Trump says he had ‘every right’ to interfere in election

You are not a good actor. Really, you can stop now, you're embarrassing yourself.
And you, like most dems are a one trick pony….

You inspire no one.
Your ideas are non existent.
You’re super predictable.
And you’re a liar.

In fact, like most progressive dems, you embody the epitome of no original thought. A waste of time, that must have the last word, no matter how stupid it makes you look, or sound.

So, here’s your chance fuck face, get your last word in, and make it a good one, I could use the laugh. Then return to MSNBC, and gather more hate for today, it is, after all what you thrive on. Then fuck off.
I said voting for president. Trump tried to take away our right to vote for president.
That’s nonsense…Only low IQ people believe that.

That election is in November. That’s the one that actually matters.

So, you’re fine with your primary vote being tossed in the dumpster, to have the party bosses tell you who you’ll vote for…you’re a lemming.

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