Republicans know we are a Democracy. They just admitted it.

“We encourage Republicans to substitute the words ‘republic’ and ‘republicanism’ where previously they have used the word ‘democracy,’ ” the resolution says. “Every time the word ‘democracy’ is used favorably it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose.”

The above toxic statement is a direct quote from the WA GOP.

It's all about the brainwashing, can't have the unwashed masses thinking about democracy. That might lead to thinking about Democratic principals!!

They are willing to sacrifice everything the Founders of this country held dear to hold on to power.
And what's worse: they're dumb enough to put it in writing!!

Republicans must be stopped, or we won't have a country for much longer.

We're a democracy until you realize that Congress can and does vote into law things that are opposed by a majority of the voters. Then it's apparent that our representatives are free to vote how THEY want to vote, NOT how WE want them to. It might cost them their jobs in the next election cycle, but we can't stop them.

Democrats don't seem to realize this.
So you have NOTHING - again. Your abject surrender is noted and appreciated.
Nope. You want the US and Canuckistan to have zero opposition to you far Left Communist goals. IOW permanent one party rule. Now go fuck yourself.

The Senate passed a bipartisan bill to fight illegal immigration. It had everything the Republicans wanted.

And then...Donald Trump ordered the House not to pass it because it would take away his biggest talking point.

How fucking cynical and depraved is THAT?!?

So submissive cuck Mike Johnson said the bill was "dead on arrival".

Donald Trump and the House Republicans now own any border problems.
Hey, wait a minute here. Some facts are in order:

1. In the first days of his regime, Quid Pro undid everything TRUMP! had done on the border that he could do, without Republican assistance. This is true, yes?
2. He then appointed Cackles to oversee border security without Republican assistance. Again, this is true, yes?

Now, in an election season, Quid Pro discovers that the border is a mess and needs Republicans to help him get it in order. This leads inevitably to the following questions:

1. Why has the border gotten so bad that Quid Pro can't fix it on his own by simply re-instating what he destroyed three years ago?
2. What has Cackles been doing on the border that it has gotten so bad Quid Pro needs Republican help?

Sorry, this one's on them.
How old are you? 12???? You have nothing so you fling your monkey shit at the passing humans????

Given that my other choice is endorsed by Alex Jones, and the KKK, I'll stick with what we've got. The guy that got US through covid with 1/3 of the disease and death you people had, and no crashed economy.

And who routinely handed Donald Trump has ass on a plate, throughout his presidency. I would be happy to let Trump renegotiate NAFTA again, though. Our exports surplusses are back up to 2006 levels - $60 billion, and more, after Trump declared that our $11 billion surplus under Obama was "screwing Americans over". The "Great Negotiator" strikes again.

What a putz!
Nobody in the world cares about Canaduh. The first thing Trump should do is charge 100 billion a year for its defense.
Yes, they are and all agree that they NEED to pay more taxes.

You're still clinging the what happened nearly 200 years ago as a reason to hate on Democrats????
Are you comfortable being a bigot. I am a registered democrat. Half my friends are democrats. My children are africsn american.

Your comment stinks of pure bigotry

I eould love to engage and hsve an intelligent discussion with you. That is impossible when you reply as a bigot.
Yes, they are and all agree that they NEED to pay more taxes.
Incorrect. If they want to pay more taxes, they easily can. There's nothing stopping them from:

1. Simply sending money to the Treasury.
2. Not hiring tax attorneys to reduce their tax bill as much as possible.
3. Filling out the 1040 form themselves, not claiming any deductions or write-offs.

Yet, they do none of these things, which means they're LYING to you.
Nope. You want the US and Canuckistan to have zero opposition to you far Left Communist goals. IOW permanent one party rule. Now go fuck yourself.

Well, given that Canada is a centre left country and the US used to be a centre right country, and there are no communists to speak of in either country, and both parties in your country could not be more different. Nor could the 5 federal parties in Canada be more different. It kind of puts the lie to all of your conspiracy theories about one party rule across North America, New World, order, and other craziness.

