Trump Says Musk Will Lead New ‘Government Efficiency Commission’— (Poll)

Do you support the "Government Efficiency Commission" in concept

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • No

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
Do you mean that he wants Russia and China to quit having a say in our affairs, end an agreement where we have to protect Europe (with practically no contribution from them),
You sound as ignorant as Trump.

NATO countries don't "contribute" anything to NATO. They are simply obligated to spend at least 2 percent of their GDP on their own defense, which most of them do.

Anyone, like Trump, who does not see how NATO contributes to peace and stability is a Russian stooge. A useful idiot.

The pressure for us to leave NATO is coming from Putin.

As for "having a say in our affairs", no one is more of a Putin and Xi and Kim cocksucker than Trump. Trump adores strongmen and he makes no attempt to hide it.

Trump is doing Putin's bidding by trying to break up NATO.

do away with a politicized organization that has proven themselves to be incompetent, and reform the tax code where even the leeches pay their fair share (Fair Tax)?

The FBI is not a politicized organization. Trump has you rubes standing against them for holding him accountable for one of the worst crimes committed in our entire history.

It is amazing you tards attack the far left Democrats and their "defund the police" movement while you simultaneously scream to...defund the police.

How about adding do away with giveaways based solely on race, and casting illegal votes by people that aren't citizens and are breaking our laws by even being here?
There is no evidence illegals are voting in numbers which affect the outcome of an election.

None. Zero. Zip.

Trump lies. And THAT is an actual fact.

As for lawbreaking, illegal immigrants are far more law abiding than US citizens. Study after study proves it, and if you spend two fricking seconds THINKING, you would realize the last thing an illegal immigrant wants is to draw attention to themselves by the authorities.

So, sorry, dipshit. They aren't risking deportation by voting, or by breaking the law. That's why Trump had to abandon his search for his imaginary five million illegal voters. He didn't find a single one.

Those five million Mexicans must be fucking BRILLIANT to evade detection!

Your propagandists are feeding you stories in textbook confirmation bias style. Because they know you are stupid enough and ignorant enough to fall for that bullshit
You sound as ignorant as Trump.

NATO countries don't "contribute" anything to NATO. They are simply obligated to spend at least 2 percent of their GDP on their own defense, which most of them do.

Anyone, like Trump, who does not see how NATO contributes to peace and stability is a Russian stooge. A useful idiot.

The pressure for us to leave NATO is coming from Putin.

As for "having a say in our affairs", no one is more of a Putin and Xi and Kim cocksucker than Trump. Trump adores strongmen and he makes no attempt to hide it.

The FBI is not a politicized organization. Trump has you rubes standing against them for holding him accountable for one of the worst crimes committed in our entire history.

It is amazing you tards attack the far left Democrats and their "defund the police" movement while you simultaneously scream to...defund the police.

There is no evidence illegals are voting in numbers which affect the outcome of an election.

None. Zero. Zip.

Trump lies. And THAT is an actual fact.

As for lawbreaking, illegal immigrants are far more law abiding than US citizens. Study after study proves it, and if you spend two fricking seconds THINKING, you would realize the last thing an illegal immigrant wants is to draw attention to themselves by the authorities.

So, sorry, dipshit. They aren't risking deportation by voting, or by breaking the law.

Your propagandists are feeding you stories in textbook confirmation bias style. Because they know you are stupid enough and ignorant enough to fall for that bullshit
The NATO countries who are now paying there required share after decades of not paying their "fair share" is the result of Trump's actions, Simp.
Examples of Impact from Government Efficiency Initiatives

While the Government Efficiency Commission is still in the proposal stage, there are existing examples from similar initiatives that illustrate the potential impact of such commissions on government operations and spending.

1. Cost Savings through Audits: The Government Accountability Office (GAO) regularly identifies opportunities for improving government efficiency. For instance, their reports have highlighted fragmented and overlapping federal programs, recommending better collaboration among agencies. In one report, the GAO suggested that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) collaborate with other agencies to streamline tsunami hazard alerts, which could lead to significant cost savings and improved public safety.

2. Elimination of Duplicative Programs: The GAO has also pointed out numerous federal programs with duplicative goals, proposing hundreds of ways to consolidate efforts. These recommendations have the potential to save billions of dollars by reducing redundancy and improving the effectiveness of government services.

3. Efficiency in Local Governments: Various local government efficiency commissions have been established to stretch taxpayer dollars further. Although the impact of these commissions is often not thoroughly assessed, some have reported significant improvements in operational efficiency and cost reductions. For example, initiatives aimed at reducing waste and improving service delivery have been implemented in several municipalities, leading to better resource allocation.

