The gospel of democracy

We were all conditioned from 9/11. And of course, we the same with Ukraine. The real tyranny was the TSA, Homeland Security and Patriot Act. And Progs did not remove any of that.
Just like your’re not taking responsibility for anything, right?
Some of our fellow serfs are not to be trusted. Most especially those who unethically, destructively, unlawfully, maliciously, recklessly, dishonestly pad their numbers to ensure they have the majority and all the power. And those who do not share their agenda have none.
The Hoi Oligoi

"Some"? Only in a republic will a "some" prevail. In a democracy, a "most" is needed to threaten it, but that only happens when a "some" has overwhelming influencing power. But that contradicts itself because the self-respect of self-detemination will carry over into not taking the influencers' opinions as some higher wisdom.
The Hoi Oligoi

"Some"? Only in a republic will a "some" prevail. In a democracy, a "most" is needed to threaten it, but that only happens when a "some" has overwhelming influencing power. But that contradicts itself because the self-respect of self-detemination will carry over into not taking the influencers' opinions as some higher wisdom.
Okay. I'm sure that makes sense to you.

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