I don’t know any woman who wants to live in a nation where the president says. He doesn’t care what happens to the women. The states can do to them what they want. Women want healthcare when they’re pregnant and they’re tired of watching their friends and their family members being turned away from doctors and hospitals, while trying to start a family.

You’ve gone too far and there are 8 million more female voters than there are men. Republican women get pregnant and have miscarriages just like women who vote Democrat.

Even before Roe v. Wade, if a woman went to the hospital hemorrhaging from a miscarriage, the hospitals treated them and took care of their miscarriages. Doctors won’t even see a pregnant patient anymore because they’re afraid that if she miscarries they’ll face criminal charges for assisting in an abortion. Emergency departments are turning away women who come in hemorrhaging, sending them home until their lives are seriously in danger.
We are a Democratic republic which means we elect representatives to represent us....
If you ever wonder how this country has gotten so fucked up a quick look at some of the stuff posted here and on sites like this and social media in general will explain it.
On the other hand the proper name for the DNC isn't "the democratic party" because they have been fighting against the 1st and the 2nd and the 5th amendment (and others) for years. Call it the "democrat party".
The Dem's definition of 'democracy' is simple majority MOB rule. The USA is quite different, it's a Republic that guarantees minority states with smaller populations equal representation and decision making powers in the Senate on par with states who have much larger populations. This prevents asshole Democrats from forcing everyone to obey their world view via simple majority.

Given that Trump sending a mob to the Capitol literally to take over the country and stop Biden's certification as President, is the literal definition of "mob rule", your post is a JOKE, right????
Zero ANYTHING is almost always an impossibility

It most certainly is here
It doesn't need to be thousands per day, not even hundreds.
If we immediate detain and export any and all who enter illegally, the flow will stop.
Straight from the document that you obviously didn't bother to read.

2024 WSRP Resolutions Page 2 of 15 Resolution
1 – DO PASS – Resolution Supporting our Republic vs. Democracy
2 WHEREAS a republic and a democracy are two distinct forms of government; and
4 WHEREAS the United States Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 guarantees to every 5 state "a republican form of government" and we pledge allegiance to our country's flag 6 “and to the Republic for which it stands;” and
8 WHEREAS John Adams stated "Democracy...while it lasts is more bloody than either
9 aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes,
10 exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide;”
11 and
13 WHEREAS the Republican Party is the party of limited, Constitutional government, and
14 the Democratic Party promotes progressivism and socialism; and

16 WHEREAS every time the word "democracy" is used favorably it serves to promote the
17 principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose;
19 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Republican Party, in

20 convention assembled, acknowledges that our nation is intended to be a republic, not a
21 democracy; and
23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we encourage Republicans to substitute the words
24 "republic" and "republicanism" where previously they have used the word "democracy;"
25 and

27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we support legislation that preserves the republican
28 nature of our government institutions and oppose legislation which makes our nation
29 more "democratic" in nature, and that, while we favor and encourage liberty in all
30 nations, we oppose all efforts to use American military might to spread "democracy"
31 around the world.

34 Resolution 2 – DO PASS – Resolution Specifying Constitutional Authority for Laws
36 WHEREAS the United States of America was founded on the precepts adopted in the
37 Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights;
39 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we call on the House of Representatives of the
40 United States of America to pass an Enumerated Powers Act stating that: “Each Act of
41 Congress, bill, and resolution, or conference report thereon or amendment thereto, shall
42 contain a concise explanation of the specific authority in the Constitution of the United
43 States relied upon as the basis for enacting each portion of the measure.”

A document you and fellow Leftist fail to have reading comprehension to grasp message of.
Straight from the document that you obviously didn't bother to read.

