Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

There is no blame to shift.

He was invited there for the ceremony by the Gold Star families.
Authorities identified 14-year-old Colt Gray as the alleged shooter who killed two classmates and two teachers at a high school in Georgia.

As a student, he was invited/required to be in school.
So any rules he violated while there was O.K. too?

JUNE 11, 2020

Mnuchin is Keeping $500 Billion in Bailout Funds Secret

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress Wednesday that the Trump administration intends to keep secret the names of the businesses that have received more than $500 billion in COVID-19 bailout funds through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), claiming the information is “confidential.”
I posted three links. With two of them describing the meeting.

As I said. Keep your word. Poof was posted TO YOU days ago of the meeting, now shut the f' up asking for proof.
hey, the way it came up looked like just the one. Okay, so I looked at the second and it states

Biden flew to an Air Force base here to receive the fallen service members, whose remains were returned to the United States on Sunday morning. He first met privately with their family members, including some who have expressed anger at him, and then watched quietly as flag-draped cases transporting the bodies were carried off a plane — a somber moment during the most volatile crisis of his presidency.

Now there's nothing more other than the Post reported it. The families say it never happened and I'm sorry, I really don't think the families would lie. You do. The Post has been in creepy's pocket since day 1. I don't believe it happened. May have been reported, but, families say otherwise.

CNBC is the same position with being in creepy's pocket.

Again, I believe the families. There's no purpose for them to lie.

But yeah, I won't ask you again for proof.
Just pointing out that if gold star families tell a lie, it's O.K. to call them liars.
but you have nothing but newspaper stories, and they have the truth. Unless one of those papers had evidence other than making a statement that most likely came from tater and his administration, it falls flat.
Just pointing out that if gold star families tell a lie, it's O.K. to call them liars.
Haha what do you think they lied about? Specifically, from the video they provided when they call you and harris vile, what did they lie about?
but you have nothing but newspaper stories, and they have the truth. Unless one of those papers had evidence other than making a statement that most likely came from tater and his administration, it falls flat.
All I have is newpaper stories that covered the meeting between Biden and the 13 families?

All I have are the three newspapers that verified the meeting? Including one that did a play by play of several of the families interactions with Biden.

So it's back to whether or not you'll keep your word having been given at least 3 citations of the families meeting with the president.
Haha what do you think they lied about? Specifically, from the video they provided when they call you and harris vile, what did they lie about?
From what jc456 has been posting, that they never met with president Biden.
hey, the way it came up looked like just the one. Okay, so I looked at the second and it states

Biden flew to an Air Force base here to receive the fallen service members, whose remains were returned to the United States on Sunday morning. He first met privately with their family members, including some who have expressed anger at him, and then watched quietly as flag-draped cases transporting the bodies were carried off a plane — a somber moment during the most volatile crisis of his presidency.

Now there's nothing more other than the Post reported it. The families say it never happened and I'm sorry, I really don't think the families would lie. You do. The Post has been in creepy's pocket since day 1. I don't believe it happened. May have been reported, but, families say otherwise.

CNBC is the same position with being in creepy's pocket.

Again, I believe the families. There's no purpose for them to lie.

But yeah, I won't ask you again for proof.
meaner gene , BTW, here's the VP flat out lying about being at the border. This is precedence of their ability to lie.

You're right that permission can be granted as an exception to the rule. But in granting such an exception, whether to the news pool, or the families, they are specifically told the rules under which the photographs can be taken, and the limits to how they can be used.

Photography is allowed in most areas of a Navy ship, but there are some restrictions:

Personal cameras
The officer in command has the discretion to allow personal cameras and related equipment on Navy ships.

Flash photography
Flash photography is not permitted on the flight deck for safety reasons.

Official Navy photos
Photos taken by naval personnel can be designated as "Official Navy Photos" if it's considered to be in the Navy's best interests.

Sensitive spaces
There is a ban on personal electronic devices aboard submarines to prevent sailors from photographing sensitive spaces.

National defense
The President can define certain military and naval installations as requiring protection against the general dissemination of information. In these cases, it is unlawful to take photographs.
See aircraft carriers at sea and Arlington. are your staple and repeated apples to tire irons
Authorities identified 14-year-old Colt Gray as the alleged shooter who killed two classmates and two teachers at a high school in Georgia.

As a student, he was invited/required to be in school.
So any rules he violated while there was O.K. too?
Some real retard shit strung together there
Now back to the OP. And Trumps desecration of ANC section 60.
Desecration, insurrection , threat, intimidation and 102 other words libs alter or change
Reality doesn’t work so definitions must be changed to match feelings and wishes
Four-Star Admiral Tears Into Trump's 'Betrayal' At Arlington.

Ever since the reprehensible Donald Trump — the Republican Party’s loathsome candidate for president — desecrated the graves of our fallen heroes and their families at Arlington National Cemetery’s hallowed Section 60 last Monday, August 26, by slovenly staking it out for a campaign photo-op, I have searched inside myself for the right words to express my sadness, anger, and disgust.

I had all but given up, when I came across an opinion piece on the tragic subject from retired Admiral Mike Mullen in today’s edition of the Washington Post. Mullen, who attained the rare rank of four-star admiral and commanded one high-level posting after another during his superlative, 43-year career in the Navy, served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 2007 to 2011 under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Mullen’s career was honorable, distinguished, and as a Navy man myself, did me proud.

That in no way counters the gold star families lying about never meeting with President Biden.

I'm glad we put that lie to rest.
Sure it does, admit lying is 100% more accurate than not having confirmation by the parties involved
How that lie got started

The families were speaking at a press phone conference organized by the Trump campaign to mark the third anniversary of the terrorist bombing at Abbey Gate outside the Kabul airport. The attack, which took place while the United States was rushing to evacuate the city to meet Biden’s withdrawal deadline, killed 13 U.S. service members and injured 18. Over 100 Afghan civilians were also killed in the bombing.

The families of U.S. service members killed at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan said they have never been contacted by President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris, three years after the administration’s rushed withdrawal left 13 Americans dead and hundreds stranded.

"There's never even been condolences [from Biden or Harris]. They just want to pretend it didn't happen," said Cheryl Juels, the aunt of fallen 23-year-old Marine Sergeant Nicole M. Gee.

Juels said Biden has "never once reached out to any of our family.

Biden flew to an Air Force base here to receive the fallen service members, whose remains were returned to the United States on Sunday morning. He first met privately with their family members, including some who have expressed anger at him

Biden's painful family history has enabled him to offer consolation to grieving Americans in a more personal way than most politicians.

One of McCollum's sisters, Roice, said she and her sister and her father joined McCollum's wife, Jiennah McCollum, on the trip. But when it came time to meet with the president, they left the room, because she said they did not want to speak with the man they held responsible for McCollum's death.

At home in Clearwater, Fla., Paula Knauss stared at the service taking place about 1,022 miles away and said that watching it from the television "opened a floodgate" of different emotions about her son, Ryan Knauss.

Knauss said her son's wife, Alena, and her mother had attended the transfer in Delaware.

The White House declined to comment on the private conversations Biden had with families.

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