Peter Doocy Calls Out Kamala for Her Fake Accent

Damn you're dumb. Your say in the choice of president has never been in question. The choice of our candidate is none of your business. I would prefer you crazy MAGAs to choose someone other than that orange fool, but alas, that choice is none of my business. All this is way above your ability to understand, isn't it?
Your understanding of the democratic process is obviously in need of repair. Just because show your hate at every turn does not make you right or intelligent.
People who accuse others of being dumb should make sure they know how to construct a sentence. Your second one makes no sense so the dumb one here is obviously not me.

I'm an American so you're dead ass wrong, again.
The sentence is properly constructed. I even double checked with ChatGTP to verify that fact. I'm sorry that you are so pooly informed as to the use of the English language. You being an American has no bearing on the DNC having sole authority as to their choice of presidential nominee. You still have the right to whine about their choice as much as you choose, however.
And you consider anything that does not attack Trump to be bigoted and cult news.

You really need to expand your horizons instead of your usual bull crap.
No. I consider everything that tries to cover up or justify trump's bigotry to be bigoted and cult news.
Your understanding of the democratic process is obviously in need of repair. Just because show your hate at every turn does not make you right or intelligent.
Perhaps you have a link that shows the choice of DNC presidential nominee rests with anyone other than the DNC.
^^^Says the guy who believes men get pregnant. :laughing0301:
MAGA cult members often make that accusation against me. Perhaps you can show a link proving that is something I have actually said. Otherwise, your accusation is nothing more than telling me I have cooties.

Everybody notices. She's pandering to the black voter, not the white southerner. But I guess he has to play this game.

He looked like an idiot

And he was put in his place

You have a chance to ask a question, and this is the best you can do?

America is worried about eggs and WWIII

They don’t give a damn if Kamala is black

This is the kind of shit that is gonna send tRump packin

Thanks a lot

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