PBS Gets Citizen Question Wrong

because a republic by its very existence is representative, to say representative republic is redundant,,

the accurate name is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC since its the constitution that establishes and guarantees us a republic form of government
That is not what I was taught in school... I was taught we are a republic because we are a united states not a stand alone country with one single governing body...
That is not what I was taught in school...
I was taught we are a constitutional republic,,

and as I pointed out saying representative republic is redundant and its the constitution that established and guarantees us a republic form of government,,

I was taught we are a constitutional republic,,

and as I pointed out saying representative republic is redundant and its the constitution that established and guarantees us a republic form of government,,

I was taught we are a republic because we are a united states not a stand alone country with one single governing body...
I was taught we are a republic because we are a united states not a stand alone country with one single governing body...
as established by our constitution,,

by definition a republic is a representative form of government,,
so to say representative republic is just repeating yourself,,
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What am I afraid to say dummy?
why before did you say "A FORM OF REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY" and now youre saying different??

youre afraid to just say a constitutional republic without gaslighting,,

we all know you guys hate the constitution and the republic it gives us and would much prefer a democracy or outright communism,,
the problem is you will have to kill a lot of people to get it,,
as established in our constitution,,

by definition a republic is a representative form of government,,
so to say representative republic is just repeating yourself,,
Since most modern republics, including the United States, are representative by nature (meaning citizens elect representatives to govern), using the term "representative republic" can seem a bit repetitive. However, the term highlights both the nature of the government (a republic, with no monarchy) and the specific method by which it operates (representative democracy).

So, while "representative republic" isn't redundant, it's somewhat descriptive of the dual aspects of governance—both emphasizing the lack of monarchy (republic) and the representative system (democracy).
^^^Here is what I found... we may both we right...
Since most modern republics, including the United States, are representative by nature (meaning citizens elect representatives to govern), using the term "representative republic" can seem a bit repetitive. However, the term highlights both the nature of the government (a republic, with no monarchy) and the specific method by which it operates (representative democracy).

So, while "representative republic" isn't redundant, it's somewhat descriptive of the dual aspects of governance—both emphasizing the lack of monarchy (republic) and the representative system (democracy).
^^^Here is what I found... we may both we right...
why didnt "CONSTITUTION" make its way into your comment??

it is what established and guarantees us as a republic form of government,,

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