PBS Gets Citizen Question Wrong

I was taught that in school back in '08. I took a test and I answered the question of what type of government we have. I put in Constitutional Republic and the teacher marked it a wrong. I was 7 in '08. And I lived in the red state of South Carolina at the time and I still do.
United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. You were really right.

Pointing out the cause of the rise of maga isn't racist. It's a response of conservatives to America becoming less white and more diverse.
Why don't you explain to us why you hate white people. We are after all a good and peace loving people who believe in equality. We have developed this country into one of the best places to live in the world. The world can be a cruel place you know.
I don't know the terminology that well but isn't our government a Republic, not Republican? In my mind they are two different things. I have never heard that our government was Republican. It's a republic.

I don’t recall the EXACT wording, but the choice was either the completely incorrect “democracy” or Republican. So therefore it must be Republican

I don’t recall the EXACT wording, but the choice was either the completely incorrect “democracy” or Republican. So therefore it must be Republican
That's what my points are. Given the choices, democracy would be the best answer out of the options or none of the above if that were an option. But, since or country is not republican but a republic, republican can't possibly be the answer.
You just can’t get yourself to say representative republic because it’s too close to republican.
No, it’s because democracy describes it better.

I unlike you, understand that republican as its used describes republic form not political ideology.

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