Right-Wing Influencer Network Tenet Media Spread PUTIN Disinformation

Trump was working it for him, by destabilizing the USA relationships with allies in NATO and our allies in all of Europe.... Trump was a Putin asset, and you are trying to say that was good....

And I call bullshit, on your bull shit, Frankie. ;)
Let me see if I understand this: Trump was working for Putin, so Putin agreed he would not attack NATO until Trump was out of office???
Trump was working it for him, by destabilizing the USA relationships with allies in NATO and our allies in all of Europe.... Trump was a Putin asset, and you are trying to say that was good....

And I call bullshit, on your bull shit, Frankie. ;)
Bye Scott. Go play in traffic
Not exactly a shock, but confirmation would be helpful.
His haircut says it all


For the record it seems that the people working in Tenet Media had no idea that there was a mole in the operation. You might as well indict the FBI for having a traitor named Robert Hanssen for about ten years without knowing it. Wouldn't you think the Southern District of New York would have bigger fish to fry like the Biden family than go after a little Tennessee company? But that's life in an election year.
People from the Right think for themselves.
Influenced by history and common sense.
The demented LEFT are influenced by false narratives without an ounce of self-awareness or cognitive ability to observe and realize that there is a certain disfunction within our federal government. Nothing but FEELINGS

Apollo vs Dionysus
Same as it ever was.
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The difference is that Hillary isn’t a chump that would have fallen for Putin’s propaganda, the way Trump and MAGA did!

do we agree that Moscow empire reset was the worst political idea (green-lighted the future 🇷🇺 annexations ) ever ?

ps Some of these individuals are useful 🇷🇺idiots, while many deliberately turn a blind eye, and others are genuine disinformation agents. Ultimately, the distinction is not significant. Most of them are aware, but it can be challenging to prove that they are.
People from the Right think for themselves.
Influenced by history and common sense.
The demented LEFT are influenced by false narratives without an ounce of self-awareness or cognitive ability to observe and realize that there is a certain unease in the air. Nothing but FEELINGS

Apollo vs Dionysus
Same as it ever was.

do we agree that Moscow empire reset was the worst political idea (green-lighted the future 🇷🇺 annexations ) ever ?

ps Some of these individuals are useful 🇷🇺idiots, while many deliberately turn a blind eye, and others are genuine disinformation agents. Ultimately, the distinction is not significant. Most of them are aware, but it can be challenging to prove that they are.

Since the reset never happened, how would you know? Clinton would not have been bamboozled by Putin the way Trump was. If she could stand 11 hours of Congressional questioning, she’d be able to suss out Puty’s BS.

Since the reset never happened, how would you know? Clinton would not have been bamboozled by Putin the way Trump was. If she could stand 11 hours of Congressional questioning, she’d be able to suss out Puty’s BS.

That is not what Putin said. He preferred Clinton. He said she was malleable.

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