The gospel of democracy

It sort of depends on how fanatical the religious zealots are along with the backbone of the elected officials and how willing they are to act in accordance with written law. Where the politicians are weak, you usually have chaos and upheaval followed by beheadings, clothing/conduct rules, draconian punishments, and super empowered individuals who have the favor of the powerful. When politicians are strong and the written law prevails, you have relative civility and progress as we have in the US.

Remember that right wing nut job who refused to issue marriage certificates who was the Republican it-girl for about 10 minutes before you gave her the ol’ heave-ho? How’d that work out for her? The rule of law prevailed over her religious nut-jobbery. And nobody has given a flying fuck what she has said or done since then.

It is in many muslim nations. Are you actually denying that?

If so, you really need to go back to your junior high school and sit in on some classes and get educated.
Was Stalin a strong politician you admire as well?
Wow, could you imagine if that was the case? Strange conversation you’re trying to have with yourself. Do I need to be here for any of it?
You think the religious Imams control Iran when those that in government really do.
You dispute the citizens can vote?

I did not hear that. I only heard you think they can't be democratic because they are Muslim.
All Republics Slip on Banana Peels

Iran is called an "Islamic Republic." When will Americans wake up and realize that all tyrannies call themselves "republics"? The Founding Fodder's ideology should be discredited just as much as Communism and Islamofascism have been.

"But we have a better version"? We don't have anything—if we did, that would be "mob rule."
No religion, and Stalin had elections.

This is what you want for the US, one party rule
Ummm no.

I would love to have a choice in the voting booth. For many years I did when it came to local and even some federal elections. I was happy with McCain and voted for him two or three times. I don’t recall--Senators have six year terms.

Lately though, its either vote for a democrat or not vote at all. The GOP has left the reservation and has gone ape shit this thread is proving in spades.

Tom Hanks spoke at the D Day event with President Joe Biden and commented on the election coming up and about the fate of the nation.

Naturally, he hates Trump, but said that despite Trump maybe winning in November the nation will be fine.

He had this to say about democracy.

“Over the long term, however, we inevitably made progress towards, I think, that more perfect union. And how does it come about? It comes about not because of somebody’s narrative of who was right, or who was a victim or not. It comes out of the slow melding of the truth to the actual practical life that we end up living,” Hanks said.

“It comes down to the good deed that is practiced with your neighbor,” the performer continued.

“I will always have faith that the United States of America, and the Western societies that have adopted more or less the same sort of democracy, cannot help but turn towards what is right,” he said.

Is this a type of religious political ideology that others here share?
I watched that. He doesn't seem to share Democrats' view that if Trump wins, democracy will be over.
I watched that. He doesn't seem to share Democrats' view that if Trump wins, democracy will be over.
The common theme is, democracy only exists if democrats are in power.

Some simply think that Trump may prevent democrats from ever winning another election is all.

It's a view that somehow good is democracy and that good will prevail, and the DNC is there to carry it out for the well-being of all mankind, or something like that.

It really is a religion. They view democracy as God himself.
The common theme is, democracy only exists if democrats are in power.

Some simply think that Trump may prevent democrats from ever winning another election is all.

It's a view that somehow good is democracy and that good will prevail, and the DNC is there to carry it out for the well-being of all mankind, or something like that.

It really is a religion. They view democracy as God himself.
I remember 50 years ago Democrats were telling everyone that those big bad Republicans would take senior's social security away. Last I looked, they still have it. But, over the last many years Democrats weren't happy just talking about Social Security. Now they claim if the other side wins in a democratic election, they will take democracy away.
Guillotine Fodder Fooling the Gullible

That is what the unpatriotic, degenerate, and ignorant united Richkid Reich tells us about democracy. Those self-appointed influencers want us to despise and mistrust our fellow serfs. They pat you on the head and tell you that supporting a republic makes you better than your relatives and neighbors.
Some of our fellow serfs are not to be trusted. Most especially those who unethically, destructively, unlawfully, maliciously, recklessly, dishonestly pad their numbers to ensure they have the majority and all the power. And those who do not share their agenda have none.
The common theme is, democracy only exists if democrats are in power.

Some simply think that Trump may prevent democrats from ever winning another election is all.

It's a view that somehow good is democracy and that good will prevail, and the DNC is there to carry it out for the well-being of all mankind, or something like that.

It really is a religion. They view democracy as God himself.
The only way to prevent the Democrats from winning another election is by showing the people how much more liberty, choices, options, opportunity, prosperity they have when allowed to govern themselves by leaders who believe in the Constitution and the nation it was intended to guide. But since we have a compromised and corrupt media in bed with the Democrats, too few will ever be allowed to see that.
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I remember 50 years ago Democrats were telling everyone that those big bad Republicans would take senior's social security away. Last I looked, they still have it. But, over the last many years Democrats weren't happy just talking about Social Security. Now they claim if the other side wins in a democratic election, they will take democracy away.
Rest assured; every time the DNC loses an election from now on, democracy disappears with them.

It is akin to Joe Biden saying "I am democracy", much like Fauci said "I am science"!
The only way to prevent the Democrats from winning another election is by showing the people how much more liberty, choices, options, opportunity, prosperity that have when allowed to govern themselves by leaders who believe in the Constitution and the nation it was intended to guide. But since we have a compromised and corrupt media in bed with the Democrats, too few will ever be allowed to see that.
We need a candidate who can make that argument, who can "sell" it and at least convince doubters to give it a shot. Republicans seem to have given up on that.
We need a candidate who can make that argument, who can "sell" it and at least convince doubters to give it a shot. Republicans seem to have given up on that.
They haven't given up on it at all. The media just doesn't allow them a voice these days.
Remember when you voted for “W” twice? Sort of makes us wonder why now you’re criticizing him since that was the center piece of his presidency.
We were all conditioned from 9/11. And of course, we the same with Ukraine. The real tyranny was the TSA, Homeland Security and Patriot Act. And Progs did not remove any of that.
We were all conditioned from 9/11. And of course, we the same with Ukraine. The real tyranny was the TSA, Homeland Security and Patriot Act. And Progs did not remove any of that.
Conditioned is a good word for it.

We have been conditioned to look to one man for all our needs, the President.

Now when people vote, they usually only show up to vote for President, and literally put all their hopes in him to provide them a good future

That is our democracy now.

Sounds more like a cult to me.

Federalism is dead.
We need a candidate who can make that argument, who can "sell" it and at least convince doubters to give it a shot. Republicans seem to have given up on that.
The GOP is a soulless entity that looks around and the destruction of the DNC because they are so self-destructive, and Left's blind hatred toward Jews, and all they can think to do is pass legislation taking the right for people to voice that hatred?

What should be an easy win and a slam dunk never is. They can't be this stupid, so it must be all on purpose.

Meanwhile, they sit around speculating on the next GOP Speaker that should get fired.

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