Republicans know we are a Democracy. They just admitted it.

The Dem's definition of 'democracy' is simple majority MOB rule. The USA is quite different, it's a Republic that guarantees minority states with smaller populations equal representation and decision making powers in the Senate on par with states who have much larger populations. This prevents asshole Democrats from forcing everyone to obey their world view via simple majority.
Which is why they want to do away with the Electoral College. Democrats want the urban shitholes deciding the Presidential election everytime.
From a practical standpoint I guess I understand the strategery behind the WA POTer's wanting state legislatures appointing US senators. They must believe it would allow for more far right nutbags to populate the halls of the Capital. Cuz make no mistake, these folks are far right nutbags.

As a general statement I think it's fair to say the activities at party conventions like this are tied directly to the rise of Trumpery. Which is to say, the radicalization of the folks who run things at a state level. Most people would, I think, agree taking away the ability to directly vote for US senators from the people is a radical idea. It all seems to stem from misplaced anger burning inside these folks. The kind of howling at the Moon Don has tapped in to.

For me the confusing part is why they would express their anger by putting faith in an incompetent, buffoonish conman who has surrounded himself with a culture of criminality and actual criminals. Someone who, as a recent ad campaign pointed out, could not get hired to work at a shopping mall.
We can see that John Adams is right. We have the Democrat party forcing Democracy on Americans, actively calling for the destruction of our Republic. Tearing down statues, monuments. Burning our history. Refusing to teach the greatness of our country. We have Democrats trying to divide the races, the sexes, and now the newest, divide us by sexuality!

John Adams was right, we can see the Democracy democrats push, destroying itself as Democrats push harder and harder for Democracy, that always fails.

John Adams > Quotes > Quotable Quote​

John  Adams

“I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. … Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.”​

― John Adams, The Letters of John and Abigail Adams

Oh the humanity!!!! But thank you for admitting that the goal of the Republican Party is to put an end to democracy in the USA, because you don't like women, racial minorities, religious minorites or gays have the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that the Founders intended for the American people, as stated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Republicans want to eliminate all of the social progress made in the 20th Century, to achieve the "more perfect union" the Founders intended and substitute a white Christian nationalist dictatorship in place of your democracy.

No rights for anyone but rich, white men.

Principles of the Democratic Party: defend democracy and the rule of law; defend the rights and protected liberties of all the people; oppose illiberal authoritarianism and government excess and overreach – principles Republican oppose.
defend the rule of law? letting people go who just committed a crime? letting people illegally cross into our country and not give a shit?....oppose govt excess? sure you want to go there jonesy?...
The MAGA: tards have a love of autocratic regimes. That's what this is about.

They want Trump as their dictator for life. They want Trump to be gifted with the divine right of kings.

It's all plain to see.

Thus their newfound fear and loathing of the word "democracy".
trump dictator for life?....he might not make it another 2 years let alone for life....
Oh the humanity!!!! But thank you for admitting that the goal of the Republican Party is to put an end to democracy in the USA, because you don't like women, racial minorities, religious minorites or gays have the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that the Founders intended for the American people, as stated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

No rights for anyone but rich, white men.
Thank you showing your bigotry and ignorance.
First and foremost the richest people in America are Democrats. The people who control the most money are democrats.

Larry Fink we can start with. Together, Blackrock and Vanguard control $20 trillion.

We are a Republic, we are Republic because a Democracy does not protect the rights of minorities

We saw Democrats fight for a democracy, it was called the Civil War, when Democrats owned slaves and wanted to keep it that way. Even now, we see that Democrats want to replace the slaves of the past with illegal immigrants, hispanics.
Which is why they want to do away with the Electoral College. Democrats want the urban shitholes deciding the Presidential election everytime.
Democrats are violently INTOLERANT of opposing views. Democrats want to cram their world view down everyone's throats. Already they force compliance via punishment taxes, fees, and other means of coercion. They can't convince people so they force them to OBEY. 200 years ago a people like Democrats would be wiped out in a war.
Which is why they want to do away with the Electoral College. Democrats want the urban shitholes deciding the Presidential election everytime.

80% of Americans live in cities and they ARE deciding elections, whether morons such as you, like it or not. They are the VAST majority of Americans. The cities are the drivers of the US economy, and as such, their needs are paramount to the success or failure of your nation's economy.

You're saying that the wants and needs of 80% of Americans should be ignored, because people like you have been brainwashed into believing cities are "shitholes".

Republicans have become so radicalized and idealogically driven, that they have lost all common sense or the ability to RUN anything. Municipal politics are all about managing garbage pickup, fixing potholes, issuing building permits and doing building and health department inspections, making sure your community has enough schools, libraries, police services, fire houses, etc., to function efficiently.

