Kamala Is Losing And Democrats Are In A Panic

Exactly why I and millions of other Americans are voting for Harris
But so far you haven't listed any specific policies that you would vote for. "Help the middle class" doesn't count. I'll give you a hint. Abortion could be a reason. Remarkably, I haven't heard anyone on the left even say they were voting for Harris due to her stances on abortion. They would just rather say they are voting for her because she isn't Trump and she isn't old man Biden.
But so far you haven't listed any specific policies that you would vote for. "Help the middle class" doesn't count. I'll give you a hint. Abortion could be a reason. Remarkably, I haven't heard anyone on the left even say they were voting for Harris due to her stances on abortion. They would just rather say they are voting for her because she isn't Trump and she isn't old man Biden.
Harris help the middle class?
She will have them all living in the streets.
But so far you haven't listed any specific policies that you would vote for. "Help the middle class" doesn't count. I'll give you a hint. Abortion could be a reason. Remarkably, I haven't heard anyone on the left even say they were voting for Harris due to her stances on abortion. They would just rather say they are voting for her because she isn't Trump and she isn't old man Biden.

Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner
When I do list policies

You just repeat……you can’t name any policies
Harris help the middle class?
She will have them all living in the streets.
The left are a broken record. They are always saying they are against the rich, for the poor, for social justice and wealth equality, and are for saving the planet. And yet all of their policies, even though they may SOUND like they help these people, actually hurt the poor and make social injustice worse.

Yes, you can say that your policies are to help the middle class but that doesn't count if they actually make things worse. Take the deep blue states of New York and California for example. They are completely run by Democrats and they have the most poor, the most wealth inequality, the most social injustice, the highest prices, and the most homeless. So, yes, you formulated policies to help the poor and the middle class, but those policies not only didn't work but they made things much worse.

Trump needs to point this kind of stuff out instead of calling people names and ranting about things which voters don't really care about. The voters care about meat and potatoes.
The left are a broken record. They are always saying they are against the rich, for the poor, for social justice and wealth equality, and are for saving the planet. And yet all of their policies, even though they may SOUND like they help these people, actually hurt the poor and make social injustice worse.

Yes, you can say that your policies are to help the middle class but that doesn't count if they actually make things worse. Take the deep blue states of New York and California for example. They are completely run by Democrats and they have the most poor, the most wealth inequality, the most social injustice, the highest prices, and the most homeless. So, yes, you formulated policies to help the poor and the middle class, but those policies not only didn't work but they made things much worse.

Trump needs to point this kind of stuff out instead of calling people names and ranting about things which voters don't really care about. The voters care about meat and potatoes.
She steals from us to pay for stupid programs like downpayments on homes people can't afford, school loans payoffs, taxes on things we haven't even earned.....all commie bs. It will be great to see her flushed down the toilet when she loses and the dimtards have to find a puppet for the next election.
The left are a broken record. They are always saying they are against the rich, for the poor, for social justice and wealth equality, and are for saving the planet. And yet all of their policies, even though they may SOUND like they help these people, actually hurt the poor and make social injustice worse.

Yes, you can say that your policies are to help the middle class but that doesn't count if they actually make things worse. Take the deep blue states of New York and California for example. They are completely run by Democrats and they have the most poor, the most wealth inequality, the most social injustice, the highest prices, and the most homeless. So, yes, you formulated policies to help the poor and the middle class, but those policies not only didn't work but they made things much worse.

Trump needs to point this kind of stuff out instead of calling people names and ranting about things which voters don't really care about. The voters care about meat and potatoes.
Trump will do what he did before.....actually help the middle class.
Yeah, but that is because you are not embarrassed to vote for him. And, I'm saying that this time around there are few who are embarrassed to vote for him. But, in other elections, there seemed to be a large number of people who voted for Trump and didn't want friends, family, or pollsters to know. Maybe embarrassed is a bad word. Bottom line, I think that skewed the polls away from Trump in 2016 and even in 2020 but I'm getting a sense that this year people are not embarrassed (for lack of a better word) to vote for Trump, which, if true, translates into the polls actually being more accurate this year and not skewed as much against Trump and I'm warning us on the right not to just assume the polls are skewed against Trump this time around.

I think they were simply tired of the self-righteous loud-mouthed left getting after them. If you don't want to tell people to "f**k off", then you simply don't say anything.

I would agree that we need to keep our foot on the accelerator. We need to keep the house and win the senate too.
She steals from us to pay for stupid programs like downpayments on homes people can't afford, school loans payoffs, taxes on things we haven't even earned.....all commie bs. It will be great to see her flushed down the toilet when she loses and the dimtards have to find a puppet for the next election.

She's really stealing from our children and grandchildren.

The same way all president (including Trump) have. Only Biden was much worse (and spare me the 10 years out crap). Harris will pay for stuff today with our kids money and our grandkids money.

She really is clueless.
Alternet is in full gaslighting mode.

No wonder they use the alter (as in alter universe) in their name.

She is sinking and all they do is post about how she is gaining.
Trump tried to steal the election and is being prosecuted for it
Nope. Trump had nothing to worry about until he announced he was running again.

If you remember.....within hours of Trump announcing he was running AG Garland appointed Jack Smith to harass and prosecute him for whatever crap they could dream up.
Nope. Trump had nothing to worry about until he announced he was running again.

If you remember.....within hours of Trump announcing he was running AG Garland appointed Jack Smith to harass and prosecute him for whatever crap they could dream up.

Trump was under investigation years before he announced he was running
She steals from us to pay for stupid programs like downpayments on homes people can't afford, school loans payoffs, taxes on things we haven't even earned.....all commie bs. It will be great to see her flushed down the toilet when she loses and the dimtards have to find a puppet for the next election.
I don't know. The dimtards like the free stuff and vote for it.

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