone until they abdicate to the pretentious sectarian supremacy of its dominion .

It would not be wise to presume that fictional ishmaelism is absolved of genocide when it was found purposeful by its leaders .

The difference between germany and assertions of history is whether it can be proven .
The Ottomans are all dead. The civilization THEY had is gone. Islam now believes in the Koranic obligation to kill Jews, and kill or convert infidels. It is what they teach in the mosques and madrasses.
Jews in Israel have made many many enemies since 1917, over one hundred years of colonialism, ethnic cleansing and racial supremacist nationalism have indeed generated much hatred, but hatred is inevitable when European Jewish foreigners invade occupied land and ethnically cleanse those living there so they can steal the land and build Jewish settlements.

Any hatred we see today is traceable to the emergence of militant Zionism following WW1, where Arabs and anti-Zionist Jews alike, were persecuted and terrorized. There never was any enmity between Jews and Arabs on anything like the scale the Jews have created in Palestine, it's a lie to claim otherwise, propaganda.
Are you disputing something I actually wrote or something you imagined I wrote? What does any of your diatribe have to do with anything I wrote?
your intimation that "antisemitism" was invented in Europe which is actually an islamo-
nazi meme. For insight--read the koran
" Nothing New Under The Sun "

* Contempt For Call It Fate Dhimmi Status *

The general rule of fictional ishmaelism is to kill anyone until they abdicate to the pretentious sectarian supremacy of its dominion .

It would not be wise to presume that fictional ishmaelism is absolved of genocide when it was found purposeful by its leaders .
yeah----but kinds SONOROUS for the average cyber-freak

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