4. Performance Audits Leading to Reforms: In the UK, similar efficiency frameworks have been employed to assess government properties and operations. These audits have resulted in recommendations that not only reduce operating costs but also enhance the sustainability of government facilities, demonstrating a direct link between efficiency measures and financial benefits.

5. Potential for Drastic Reforms: If the proposed Government Efficiency Commission led by Elon Musk were to be established, it could follow the examples set by other efficiency initiatives. Trump has indicated that the commission would aim to eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months, which could lead to substantial financial recoveries for the government.

These examples illustrate how efficiency commissions can lead to significant improvements in government operations, potentially resulting in substantial cost savings and enhanced service delivery.

==> It's a great idea for America to do such things. Minimum taxes and maximum services can make America great great again! lol. :)

sources :

1. Government Efficiency and Effectiveness: Opportunities to Improve Collaboration and Achieve Billions of Dollars in Financial Benefits

2. Government Efficiency and Effectiveness: Opportunities to Reduce Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication and Achieve Billions of Dollars in Financial Benefits

3. The Government Efficiency Framework

All very true. But back in 1984 the Grace Commission made major cost-saving recommendations. Congress would not approve any of them. No congressman ever wants to save any money spent in his district.
Trump started with a $4T Budget. Biden is now at $7.3T

Biden’s 2025 Budget is $7.30T with a $1.8T deficit______TOTAL BIDEN $6.9T (in theory)
Biden’s 2024 Budget was $7.30T with a $2.0T deficit
Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Trump's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit___ TOTAL TRUMP $7.6T (actual)
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit
Trump's 2019 Budget was $4.40T with a $0.9T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit
Like I said. Trump's debt is larger than Biden's.

I'm actually surprised by that since I predicted at the time Biden took office he would run up a much larger debt than Trump.
Pres. Trump Has voiced his support for terminating the EPA outright & sending education back to the states. Pres Trumps ideas here are not all comprehensive but @ least it's a start towards exterminating corrupt federal bureaucracies.
I would also send Welfare (save $1.5T) and Medicaid (save $1.7T) back to the states.
Pres. Trump Has voiced his support for terminating the EPA outright & sending education back to the states. Pres Trumps ideas here are not all comprehensive but @ least it's a start towards exterminating corrupt federal bureaucracies.
The Department of Education was formed under President Jimmy Carter in 1979.

Ronald Reagan campaigned in 1980 on abolishing the DOE.

How's that working for ya?

If Reagan couldn't strangle that baby in the crib, what are the odds a pandering game show host bullshitter can do it?
The Department of Education was formed under President Jimmy Carter in 1979.

Ronald Reagan campaigned in 1980 on abolishing the DOE.

How's that working for ya?

If Reagan couldn't strangle that baby in the crib, what are the odd a pandering game show host can do it?
Baby strangling is a Dimwinger thing. Only thing you clowns are good at.
Pres. Trump Has voiced his support for terminating the EPA outright & sending education back to the states. Pres Trumps ideas here are not all comprehensive but @ least it's a start towards exterminating corrupt federal bureaucracies.
The EPA was created under Republican President Richard Nixon, with the hearty bipartisan approval of Congress.

You see, EVERYONE used to give a damn about the environment when our rivers were catching on fire, corporations were burying toxic waste under playgrounds, and you couldn't see our cities under all the smog.

So, yeah. Abolish the EPA and see where that gets you.
Trump also wants us out of the UN and NATO
He wants to disband the FBI and defund the IRS
Trump made NATO stronger

'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost​

The FBI, currently a political agency, needs to be decapitated and rebuilt in a non-partisan manner.

The IRS needs to have the new 80,000 agents "willing to kill" removed
Is Trump smarter

than you are?
Elon Musk is speaking out against government subsidies. Here's a list of the billions of dollars his businesses have received.

Give me a few billion dollars of government handouts, and I can become one of the richest people on Earth, too.
Winning a government contract is NOT getting billion in subsidies. There is a list of companies getting subsidies....googling...

FOXCONN & BOEING are among the biggest, the subsidies are mostly to entice companies to build plants here in the US, Musk did not receive $billions.
Trump made NATO stronger

'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost​

When Trump left office, only 9 NATO countries were meeting the 2 percent obligation.

Under Biden, 23 of them are.

And NATO has grown by two countries under Biden's leadership.

Trump would disband NATO.

So don't give us this bullshit Trump would make NATO stronger.
When Trump left office, only 9 NATO countries were meeting the 2 percent obligation.

Under Biden, 23 of them are.

And NATO has grown by two countries under Biden's leadership.

Trump would disband NATO.

So don't give us this bullshit Trump would make NATO stronger.
The UN needs to go more than NATO needs to go but yes, NATO needs to go.

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