Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

Here, I’ll summarize:

On the left, we have riots throughout the country on liberal campuses (and in liberal cities) where Jews are assaulted, kicked until they are unconscious, spit on, slammed up against walls, yanked out of dorm rooms, unable to walk across campus, subjected to chants of “Death to Jews!” - which leftists defend as “free speech” - and administrators and professors tolerate it all. We even had two administrators from a liberal middle school take their students out of class, handed them Palestinian flags, and marched them over to the Jewish Community Center where a nursery school class was in session and screamed “Death to Jews!” at the toddlers inside.

Response: but, but, but…..eight years ago, some people on the right yelled “Jews will not replace us!”
Please, enough of this ridiculous exaggeration, stop playing the victim card every time you get confronted with the racist crimes of the Zionist regime, it's pathetic.
Several of the villages/kibbutz now occupied by Jews were in fact long occupied by Arabs prior to 1948. The villages were then raided and the population ethnically cleansed, most ending up as refugees in Gaza were they remained and eventually had children and grandchildren.

Some of those grandchildren on Oct 7th acted out of vengeance for stolen land, stolen farms, stolen homes, stolen lives.
If arabs had accepted the 1948 partition they would have a state of their own today

But they wanted it all and wound up with nothing
" With Or Without Entitlement To Self Defense "

* Advocacy For 1400 Years Of Homicide By Doctrine Cries Foul *

Are the palestinians seeking amicable treatment under the law based on secular government or on sectarian supremacy of fictional ishaelism ?
They want Israel to leave the occupied territories, return the land stolen, reimburse the families who've been evicted and made homeless. They want an end to military checkpoints as they walk around their towns and an end to secret military courts that put non-Jew children on trial with secret evidence. They want and end to "administrative detention" (the Nazis called that "protective custody") which is quite simply hostage taking.

They want a cessation to settler attacks on Palestinians, they want settlers to be tried as domestic terrorists (which is exactly what they are, whites used to do this to blacks in the US, they were called KKK).

That's a small snippet of what some Palestinians want and have asked for over the past eighty years.
If Arabs had accepted the 1948 partition they would have a state of their own today
They refused that because it denied Arabs the right to democratically elect a government, it was an imposition by force of a foreign colonialist unelected Jew supremacist government on over a million indigenous Arabs at a time when Jews were a minority in the region, that's why the Arab delegation refused to be subject to external coercion.

The Arabs (falling inside the manufacture proposed "Israeli" borders) were being denied a right granted to them by the UN charter, namely the right to national self determination, the right to choose their destiny. There was HUGE pressure mounted on the US to approve the partition plan, to avoid supporting Arab self determination, the Zionist lobbies manipulated the US government to do its bidding, just as it is today, the following is undisputed historic fact, I quote: (emphasis mine)

The United States initially refrained from pressuring smaller states to vote either way, but Robert A. Lovett reported that America's U.N. delegation's case suffered impediments from high pressure by Jewish groups, and that indications existed that bribes and threats were being used, even of American sanctions against Liberia and Nicaragua.[94] When the UNSCOP plan failed to achieve the necessary majority on 25 November, the lobby 'moved into high gear' and induced the President to overrule the State Department, and let wavering governments know that the U.S. strongly desired partition.[95]

Proponents of the Plan reportedly put pressure on nations to vote yes to the Partition Plan. A telegram signed by 26 US Senators with influence on foreign aid bills was sent to wavering countries, seeking their support for the partition plan.[96] The US Senate was considering a large aid package at the time, including 60 million dollars to China.[97][98] Many nations reported pressure directed specifically at them.

United States (Vote: For): President Truman later noted, "The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White House, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders—actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats—disturbed and annoyed me."[99]

Source: United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine

Here, everyone who wants to talk about this should read the explanation the Arabs gave for their refusal to accept partition, the lies told about this are many and the Zionists always misrepresent reality because playing the victim is what they do best:

Cablegram from the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States to the Secretary-General of the United Nations

I encourage everyone reading this post, to read that letter written May 15 1948. Do not allow the Zionist propaganda machine to brainwash you. That letter is historic, part of the UN archives, but you will NEVER see any Zionist refer to it, they airbrush it out, they want to tell you what to think, do not allow them.

