PBS Gets Citizen Question Wrong

why would I lie to you and say I am wrong??

its clear from his first comment after the OP he was using republic and republican as interchangeable,,

I also provided a link that proves republican is acceptable when talking about a republic,,
We could not have been founded as a constitutional republic ten years before we had a constitution... it just doesn't make sense... we were founded as a representative republic... representative because we vote for people to represent us and republic because we are a nation of individual states... some say we are a representative democracy but that is just something dems made up...
We could not have been founded as a constitutional republic ten years before we had a constitution... it just doesn't make sense... we were founded as a representative republic... representative because we vote for people to represent us and republic because we are a nation of individual states... some say we are a representative democracy but that is just something dems made up...
if it doesnt make sense why do you keep bringing it up when I am not talking about our founding??
Take a Citizenship Quiz | CONSTITUTION USA with Peter Sagal | PBS

One of the questions was: What type of government is America (something like that) and the 4 possible answers were:
  1. Monarchy
  2. Progressive Fascism
  3. Democracy, or
  4. Republican
The correct answer is that we are a Republican form of government, but the Progressive Fascists at PBS say that we are a "democracy"
I guess Trump is a Progressive Fascist, eh?

Former President Donald Trump’s January 6 speech

We're gathered together in the heart of our nation's capital for one very, very basic and simple reason: To save our democracy.


Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy.


Today, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our Constitution, and for the sake of our children, we lay out the case for the entire world to hear.


They want to indoctrinate your children. It's all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy, and the American people are finally standing up and saying no.
Only a home-schooled backward country dumb fuck does not know we are a democracy.

We are a representative democracy. I have no idea why this recently became an issue for the retards. It's fucking weird.

Here are Alexander Hamilton's notes on the ratification of the Constitution:

I. A republic a word used in various senses.
Has been applied to aristocracies and monarchies.
1. To Rome under the Kings.
2. To Sparta though a Senate for life.
3. To Carthage though the same.
4. To United Netherlands, though Stadholder, Hereditary nobles:
5. To Poland though aristocracy and monarchy
6. To Great Britain though Monarchy &c
II. Again great confusion about the words. Democracy, Aristocracy, Monarch.
I. Democracy defined by some Rousseau &c
A government exercised by the collective body of the People
2 Delegation of their power has been made the criterion of Aristocracy
II. Aristocracy has been used to designate governments.
1. Where an independent few possessed sovereignty.
2. Where the representatives of the people possessed it.
III. Monarchy, where sovereignty in the hands of a single man
General idea—Independent in his situation. in any other sense would apply to State of New York
III. Democracy in my sense, where the whole power of the government in the people
I. Whether exercised by themselves, or
2. By their representatives chosen by them either mediately or immediately and legally accountable to them.

.Aristocracy where whole sovereignty is permanently in the hands of a few for life or hereditary
V.Monarchy where the whole sovereignty is in the hands of one man for life or hereditary.
VI.Mixed government when these three principles unite.
B.Consequence, the proposed government a representative democracy.

As you can plainly see, Hamilton outlined the different kinds of Republics. Monarchical, Aristocratic, and Democratic.

The US was choosing the Representative Democratic model.
The MAGA tards have a love of autocratic regimes. That's what this is about.

As Hamilton noted, "Republic" has been applied to monarchies.

They want Trump as their dictator for life. They want Trump to be gifted with the divine right of kings, and the Supreme Court has brought them halfway there.

It's all plain to see.

Thus their newfound fear and loathing of the word "democracy".
That is the reason they want to be a "constitutional republic" because white landowning men were at the top. They want them to rule as a minority.
Yes, he gets a lot wrong

We’re a Republic
We are a democratic republic, or as our Founders put it, a representative democracy.

I have no idea where this anti-democratic meme started, but it is shocking how many tards have adopted it.

It's like you all chopped out a piece of your brains which knows better.
Who knew Donald Trump was a Progressive Fascist?!?

Well, I warned about him in 2016 but no one listened.
Take a Citizenship Quiz | CONSTITUTION USA with Peter Sagal | PBS

One of the questions was: What type of government is America (something like that) and the 4 possible answers were:
  1. Monarchy
  2. Progressive Fascism
  3. Democracy, or
  4. Republican
The correct answer is that we are a Republican form of government, but the Progressive Fascists at PBS say that we are a "democracy"

Democracy is a type of government. "Republican" is a political party, or a member of a political party, not a type of government. Democracy is the correct answer.

A Republic is a form of representational democracy. Not all Democracies are Republics, but all Republics are Democracies.
Not really. We are a Constitutional Republic we have no form of democracy. Japan is more of a democracy than us.

All Republics are Democracies. A Republic is a form of representational democracy, as is a Constitutional Monarchy. Direct Democracies require all citizens to vote on all matters.

Putting abortion on the states; ballot is "direct democracy", as the voters' decision is final, or it's supposed to be. Republicans keep trying to put their stupid bans in place regardless of what the voters want.
Democracy is a type of government. "Republican" is a political party, or a member of a political party, not a type of government. Democracy is the correct answer.

A Republic is a form of representational democracy. Not all Democracies are Republics, but all Republics are Democracies.
And we’re still not a democracy, PBS’s dishonest disinformation notwithstanding

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