The gospel of democracy

Its not a black and white issue shit brains.

When the church is the most powerful institution in your nation, the government doesn’t really matter that much.

We have religion in the US. It is subordinate to the rule of law.
In Iran, they have religion that dictates the rule of law.

Are you really this dense?
England has a state church.

Are they not a democracy?

So, when religion is in bed with the state, who runs who?

Why is it you assume the church is more powerful when the state could be running the church?
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No, I'm not.

No, to be voting should be in person unless the person is travelling or infirm. 24 hour voting period, and make it a national holiday each year. ID required. All allowable remote ballots postmarked by the day BEFORE the election.
You need to learn to hydrate when you walk your comments back so quickly.
I remember when "W" had invaded Iraq and said all the US had to do was introduce democracy and everything would somehow work out in the end, but without it, things would not work out.

So, as we see, we get this kind of thinking from both parties.

Who here agrees?
You aren't reading the same OP I did. lol

Iraq was, imo, the worst fuck up of my time, and that includes Vietnam. It killed the gop and made it the Maga party that is devoted to tax cuts for the 1% and wedge issues for the masses. But Hanks' point is that, even if its as bad as I think it is, IF we have elections every 2 and 4 years .... we'll endure in some fashion.
That isn't walking anything back. I am fine with all eligible people voting.
As long as they can stand in line for hours and hours.
How would my requirements prevent that?
Not everyone has hours and hours to stand in line to vote, the stamina, or the patience.

Trump is fine with voting by mail. He’s your lord and master. You should obey him.
I remember when "W" had invaded Iraq and said all the US had to do was introduce democracy and everything would somehow work out in the end, but without it, things would not work out.

So, as we see, we get this kind of thinking from both parties.

Who here agrees?
The problem is that democracy can be four wolves and one sheep discussing what to have for dinner. Democracy indeed fulfills the wants of a majority, but those not in the majority are subjected to mob rule. In small groups--committees, task forces, church congregations, small town hearings, etc., where the people know and care about each other, democracy can actually work.

On a large scale where only a tiny minority will be heard, democracy is mob rule for possibly most. And opens the door widely for totalitarian authority to take over.

That is the genius of the electoral college and the limitations on central government that the Founders put into effect. They knew full well how both a monarchy (totalitarian government) and a democracy (anarchy) could threaten the ideal of a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Wyoming with its three electoral college votes has far less power than California's 54 votes but the much MUCH smaller population of Wyoming is not left completely powerless. They are given a voice.

In a pure democracy they would have none.
As long as they can stand in line for hours and hours.

Not everyone has hours and hours to stand in line to vote, the stamina, or the patience.

Trump is fine with voting by mail. He’s your lord and master. You should obey him.

over 24 hours there will be hours and hours of lines?

Last time I voted in person it took 15 minutes. In NYC. Longest I have ever waited for is 30 minutes.

I am not. It's way too open for fraud.
The blind adoration of majority rule has become a matter of faith. And a dangerous one. The founders knew better, and tried to protect us.
You do realize that the US is not a true democracy, right?

You do realize that places like Iran also have elections, right?

Would placing a pure democracy in place solve all the world's problems, seeing as how you are so in love with it?

According to you and Tom Hanks, democracy only works if it is controlled by one party

If so, what democracy?
The Rulers' Constitution Make "Democracy" a Spectator Sport
over 24 hours there will be hours and hours of lines?
There always are; mostly in black neighborhoods.
I am not. It's way too open for fraud.
Nice myth. Any proof of this massive fraud from the last 100+ years of mail in voting? 8 states do nothing but mail in voting--including the one that sent Boebert from Colorado to the House. Was her election not legitimate?
He was stating that the movement toward a plural society cannot be stopped (but it can be slowed) when certain unalienable rights are ensured. You guys hate that. This is why you’re pissed 24/7.
To Pluralize Is to Fractionalize

The more we get pissed, the more we'll be able to piss on you toxic multiculties.
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So, when religion is in bed with the state, who runs who?
It sort of depends on how fanatical the religious zealots are along with the backbone of the elected officials and how willing they are to act in accordance with written law. Where the politicians are weak, you usually have chaos and upheaval followed by beheadings, clothing/conduct rules, draconian punishments, and super empowered individuals who have the favor of the powerful. When politicians are strong and the written law prevails, you have relative civility and progress as we have in the US.

