Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

"I speak for everybody..."

No, you don't, you pompous ass.

You are a liar. I did not say “I speak for everybody“. You are a goddamned liar.
Man, you sure did fuck up the formatting. Dumbass.

Okay, here's what you said:

"I speak for everybody who sees Don Trump and MAGA Republicans as unfit to hold office for reasons too numerous to mention."

No, you don't, you pompous ass. You speak for yourself, alone. That's it.
So what? When does the legally protected right to life begin according to the United States Constitution English common law, which is what homicide laws are based upon?
Using what's legal to judge morality? Okay.

It's moral to own people. It's moral to beat your wife. It's moral to force children to work in dangerous factories.

Normal people agree those things aren't moral. But by your code -- they are.
Why “leftists”. The Reproductive rights amendment to the constitution Ohio was passed by just as many Republicans as Democrats and independence..

Same thing in Kansas. But that was probably mostly Republicans..
Up to the States to decide. I don't have to like it; that's what Ohioans and Kansans wanted.

But you want your will forced on every American. Scratch a leftist, find a fascist. Every time.
There are jobs that simply can't be automated. Most of the service industry.

However, the Democrats are trying awful hard to automate voting. Their machines keep magically turning Republican votes into Democrat votes. So much easier!
Really, which jobs are those? Service industry jobs? Are you nuts? Those are the ones that are being automated right now. They're the easiest to automate. Mining and transportation, are the most difficult to automate and we're doing it now.

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