Kamala Is Losing And Democrats Are In A Panic

Harris’s experience as a prosecutor, Senator and VP gives her experience in three branches of Government.

She is drawing people who did not want Biden/Trump Part 2

She answers the complaint that Biden is too old

Like it or not, she has reversed the race and Trump still does not have an answer
1. Republicans have experience as prosecutors, senators, and VP's but you wouldn't vote for any of them if they were running. So, that's not a reason to vote for Harris.

2. So? That's not a reason to vote for Harris. Kennedy was and is drawing people who didn't want Biden/Trump Part 2. That's not a reason to vote for Kennedy

3. Trump answers the complaint that Biden is too old.

4. I'll agree with your point four but that has nothing to do with a reason to vote for Harris.
Well I'm not a dimtard so optimism is easy for me.
Can't wait for the election.
I'm terrified of the election. Harris has a chance to win and she will win if she outdebates Trump and that is a very real possibility. So much so that I don't know if I will even watch the debate. I'm very afraid Trump is going to blow it.

Don't let this get to your head but I was in Minnesota over the weekend driving through several different areas and it seems that every rural area (which there are a lot of) had Trump signs all over the place. But, I doubt Trump will win Minnesota. That is another state where Trump had a good shot against Biden but no shot against Harris.
I'm terrified of the election. Harris has a chance to win and she will win if she outdebates Trump and that is a very real possibility. So much so that I don't know if I will even watch the debate. I'm very afraid Trump is going to blow it.

Don't let this get to your head but I was in Minnesota over the weekend driving through several different areas and it seems that every rural area (which there are a lot of) had Trump signs all over the place. But, I doubt Trump will win Minnesota. That is another state where Trump had a good shot against Biden but no shot against Harris.
I think Trump will do just fine against Harris.
Communism will not win out, not this time anyway.
If true, it falls under the heading "Never give a Sucker, and Even Break".
Like I have said, they are now sadder but wiser people now, but with a record, for easier tracking and background.

I read somewhere, recently, only 4% of the entire US population, would even (rational/irrationally, take your pick) consider taking part in an attack on the Federal and less than 1% actually would. Donny's lies really speak to the one-percenters.
You still seem to want to believe the hogwash story of an insurrection.

That is your big mistake.

FYI, if you've been paying attention, most of the BLM riots were staged by communists in the CIA. CIA Director John Brennan helped plan many of the events they staged in 2020.

For some strange reason they plant several pallets of bricks wherever they have demonstrations they want to turn violent. (They even staged pallets of bricks outside the DNC in Chicago, but the city had them removed as soon as they were spotted)

Some political organizer goes up to a building and throws a brick thru a window and he starts encouraging people to break and steal sh*t.

The people that are there aren't aware they're being manipulated. They just want all of the free sh*t. Emotions run high and they forget about their principles.

Most people wouldn't want to attack a federal facility, but emotions sometimes run high during protests. Communists have been using protests for close to 100 years to cause violence in dozens of countries. This is all pretty straight forward. The CIA has done it for a long time in Central and South America. They've been conducting regime changes in other countries and now they've done it in the United States.
I'm terrified of the election. Harris has a chance to win and she will win if she outdebates Trump and that is a very real possibility. So much so that I don't know if I will even watch the debate. I'm very afraid Trump is going to blow it.

Don't let this get to your head but I was in Minnesota over the weekend driving through several different areas and it seems that every rural area (which there are a lot of) had Trump signs all over the place. But, I doubt Trump will win Minnesota. That is another state where Trump had a good shot against Biden but no shot against Harris.
If the election was honest I wouldn't worry much. But these things are never honest.
1. Republicans have experience as prosecutors, senators, and VP's but you wouldn't vote for any of them if they were running. So, that's not a reason to vote for Harris.

2. So? That's not a reason to vote for Harris. Kennedy was and is drawing people who didn't want Biden/Trump Part 2. That's not a reason to vote for Kennedy

3. Trump answers the complaint that Biden is too old.

4. I'll agree with your point four but that has nothing to do with a reason to vote for Harris.
1. Republicans have experience as prosecutors, senators, and VP's but you wouldn't vote for any of them if they were running. So, that's not a reason to vote for Harris.

