CNN reporter denies that America is a republic

After the Democrats November Coup, can we still accept that we are?
I will comment now. I will look this up again but North Korea is one state ran by a dictator. There is so little accurate information out here perhaps this not true.
North America has countries. The USA has states. States are complete governments. The usa is further divided into counties and cities. Each has a different government official running them all. Presidents of the USA do not manage the 50 states. All this person does is manage the comprehensive part known as Federal. So Federal is not remotely a Democracy. States are not, Counties are not nor are cities. Those are called republics.

Kim Jong Un isn't like a president. He rules the whole country. He can call his country what he wants to call it. If he wants to declare it is eggs, so will it be eggs.
So what is a Democracy. It is a unique form of Government where each decision for the public involves the members of the public actually voting on the issue. It works okay in small groups so our founders created a Republic.
Government Off the People, Buy the People, and Force the People

A republic is an oligarchy, which means a small group running everything. The rule of its elitist laws spreads everywhere, into the private sector, the media, and education. The common people are compost.
Whizzing on the Wizards

Trump is educated in reality, not from textbooks. For decades, he's been a hall monitor in the corridors of power—the super-reality that pulls the strings of the puppet show presented as reality to us.
I have some sad news for you. Nothing is that orchestrated. It’s just a bunch of people working towards their self interests with minimal idea as to how to do it. Most of the people in power are faking it.
Do "people" elect them though?

In Germany in 2017 the CDU/CSU gained 37% of the votes and 77% of the seats. Who elected the CDU? It wasn't the people. It was the SYSTEM.

That system was FPTP.

But luckily for the Germans they have PR and 32% of people voted for them with PR and they got about 34% of the seats. There, THE PEOPLE elected the government. With FPTP it is NOT THE PEOPLE.

In the UK in 2019 the Labour Party and Lib Dems together got less than 1000 votes less than the Tories, but the Tories got what Labour and the Lib Dems got PLUS an extra 25% of the seats.

Did the people elect the Tories? Nope, the system did.

How can it be democracy if THE SYSTEM elects the government and not the people?
The Constitution-Bangers Should Each Elect Someone to Do All Their Posting for Them
A republic is an oligarchy, which means a small group running everything. The rule of its elitist laws spreads everywhere, into the private sector, the media, and education. The common people are compost.
Here are our rulers.

U.S. number of government employees1982-2022In 2022, around 19.23 million people were working for state and local governments in the United States. This is much higher than the number of federal government (civilian) employees, which stood at about 2.87 million people in that year.Nov 3, 2023

A CNN reporter characterized supporters of former President Donald Trump describing the United States of America as a republic as “an attack on democracy” during a segment that aired Sunday.

Multiple Trump supporters told CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan that the U.S. was not a “democracy” in man-on-the-street interviews during the segment, instead describing it as a republic. O’Sullivan attempted to disprove their description in an interview with historian Anne Applebaum.

“America is a democracy. It was founded as a democracy,” Applebaum claimed after O’Sullivan asked her if the U.S. was a democracy.

“I’ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. I hear a lot of things out on the road, but to hear Americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots, say that America is not a democracy, that stopped me in my tracks,” O’Sullivan told Applebaum.

Applebaum blamed Trump for the denials that the United States is a democracy.

“You are hearing people say America is not a democracy because there are people around Trump who want them to be saying that, who’ve been planting that narrative,” Applebaum claimed.

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution guarantees states a “republican” form of government, and historical records and documents show Founders like John Adams and Alexander Hamilton expressing skepticism about democracy.

“Honestly, the word ‘democracy’ and the word ‘republic’ have often been used interchangeably,” Applebaum claimed. “There isn’t a meaningful difference between them.”

“If they can convince people that we don’t have a democracy, then it’s okay that Trump is attacking democracy, because it doesn’t really matter,” Applebaum added.

James Madison outlined differences between pure democracies and a republic in The Federalist Number 10.

“There is, of course, a legitimate debate discussion to be had on what form of democracy we have here in the United States, direct democracy, representative democracy, in fact, constitutional republic, which you heard people mentioned in that piece, that is a form of democracy. But look, this is not actually a debate about government, about democracy, it’s an attack on democracy,” O’Sullivan told CNN host Omar Jimenez. “People have heard the warnings that Trump is a danger to democracy, and therefore you have people trying to convince others that, well, the United States isn’t a democracy in the first place, and therefore Trump can’t be a threat.”

The Radical Left's use of the word "democracy" is misleading the dumb Democrat cultists.
What the Radical Left is calling a "democracy" is a one-party dictatorship.
The Democrats are attacking the 1st and 2nd amendments.
They want to abolish the Electoral College.
They want to stack the Supreme Court.
They want to allow non-citizens to erase the votes of American citizens.
They are breaking down the separation of powers.
America is a republic.

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/——-/ On X the push is to eliminate the EC. This is why libtards are pushing the lie that we are not a Republic.
Here are our rulers.

U.S. number of government employees1982-2022In 2022, around 19.23 million people were working for state and local governments in the United States. This is much higher than the number of federal government (civilian) employees, which stood at about 2.87 million people in that year.Nov 3, 2023
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