When your nation was founded, it was based on an agrarian economy. The needs of farmers and land owners was paramount to the success of the nation. That ceased to be true in the Industrial Revolution, and continuing to base your governement on an Electoral College system designed to protect large land owners over those of city dwellers who are now driving your manufacturing and service based economy, is destroying that economy.

4 economic crashes in the last 100 years - all at the hands of the Republican Party, and two of them at the hands of Presidents that the American people refused to support. The EC has inflicted rejected the people's choices, and inflicted three of the worst presidents in American history, on the nation - all to disastrous consequences.

W and Trump, in particular, both crashed the economy. Both had insane foreign policy which costs the nation dearly, in both blood and treasure. Both did nothing to stop off-shoring. W with his War on Terrorism, and Trump with his failed covid response.

The EC NEEDS to go.

There are no republicans in the Seattle state GOP. They’re just leftists without blue hair.


Thank you showing your bigotry and ignorance.
First and foremost the richest people in America are Democrats. The people who control the most money are democrats.

Larry Fink we can start with. Together, Blackrock and Vanguard control $20 trillion.

We are a Republic, we are Republic because a Democracy does not protect the rights of minorities

We saw Democrats fight for a democracy, it was called the Civil War, when Democrats owned slaves and wanted to keep it that way. Even now, we see that Democrats want to replace the slaves of the past with illegal immigrants, hispanics.
Sadly the minority you care about is the Republican political minority
I know, it is hard to surpass the democrat party when they gain a new voter every time a person dies.
It’s hard to deal with a political party that thrives on fantasies… like the above
As usual the Leftist Marxists here have manage to distort the truth and compound it with more of their failed pravda. Starts by citing a source of left-wing bias MSM, The Seattle Times*, then adding words and content that wasn't there.
* BTW, having used my allotment of "free" I'm not about to pay a leftwing loony propaganda rag for their distorted story.

Here's one source of the actual Resolution. Notice there is no word "democracy" or "republic" mentioned. It was to do with repealing the 17th Amendment and if any of the many loons posting here had any real experience in politics they would know that resolutions at conventions are items for a party platform, but may not result in same wording, if/when they might be presented as a Bill.

Resolution 20 is what you want to read;

Here's the same thing/text as presented by a leftwing source;

Note that the 17th has been a hot topic and debated for a few years now. Following link to a couple of articles on the pros and cons ...

Is it time to repeal the 17th Amendment? | The Hill

Some Conservatives Want to Repeal the 17th Amendment. Here's Why

The 12 page Washington State GOP Platform will give a better context.

2024 WA GOP Platform - DocumentCloud

Straight from the document that you obviously didn't bother to read.

2024 WSRP Resolutions Page 2 of 15 Resolution
1 – DO PASS – Resolution Supporting our Republic vs. Democracy
2 WHEREAS a republic and a democracy are two distinct forms of government; and
4 WHEREAS the United States Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 guarantees to every 5 state "a republican form of government" and we pledge allegiance to our country's flag 6 “and to the Republic for which it stands;” and
8 WHEREAS John Adams stated "Democracy...while it lasts is more bloody than either
9 aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes,
10 exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide;”
11 and
13 WHEREAS the Republican Party is the party of limited, Constitutional government, and
14 the Democratic Party promotes progressivism and socialism; and

16 WHEREAS every time the word "democracy" is used favorably it serves to promote the
17 principles of the Democratic Party, the principles of which we ardently oppose;
19 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington State Republican Party, in
20 convention assembled, acknowledges that our nation is intended to be a republic, not a
21 democracy; and
23 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we encourage Republicans to substitute the words
24 "republic" and "republicanism" where previously they have used the word "democracy;"
25 and
27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we support legislation that preserves the republican
28 nature of our government institutions and oppose legislation which makes our nation
29 more "democratic" in nature, and that, while we favor and encourage liberty in all
30 nations, we oppose all efforts to use American military might to spread "democracy"
31 around the world.

34 Resolution 2 – DO PASS – Resolution Specifying Constitutional Authority for Laws
36 WHEREAS the United States of America was founded on the precepts adopted in the
37 Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights;
39 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we call on the House of Representatives of the
40 United States of America to pass an Enumerated Powers Act stating that: “Each Act of
41 Congress, bill, and resolution, or conference report thereon or amendment thereto, shall
42 contain a concise explanation of the specific authority in the Constitution of the United
43 States relied upon as the basis for enacting each portion of the measure.”


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