2024 WSRP Resolutions Page 2 of 15 Resolution
1 – DO PASS – Resolution Supporting our Republic vs. Democracy
2 WHEREAS a republic and a democracy are two distinct forms of government; and
4 WHEREAS the United States Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 guarantees to every 5 state "a republican form of government" and we pledge allegiance to our country's flag 6 “and to the Republic for which it stands;” and
8 WHEREAS John Adams stated "Democracy...while it lasts is more bloody than either
9 aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes,
10 exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide;”
11 and
13 WHEREAS the Republican Party is the party of limited, Constitutional government, and
14 the Democratic Party promotes progressivism and socialism; and

16 WHEREAS every time the word "democracy" is used favorably it serves to promote the
17 principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose;
19 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Republican Party, in

20 convention assembled, acknowledges that our nation is intended to be a republic, not a
21 democracy; and
23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we encourage Republicans to substitute the words
24 "republic" and "republicanism" where previously they have used the word "democracy;"
25 and

27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we support legislation that preserves the republican
28 nature of our government institutions and oppose legislation which makes our nation
29 more "democratic" in nature, and that, while we favor and encourage liberty in all
30 nations, we oppose all efforts to use American military might to spread "democracy"
31 around the world.

34 Resolution 2 – DO PASS – Resolution Specifying Constitutional Authority for Laws
36 WHEREAS the United States of America was founded on the precepts adopted in the
37 Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights;
39 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we call on the House of Representatives of the
40 United States of America to pass an Enumerated Powers Act stating that: “Each Act of
41 Congress, bill, and resolution, or conference report thereon or amendment thereto, shall
42 contain a concise explanation of the specific authority in the Constitution of the United
43 States relied upon as the basis for enacting each portion of the measure.”

Explained in post #73 here;
Already found it and was about to post it.
I suggest you read the full text, 1-32
Note it isn't what is implied in the OP or from the Seattle Times.

BTW, this is what a search using the words from the OP;
The WA GOP put it in writing that they’re not into democracy
turned up;

Post: The WA GOP put it in writing that they’re not into

The WA GOP put it in writing that they’re not into by Curt_Anderson

Which is what you call wrong resolution, only it was one of your Lefty sources that made the mistake. :rolleyes:
Yes, they are and all agree that they NEED to pay more taxes.

You are a Republic because you democratically elect representatives to pass laws on your behalf, instead of having a "direct democracy" where everyone votes on every issue.

You're still clinging the what happened nearly 200 years ago as a reason to hate on Democrats???? Why aren't you living in the present electra??? The Democrats ceased to be the party of slavery or racism under Kennedy and Johnson, and the Republicans became the party of the KKK, racism and slavery in 1980 when Ronald Reagan promised to end Affirmative Action, Roe v Wade, women's lib, unions, and the War on Poverty in 1980.

When Republicans were elected in 1980, the working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Under Republican tax and labour laws, and successive economic crashes under Republican Presidents, today working Americans own 0% of the wealth of the nation, and now need to work more than one job and/or depend on government assistance, to provide their families with basic necessities.

Republicans have raised the minimum wage once in the last 40 years, while executive pay has increased by over 1000% since that time. Working American have been completely impoverished by Republican tax and labour codes, and your middle class is now declining. When Reagan was elected, you had a 20% of working your way out of poverty if you are born poor. Today, it's 2%. And if you do manage to get a good education and a degree, you'll spend the rest of your life paying off the student debt to achieve. so you're still poor.

Donald Trump is simply fulfilling Reagan's promise of a white Christian nationalist country, where the rich get richer, and the poor are kept in poverty.
Along with being a pile of false BS, compare the debt to GDP ratios of USA to Canada as shown here and you get one clue of what it costs your nation;

A second example is one I see daily, it's all the Canadian licensce plates of the vehicles at Costco and other bigbox stores here on my side of the border, loading up with baskets full of groceries and consumer goods along with gerrycans of petrol. :rolleyes:

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