No Republican, especially Trump, has experience in three branches of Government

2. So? That's not a reason to vote for Harris. Kennedy was and is drawing people who didn't want Biden/Trump Part 2. That's not a reason to vote for Kennedy

RFK Jr is a sideshow clown and has no serious support
Harris answers the call for someone other than the geriatric Trump and Biden

3. Trump answers the complaint that Biden is too old.

Trump is older than when Biden ran in 2020. He is geriatric and showing signs of weakened mental capacity

4. I'll agree with your point four but that has nothing to do with a reason to vote for Harris.

Harris is running a strong campaign

5. Abortion rights

Trump took them away, Harris is fighting to restore them
Sorry, bubba, but I have spent years training on communications security, crypto security, how to spot a spy, training on unconventional warfare, psychological operations.....etc,. I would never turn my back on the constitution and become a traitor to my country.

I held a Top Secret SCI clearance for years in the Army as a 36L Electronic Switch Repairer, till I volunteered for Special Forces to become an 18E, a Special Forces Communications SGT. The FBI does a background check on anyone who applies for that type of clearance. (Many of my classmates were paid a visit by the FBI asking them about what I was like in H.S. I found this out at my 20 anniversary class reunion back in my hometown in 1994.)

Because of my training, and my clearance, one of my assignments could have been working in the White House. I would have been working with LtCol Vindman if I was in the military as a 36L.

What he did was treason. He agreed to release TOP SECRET communications by President Trump to Rep Adam Schiff, who then used it as a predicate to bring impeachment proceedings against Trump. That is treason. They made up some story about Trump shaking down Ukraine's president to get him to investigate Hunter Biden. That was a total fabrication. Trump knew that Zeninsky was into some pretty dirty sh*t and he warned him that he wouldn't be sending him any foreign aid till he cleaned up his act.

The reason they impeached Trump is because the Russian Collusion hoax blew up in their faces. Adam Schiff said he had absolute proof of it, and it turns out he lied about it.

These people you want to believe will do anything to get Trump. They've even attempted to murder him and that failed.

I really think you need to wise up and do some soul searching yourself.
Not really. I had Trump's number early on, but gave him the first 9 months of his administration to prove my assessment of him incorrect. Nope. He lived down below, even my cynical assessment.

I cannot discount the possibility, they tried to have him killed. That does not make him better than assessed. It would speak volumes about them, if proven correct, but that will not happen in my lifetime.
You still seem to want to believe the hogwash story of an insurrection.

That is your big mistake.

FYI, if you've been paying attention, most of the BLM riots were staged by communists in the CIA. CIA Director John Brennan helped plan many of the events they staged in 2020.

For some strange reason they plant several pallets of bricks wherever they have demonstrations they want to turn violent. (They even staged pallets of bricks outside the DNC in Chicago, but the city had them removed as soon as they were spotted)

Some political organizer goes up to a building and throws a brick thru a window and he starts encouraging people to break and steal sh*t.

The people that are there aren't aware they're being manipulated. They just want all of the free sh*t. Emotions run high and they forget about their principles.

Most people wouldn't want to attack a federal facility, but emotions sometimes run high during protests. Communists have been using protests for close to 100 years to cause violence in dozens of countries. This is all pretty straight forward. The CIA has done it for a long time in Central and South America. They've been conducting regime changes in other countries and now they've done it in the United States.
Some could be true, some probably not. Strung together, it make a nice propaganda line, that serves you well, if speaking to people not trained to resist propaganda. Whatever it is, it does not serve you well.
I think Trump will do just fine against Harris.
Communism will not win out, not this time anyway.
Instead of calling people names and bullying and mocking them, Trump needs to clearly talk about the issues, what his side of the issues are, and state which side of the issues Harris is on and he can win. But, Trump has won in the past by not doing that and calling people names and bullying and mocking them instead so I don't have any confidence that he can change.

He needs to show that he is more "presidential" than she is. I think both sides make a mistake that they can win by just getting out the vote. They both need to win over the middle and the independents because they are the ones who actually decide elections.

Trump needs to continue winning over women, blacks, Latinos, and others. He needs to send out an army of women such as Tulsi Gabbard and others to fight for him and help to negate the abortion issue which Harris is going to hit hard on. Treating Kamala Harris like Hillary Clinton though is not going to work.

