The gospel of democracy

The Dirty Democrats are illegally using the DOJ and the FBI as their political weapons.
That is not "democracy", that is autocracy.
Both Obama and Biden ignored Supreme Court rulings.
That is not "democracy", that is autocracy.
Correct, I thought I was voting for something other than what I got.
Yeah, you voted for a bumpkin who didn’t know the first thing about our enemy.
When will you ever learn that lesson?
I actually got more than I expected from Biden. But then again, I didn’t vote for someone who was so proud of not being a “politician”.

One would think (nobody is expecting you to do it since it would hurt for you to try to think) that if the job is politics, hiring a politician might be the smart thing to do. You didn’t and now you’re saying you made a mistake.

And you’re doing the same thing this year.

Put another way; you’re a fucking idiot.
How can democracy work when they are free to lie their asses off to get elected, and with zero consequences?
We’re a government of laws, not men. So it works. Not as efficiently as it should but it does work.
That is why every year, more and more people who are polled say the country is headed in the wrong direction.
And it’s why every year--and I get shouted down by shit brained hayseed fucksticks like yourself--I say that we need to give the constitution voice where it is silent. Basic things Things such as codifying what constitutes passing a law. The House could, today, pass a rule that says all bills must pass unanimously. There is no rule against it. The Senate could get rid of the filibuster or make the threshold 80 for closure..or 99...or 1. No rules prevent it. We need to put rules for the Congress, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court into the Constitution to keep the whims of politicians on the ebb.


Of course you don’t.
His words are not "religious political ideology".

We have more than enough of that from the GQP Cafeteria Christians™.
Its the classic political silly season type of shit that we get every summer. “Lets mischaracterize something a culturally popular figure said and see what happens....” Every year; like clockwork.
No. Iran doesn’t have a democracy.
You dispute the citizens can vote?

I did not hear that. I only heard you think they can't be democratic because they are Muslim.
His words are not "religious political ideology".

We have more than enough of that from the GQP Cafeteria Christians™.
I don't have enough faith to think I don't know what a woman is brother Mac or think that a man can become a woman via surgery so they can dominate female sports. Only people on the Left have such faith.

Can I hear a good amen?
Its the classic political silly season type of shit that we get every summer. “Lets mischaracterize something a culturally popular figure said and see what happens....” Every year; like clockwork.
Exhibit A.

I don't have enough faith to think I don't know what a woman is brother Mac or think that a man can become a woman via surgery so they can dominate female sports. Only people on the Left have such faith.

Can I hear a good amen?

Democracy(mob rule) does not work in "'practice' but sure sounds good! Any functional society must have rules of conduct, e.g. Constitution/BoR, based upon morality. Where the problem lays is what TYPE of morality is decided to be adopted by any given society. For an example the morality that Big Daddy Idi Amin decided upon may not have been the best choice for his subjects in the long run. As I learned in my philosophy classes ALL laws are based on morality but not all interpretations of morality arrive @ the same safe/sane destination.
Where the problem lays is what TYPE of morality is decided to be adopted by any given society. For an example the morality that Big Daddy Idi Amin decided upon may not have been the best choice for his subjects in the long run. As I learned in my philosophy classes ALL laws are based on morality but not all interpretations of morality arrive @ the same safe/sane destination

Today the morality of the United States is such that a sitting member of SCOTUS can no longer tell us what a woman is.

How is the morality of the Left any better than Big Daddy Amin?

Despite this, democracy is allowing people to vote, despite their insanity and stupidity.
I know much more than you do.

Yeah, and? They are a theocracy since the religion is much more powerful than the government.

I didn’t mean to destroy you so much; perhaps play harder next time chump.
So, for clarification, which is what you fight against 24/7, any society that is religious cannot be democratic.

Yes or no?


No. Iran is a theocracy in practice if not by name.

Not even remotely the point Mr. Hanks was making.

He was stating that the movement toward a plural society cannot be stopped (but it can be slowed) when certain unalienable rights are ensured. You guys hate that. You guys don’t want people voting, people exercising their rights, etc... This is why you’re pissed 24/7.

What the hell is a "plural society"?

We don't want ineligible people voting.
We don't want made up rights imposed on the rest of us.
So, for clarification, which is what you fight against 24/7, any society that is religious cannot be democratic.

Yes or no?
Its not a black and white issue shit brains.

When the church is the most powerful institution in your nation, the government doesn’t really matter that much.

We have religion in the US. It is subordinate to the rule of law.
In Iran, they have religion that dictates the rule of law.

Are you really this dense?
You’re joking right?

LOL...thanks for the chuckle.

So you’re fine with early voting, mail in voting, voting drop boxes, etc... right?

Here comes the big walk-back.

No, I'm not.

No, to be voting should be in person unless the person is travelling or infirm. 24 hour voting period, and make it a national holiday each year. ID required. All allowable remote ballots postmarked by the day BEFORE the election.

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