Remember that right wing nut job who refused to issue marriage certificates who was the Republican it-girl for about 10 minutes before you gave her the ol’ heave-ho? How’d that work out for her? The rule of law prevailed over her religious nut-jobbery. And nobody has given a flying fuck what she has said or done since then.
Why is it you assume the church is more powerful when the state could be running the church?
It is in many muslim nations. Are you actually denying that?

If so, you really need to go back to your junior high school and sit in on some classes and get educated.
There always are; mostly in black neighborhoods.

Nice myth. Any proof of this massive fraud from the last 100+ years of mail in voting? 8 states do nothing but mail in voting--including the one that sent Boebert from Colorado to the House. Was her election not legitimate?

That can be fixed. Add provisions for more voting districts to the bill that makes the new voting law.

I don't trust it. Too easy to ballot harvest. Of course it's hard to prove, it's anonymous voting.
The Crazy Democrat Cult version of "democracy" means a one party totalitarian police state where they can arrest their opposition.
View attachment 958424
Direct Democracy Would Have Prevented This UnAmerican Electorate

Rightist peasants are foolish and slavish enough to oppose Democracy because of what the White-Replacement lawmakers have turned it into. It can never be changed back under the tyranny of a Republic.

It's really pathetic to let them make us think of ourselves as a "mob." The elitists who own both parties have the unearned and overwhelming power to make us believe in make-believe.
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The Left wants mob rule, because they have developed ways to control the mob by taking over the media and academia and entertainment, etc.

That is why the Left does everything in their power to remove aspects of a Representative Republic that they can but doing such things as forcing Senators to be elected directly by the people instead of appointed by the states as originally set up by the Constitution, or as they are trying to remove all aspects of the Electoral college, etc.
The l%'s Constitution Only Empowers a Scheming Clique

Constitutional government is equivalent to a theocracy. That elitist manifesto, written in
political ignorance and hypocrisy, is treated like Fundamentalists treat the Bible; its Framers are treated like the Evangelists.
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Our society is evolving where men run in women's races and win every time and women can pretend they are a man and have a baby.
The problem is that democracy can be four wolves and one sheep discussing what to have for dinner. Democracy indeed fulfills the wants of a majority, but those not in the majority are subjected to mob rule. In small groups--committees, task forces, church congregations, small town hearings, etc., where the people know and care about each other, democracy can actually work.

On a large scale where only a tiny minority will be heard, democracy is mob rule for possibly most. And opens the door widely for totalitarian authority to take over.

That is the genius of the electoral college and the limitations on central government that the Founders put into effect. They knew full well how both a monarchy (totalitarian government) and a democracy (anarchy) could threaten the ideal of a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Wyoming with its three electoral college votes has far less power than California's 54 votes but the much MUCH smaller population of Wyoming is not left completely powerless. They are given a voice.

In a pure democracy they would have none.
Guillotine Fodder Fooling the Gullible

That is what the unpatriotic, degenerate, and ignorant united Richkid Reich tells us about democracy. Those self-appointed influencers want us to despise and mistrust our fellow serfs. They pat you on the head and tell you that supporting a republic makes you better than your relatives and neighbors.
Yes. Its powerful but subordinate to the rule of law.

They have the rule of law.
The Founders were appalled at the church of England and how the state controlled it and the people through the church.

You, however, have no such misgivings.
The Founders were appalled at the church of England and how the state controlled it and the people through the church.

You, however, have no such misgivings.
Wow, could you imagine if that was the case? Strange conversation you’re trying to have with yourself. Do I need to be here for any of it?

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