NY Times Title of Article.The Constitution is Sacred, but is it also DANGEROUS?

Like you did in an ACTUAL insurrection in Seattle?
Yeah? Black Lives Matter had a fake elector scheme, like traitor Trump and all the other traitor Republicans in Congress??

Did BLM also try to kill the fucking Vice President of the U.S.??

You've got nothing, as always.
5000 illegals a month is NOT protecting the border, doofus

Nor is it a "strong bill"

Try again.
Well, if Repugs in the House passed the bill like Biden and Lankford requested, then things on the border might be better.

But traitor Trump and the traitor Repug Party don't want things to be better on the border.

Smart American voters see this and that's why you all are going to lose badly in November.
Yeah? Black Lives Matter had a fake elector scheme, like traitor Trump and all the other traitor Republicans in Congress??

Did BLM also try to kill the fucking Vice President of the U.S.??

You've got nothing, as always.
Typical leftard BS.

No one tried to kill anyone, liar boi.

Oh wait - except for a cop named Byrd.

He killed an unarmed woman.
The Democrats, along with MAGA Senator James Lankford, proposed the strongest border protection bill in 40 years back in January.
The proposed legislation sucked ass.

Trump and the traitor Republicans in the House blocked the bill.
Trump couldn’t. You dope.

He did urge that it be denied. Rightfully so.

Typical leftard BS.

No one tried to kill anyone, liar boi.

Oh wait - except for a cop named Byrd.

He killed an unarmed woman.
"Hang Mike Pence!!" "Hang Mike Pence!!"

Yeah, they did. Trump is a traitor and the enter MAGA Repug Party is full of traitors. They are a scourge on this country.
Well, if Repugs in the House passed the bill like Biden and Lankford requested, then things on the border might be better.

But traitor Trump and the traitor Repug Party don't want things to be better on the border.

Smart American voters see this and that's why you all are going to lose badly in November.

Keep up this ridiculous leftard bullshit and you'll be on the ignore list in no time.

THAT's what Americans think of your blather.
"Hang Mike Pence!!" "Hang Mike Pence!!"

Yeah, they did. Trump is a traitor and the enter MAGA Repug Party is full of traitors. They are a scourge on this country.
Only liars or imbeciles even pretend to believe that bogus “Hang Pence” crap was real.

Trump obviously isn’t a traitor.

And you’re a troll hack.
View attachment 1007048

It is insane. Radical Democrat party are about as un-American as it gets. It started with removing statues and of course the ultimate transformation would be "reimagining" the founding documents this country was built on.

You don’t have to look far into this to know why they want the Constitution to be gone.

1- They need you to shut up.
2- They need you disarmed.
3- They need to station monitors in your home to make sure you aren’t breaking the rules.
4- They need to be able to search you at any time to make sure you’re in compliance.
5- They want your property. They will also keep you in court forever if they don’t like you.
6- They don’t want trials on your time frame, they will decide when and if you get one and whether you deserve an attorney or not.
7- You don’t need a trial by jury. You’re guilty.
8- They can throw you in prison for as long as they want. They will decide if you have been rehabilitated when you follow their directives.
9- You have no rights.
10- The federal government is all powerful.
Oh?? Is that why Trump lost by 7 million votes in 2020?

It will probably be over 10 million votes in November.
Typical fucking leftard.

Loud and obnoxious, with ZERO solutions.

The facts are:

Trump: $2 gas, 1% inflation.

Biden: $5 gas within 30 days, 100% inflation in grocery prices over 4 years.

American seniors are homeless and starving, jackass.

And you're pissing away taxpayer money on illegal aliens
Typical fucking leftards.

Loud and obnoxious, with ZERO solutions.

The facts are:

Trump: $2 gas, 1% inflation.

Biden: $5 gas within 30 days, 100% inflation in grocery prices over 4 years.

American seniors are homeless and starving, jackass.

And you're pissing away taxpayer money in illegal aliens
So why did Trump lose in 2020?

Oh, that's right....because Trump did exactly jack and shit during Covid and destroyed the economy. And he told idiotic fairy tales about Covid magically disappearing.

What a fucking idiot Trump is.

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