CNN reporter denies that America is a republic

How off, considering what is in store for us when they succeed in establishing one party rule is much akin to the people's republic of North Korea.
How off, considering what is in store for us when they succeed in establishing one party rule is much akin to the people's republic of North Korea.
Recall that book author who discussed how free governments end after 200 years?
TV talking heads are often less intelligent than the maintenance people in their building.

We need to stop believing that TV makeup makes them intelligent.

I still laugh at the blonde 'lawyer' who thought she had a 'Gotcha Moment' during the debates when Trump brought up the French showing up at Yorktown. She said she 'going to look into that' .... lol hilarious, and she made it through law school. Later she got a regular gig as a talking head on some cable network, don't remember her name.
Stop thinking it is like one country. For president think 50 countries. The popular vote does not matter.
Flyover on Stilts

That's why tiny Rhode Island was the last to sign the rulers' Constitutional scheme. Also, this fear of biggy-bullying is why many state capitals are far away from their largest cities. Even the population-advantaged states were in favor of this structure, because most of the people had dreams of moving West and didn't want those states to be disadvantaged by population. So the Popular Vote was unpopular.
Spengler? Decline of the West?
It is possible that is the book. But i have located other books. Such as This book.
It launches talking of how Chavez jailed his opposition. This reminds me of the Biden administration jailing it's opponents.

Notice how Democrats deny it is Biden. But Biden loves credit. And for this he must have credit.

You are actually not wrong.
I see that date as vital in this discussion because in many ways it is true. I bang on Lincoln due to his invasions of states. They had written up they wanted no more of his type of Government but in retaliation he invaded states and over time conquered them.

But the modern version of this was FDR. Look at how weak he was on curing the depression. I mean it was not until WW2 that it was over. I think he did not want massive deaths of Americans but wanted to go head to head with the Axis, and took charge when he let 132 ships lay undefended in Pearl Harbor and by messing with the Japanese in many ways forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. I understand this sounds sick. But truth is truth.

A CNN reporter characterized supporters of former President Donald Trump describing the United States of America as a republic as “an attack on democracy” during a segment that aired Sunday.

Multiple Trump supporters told CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan that the U.S. was not a “democracy” in man-on-the-street interviews during the segment, instead describing it as a republic. O’Sullivan attempted to disprove their description in an interview with historian Anne Applebaum.

“America is a democracy. It was founded as a democracy,” Applebaum claimed after O’Sullivan asked her if the U.S. was a democracy.

“I’ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories. I hear a lot of things out on the road, but to hear Americans, people who would describe themselves as patriots, say that America is not a democracy, that stopped me in my tracks,” O’Sullivan told Applebaum.

Applebaum blamed Trump for the denials that the United States is a democracy.

“You are hearing people say America is not a democracy because there are people around Trump who want them to be saying that, who’ve been planting that narrative,” Applebaum claimed.

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution guarantees states a “republican” form of government, and historical records and documents show Founders like John Adams and Alexander Hamilton expressing skepticism about democracy.

“Honestly, the word ‘democracy’ and the word ‘republic’ have often been used interchangeably,” Applebaum claimed. “There isn’t a meaningful difference between them.”

“If they can convince people that we don’t have a democracy, then it’s okay that Trump is attacking democracy, because it doesn’t really matter,” Applebaum added.

James Madison outlined differences between pure democracies and a republic in The Federalist Number 10.

“There is, of course, a legitimate debate discussion to be had on what form of democracy we have here in the United States, direct democracy, representative democracy, in fact, constitutional republic, which you heard people mentioned in that piece, that is a form of democracy. But look, this is not actually a debate about government, about democracy, it
The Radical Left's use of the word "democracy" is misleading the dumb Democrat cult.

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Trog is the champ-e-own.


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