Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

Your simple post is absolutely true. They are brainwashed and they believe the conmen and scam artists that lead them. Simple common sense does not exist in their brains

This is what happens with no government:

View attachment 1006446
Very, very few people want no government. Conservatives want the government as prescribed in the Constitution; no more, no less.

You have more in common with anarchists than you think. Neither of your ideologies can succeed.
No one is perfect and ever will be. It is the sum that counts and not any one particular issue. If we look, we can always find something that is wrong.

Yes, there are a lot of things wrong that can be improved but that has always been the case and will always be the case. We need to go along with the party that does more good than bad and stay away from the opposite. We must always try to, to make things better overall but that is not the determining factor. The sum total is.
You are wrong to start with. Here is the biological definition of life

What is the definition of being alive in biology?

Life is defined as any system capable of performing functions such as eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli.
You couldn't do all of that until your teens.

So can we kill children who haven't gone through puberty? They're not life?
A zygote and embryo and fetus Are all human by definition? I have never said otherwise. I never killed a baby and do not want to ever kill a baby. Why are you so goo on this subject?

I simply believe that we own their own body is none of my business and not other governments business.

Aborting a fetus is not murdering a baby. That is Catholic “sin” converted into political propaganda favorable to the Republican Party.. it is propaganda as a illogical and illegitimate means to the end for right wing billionaires to grateful have their way in the democratic process that favors them over the working class.
Aborting a fetus is killing an innocent human being. That is an absolute, undeniable fact.
You stated facts regarding the biological beginning of life.

You stated zero facts on when the sanctity of life begins

Your hostility in here appears to be to lie. Heaven is that your lie is favorable to Republican billionaires..

I realize you don’t care. You prefer to bitch and moan about the deficit situation and the billionaires appreciate you quite a bit every time your moans assist a Republican.
Leftists sure do like to dictate which lives are valuable and which are worthless.
There is absolutely clear truth about a woman having the right to a medical procedure proven safe to terminate her own pregnancy. It’s the US Constitution having jurisdiction over Catholic Doctrine on sin.

The sanctity of life begins at birth, there is no debate.
The Constitution mentions nothing about abortion; don't be stupid. That's why Roe was overturned -- it was bad law.

I don't agree with abortion, and don't support it, but SCOTUS did the right thing by leaving it up to each State.
Leftists sure do like to dictate which lives are valuable and which are worthless.
Why “leftists”. The Reproductive rights amendment to the constitution Ohio was passed by just as many Republicans as Democrats and independence..

Same thing in Kansas. But that was probably mostly Republicans..
I just proved to you that there are different interpretations of life from the legal to the biological, meaning that you CANNOT say "there is no debate".

YOU personally may have no debate but don't impose your opinions on me or anyone else.
But it's okay when you do it.
Evidently there is a debate because it is currently being debated by the entire 4 billion population of the U.S...
Ummm...might wanna recount, Skippy. Take your shoes off if you need to.
Both Biden and Harris are and were qualified and meaningful candidates. Don Trump is not qualified to be considered a human being.

This election is the riddance of Republican rot and evil top to bottom.
Trump's not a human being? Yes, that would make it easy for you to call for his assassination, wouldn't it?

Leftists love to dehumanize people they want dead.
It’s more important for Saint Papageorgio to accuse 2/3 of the US adult population of wanting to kill babies and have zero federal debt before voting for the only candidate this cycle who will restore and protect women’s reproductive freedom from more Catholic Supreme Court judges who are willing to let states take those freedoms away.
You sure are heavily emotionally invested in killing the unborn.

Kinda like a death cultist.
I gave a complete explanation of my position, and you just shit all over it. I took my precious time and energy to explain where I'm coming from. You won't read that post, but others will. I'm writing for them because you just want to debate for the sake of debating.

Anyways.....I don't need human workers anymore, I have smart robots and AI. So what are you going to do about that Mr Dblack?
If your teacher figures out you're using ChatGPT to do your homework, you're gonna fail.

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