Israel is a Jew supremacist colony, populated today mostly by Europeans and their descendants, it should not exist in its current form, it is an abuse of the United Nations charter, a perpetuation of colonial control by the former white colonial superpowers.
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They refused that because it denied Arabs the right to democratically elect a government, it was an imposition by force of a foreign colonialist unelected Jew supremacist government on over a million indigenous Arabs at a time when Jews were a minority in the region, that's why the Arab delegation refused to be subject to external coercion.
Thats total bullshit

The 1948 UN partition plan created an independent Jewish state and an equally independent muslim country

The Pals turned it down and chose war instead
Thats total bullshit

The 1948 UN partition plan created an independent Jewish state and an equally independent muslim country

The Pals turned it down and chose war instead
If a foreign government took a map of Wales and drew a partitioning border for a proposed Jewish home land and the people of Wales and their leaders refused to accept the plan, how can you possibly try to represent that as intransigence by the Welsh rather than coercive colonization by the Jews?

The people of Wales would do exactly what the Arabs did, resist and call the planned state an illegitimate foreign colony and seek to destroy it, if the Zionists had tried that this is what they would have faced:

The Arabs had no less right to defend their people form foreign oppressive colonialist enemies than the Welsh would have had in this example, Zionism is founded on lies, those who defend it are liars; he who has an ear let him hear.
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If a foreign government took a map of Wales and drew a border for a proposed Jewish home land and the people of Wales and their leaders refused to accept the plan, how can you possibly represent that as intransigence by the Welsh rather than coercive colonization by the Jews?

The people of Wales would do exactly what the Arabs did, resist and call the planned state an illegitimate foreign colony and seek to destroy it, if they Zionists had tried that this is what they would have faced:

The Arabs had no less right to defend their people form foreign oppressive colonialist enemies than the Welsh would have had in this example.

Wales is under UK authority

If the British government in London decided to import millions of arabs from syria or palestine and settle them is wales - which the EU has already attempted to do throughout Europe the locals would be powerless to stop it

You still cant accept the fact that Pals rejected a peaceful two state solution

And that's the cause of their misery today
Wales is under UK authority

If the British government in London decided to import millions of arabs from syria or palestine and settle them is wales - which the EU has already attempted to do throughout Europe the locals would be powerless to stop it

You still cant accept the fact that Pals rejected a peaceful two state solution
I do accept the fact that they rejected partition just as any indigenous people would do.
And that's the cause of their misery today
Jew racial supremacy is the cause of their misery today along with aiding and abetting by the white former colonial powers without which the ultrasemitic nationalist regime would never have cursed the land with its sickening ideology, it would have been stillborn.
And instead prefer to live as refugees for eternity

How stupid is that?
The very same "stupid" as the indigenous South Africans were to not accept white minority rule and leave "peacefully" in a white supremacist state. Do you think it would be better to have allowed South Africa to continue apartheid or do you think it's better that it was ended?

The harsh reality here is that Israel is becoming unsustainable, it is now existentially dependent on the United States taxpayer, that's hardly a good way for a country to function. It is doomed to fail, all it can hope for is to continue the expansion and annexation and ethnic cleansing and brace itself for more inevitable terrorism. Israel generates terrorism, it is not a victim of it, it is a victim of its own evil nature.

Israel and sadly the majority of the Jewish population, are drunk on the blood of Arabs and Palestinians, intoxicated, drugged.
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" Scopes Of Homicide By Doctrine To Establish Religious Polities "

* No Compassion For Sectarian Supremacist Psychopathy Of Fictional Ishmaelism *

They want Israel to leave the occupied territories, return the land stolen, reimburse the families who've been evicted and made homeless.They want an end to military checkpoints as they walk around their towns and an end to secret military courts that put non-Jew children on trial with secret evidence. They want and end to "administrative detention" (the Nazis called that "protective custody") which is quite simply hostage taking.
They want a cessation to settler attacks on Palestinians, they want settlers to be tried as domestic terrorists (which is exactly what they are, whites used to do this to blacks in the US, they were called KKK).
That's a small snippet of what some Palestinians want and have asked for over the past eighty years
Are palestinians pandering to the sectarian supremacy for fictional ishmaelism and if so would it not help to renounce it ?

Otherwise , where is compensation for peoples enslaved as war booty and subjected to 1400 years of intimidation and homicide by doctrine for fictional ishmaelism , against which all are entitled to self defense ?
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" Scopes Of Homicide By Doctrine To Establish Religious Polities "

* No Compassion For Sectarian Supremacist Psychopathy Of Fictional Ishmaelism *

Are palestinians pandering to the sectarian supremacy for fictional ishmaelism and if so would it not help to renounce it ?