While Americans have been suffering the dems have been touting the stock market and the economy so they need to be held accountable now that those very things are starting to tank.
Instead of calling people names and bullying and mocking them, Trump needs to clearly talk about the issues, what his side of the issues are, and state which side of the issues Harris is on and he can win. But, Trump has won in the past by not doing that and calling people names and bullying and mocking them instead so I don't have any confidence that he can change.

He needs to show that he is more "presidential" than she is. I think both sides make a mistake that they can win by just getting out the vote. They both need to win over the middle and the independents because they are the ones who actually decide elections.

Trump needs to continue winning over women, blacks, Latinos, and others. He needs to send out an army of women such as Tulsi Gabbard and others to fight for him and help to negate the abortion issue which Harris is going to hit hard on. Treating Kamala Harris like Hillary Clinton though is not going to work.

While Americans have been suffering the dems have been touting the stock market and the economy so they need to be held accountable now that those very things are starting to tank.
I think he will do just fine in the debate and does a great job speaking to the issues.
But Harris and the dimtard ilk deserve to be attacked for what they have done in trying to destroy our country.
If the election was honest I wouldn't worry much. But these things are never honest.
Biden's job was to keep the election close so that the dems could bring them over the finish line. When it became clear that he could not do that, Harris was installed with the same directive - just keep the election close. We need to make sure we win the close election. Some on the right seem to be OK with losing and then griping about a stolen election. I want to win so that the other side gripes about a stolen election. Winning is better than losing. I don't understand the mentality of being OK with losing and then griping about it.
Biden's job was to keep the election close so that the dems could bring them over the finish line. When it became clear that he could not do that, Harris was installed with the same directive - just keep the election close. We need to make sure we win the close election. Some on the right seem to be OK with losing and then griping about a stolen election. I want to win so that the other side gripes about a stolen election. Winning is better than losing.
We will win.
Still the odds are against him

Their is only one president who lost a second election and able to comeback and win the 3rd election

The majority have failed

Well they do say "Hope springs eternal"

Trump will repeat but fine tune it

"I hope that I will be your spring for eternity"

Just need to change some laws which will be my agenda if elected
Get a few people released from jail using a pardon

then it gets real

Wake up Donald, Can you please take out the trash

Donald say "We got people for that don't we?"

In your wildest dreams!
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1. Republicans have experience as prosecutors, senators, and VP's but you wouldn't vote for any of them if they were running. So, that's not a reason to vote for Harris.

No Republican, especially Trump, has experience in three branches of Government

2. So? That's not a reason to vote for Harris. Kennedy was and is drawing people who didn't want Biden/Trump Part 2. That's not a reason to vote for Kennedy

RFK Jr is a sideshow clown and has no serious support
Harris answers the call for someone other than the geriatric Trump and Biden

3. Trump answers the complaint that Biden is too old.

Trump is older than when Biden ran in 2020. He is geriatric and showing signs of weakened mental capacity

4. I'll agree with your point four but that has nothing to do with a reason to vote for Harris.

Harris is running a strong campaign

5. Abortion rights

Trump took them away, Harris is fighting to restore them
1. You don't vote for someone just because they have experience in three branches of government. You vote for them because you agree with their policies. If there was a Republican with experience in all three branches of government and Harris didn't, you wouldn't vote for the Republican anyway.

2. That is just your opinion

3. again, your opinion

4. Just because someone runs a strong campaign is not a reason to vote for them.
I think he will do just fine in the debate and does a great job speaking to the issues.
But Harris and the dimtard ilk deserve to be attacked for what they have done in trying to destroy our country.
Actually, while Harris/Walz still don't even seem to have a platform, Trump really doesn't have many specific policies either and has been doing a lot of vague flip flops (abortion issues for one). When asked questions about what he would do as president he often sidesteps the question and rants about something else, avoiding the question altogether.

I hope he practices well for the debate. Harris has been avoiding even her very own press for the most part and the MSM have been pretty much allowing her to do that so far. I have seen over the last few years that debate prep has really been bad in that both sides seem to have no clue how their opposition will act in the debate. That was certainly true with Biden/Trump. It was like the Biden camp had no clue how Trump would be in the debate.

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