Otherwise , where is compensation for peoples enslaved as war booty and subjected to 1400 years of intimidation and homicide by doctrine by fictional ishmaelism , against which all are entitled to self defense ?
Are you actually disputing something I said or do you agree with what I said? I'm not clear at all.
Wales is under UK authority

If the British government in London decided to import millions of arabs from syria or palestine and settle them is wales - which the EU has already attempted to do throughout Europe the locals would be powerless to stop it

You still cant accept the fact that Pals rejected a peaceful two state solution

And that's the cause of their misery today
And more recently than ‘48, as well. Some time back, Israel offered the Pals 95% of the land they wanted, and they REJECTED the deal. Why, you ask? Because it was conditioned on their accepting Israel’s right to exist….and they REFUSED.

That tells you that their prime objective is not their own land - but the elimination of Israel and the Jews. These libs discussing them as though they are cut from the same moral cloth as the Israelis are being influenced by their hostility toward Jews.

Another topic might be WHY are the libs so hostile toward Jews, who after all have contributed to society well beyond their numbers. I posit it is because they resent that a small minority, subjected to abuse, prejudice, and horrors for two millenia, can overcome that to become one of the most successful, educated members of society. It kills that narrative that bigotry is the reason for failure.
I do accept the fact that they rejected partition just as any indigenous people would do.

Jew racial supremacy is the cause of their misery today along with aiding and abetting by the white former colonial powers without which the ultrasemitic nationalist regime would never have cursed the land with its sickening ideology, it would have been stillborn.
^^^ this nasty POS poster says stuff like “Jew racial supremacy” and then objects to being called out for his antisemitism.
And more recently than ‘48, as well. Some time back, Israel offered the Pals 95% of the land they wanted, and they REJECTED the deal. Why, you ask? Because it was conditioned on their accepting Israel’s right to exist….and they REFUSED.
As I would have.
That tells you that their prime objective is not their own land - but the elimination of Israel and the Jews. These libs discussing them as though they are cut from the same moral cloth as the Israelis as being influenced by their hostility toward Jews.
Eliminating a racial supremacist colonial regime is usually regarded as an honorable goal, like it was when we destroyed the Third Reich, not live along side it.
Another topic might be WHY are the libs so hostile toward Jews, who after all have contributed to society well beyond their numbers. I posit it is because they resent that a small minority, subjected to abuse and horrors for two millenia, can overcome that, to become one of the most successful, educated members of society. It kills that narrative that bigotry is the reason for failure.
That's a leading question, like me asking why are the Jews so hostile to Arabs that even 41,000 deaths is not enough to satisfy their thirst for blood.
The very same "stupid" as the indigenous South Africans were to not accept white minority rule and leave "peacefully" in a white supremacist state. Do you think it would be better to have allowed South Africa to continue apartheid or do you think it's better that it was ended?

The harsh reality here is that Israel is becoming unsustainable, it is now existentially dependent on the United States taxpayer, that's hardly a good way for a country to function. It is doomed to fail, all it can hope for is to continue the expansion and annexation and ethnic cleansing and brace itself for more inevitable terrorism. Israel generates terrorism, it is not a victim of it, it is a victim of its own evil nature.

Israel and sadly the majority of the Jewish population, are drunk on the blood of Arabs and Palestinians, intoxicated, drugged.
The Zulu Empire was separate from the Boor nations settled by whites

As I understand it was the British who wanted all of South Africa and invaded Zulu territory as well as overthrowing the Boor free states

If not for that South Africa would have been divided into black and white states
^^^ this nasty POS poster says stuff like “Jew racial supremacy” and then objects to being called out for his antisemitism.
Noam Chomsky and many many Jews taught me that reality, it was from Jews that I learned about Israel being Jew supremacist. Your problem is YOU want to TELL ME which Jews I MUST listen to, but I won't let you do my thinking for me, you're not getting your Zionist tentacles into my brain.
We can go round and round about the Moors, more and more history has come about showing that the Moors were in fact Black.
how do you define BLACK? "PERSON OF COLOR"? don't tell a Moroccan that he is
"BLACK" Even Kamala is less than half "black" but is so defined in your tiny mind. Read the koran----muhummad is very PARTICULARLY
described as white----for la la la SOCIETY AND
The Zulu Empire was separate from the Boor nations settled by whites

As I understand it was the British who wanted all of South Africa and invaded Zulu territory as well as overthrowing the Boor free states
If not for that South Africa would have been divided into black and white states
Try answering the actual question:

Do you think it would be better to have allowed South Africa to continue apartheid or do you think it's better that it was ended?

What's so hard about it?
As I would have.

Eliminating a racial supremacist colonial regime is usually regarded as an honorable goal, like it was when we destroyed the Third Reich, not live along side it.

That's a leading question, like me asking why are the Jews so hostile to Arabs that even 41,000 deaths is not enough to satisfy their thirst for blood.
I wasn’t talking to YOU.

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