Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

There is not one MAGA that is a good American, they are completely hate based ignorant and they live on lies. If Jesus Came down and said that everything the Democrats say about Trump is True . They would say it is a lie and Jesus is a communist.
All the Democrats do is lie. Look at the latest Arlington Cemetery hoax.
Liz Cheney couldn't get elected Dog Catcher in her home State...why would anyone take her endorsement seriously? Who are you going to trot out next...Adam Kinzinger?

One more time. Her voting record showed she voted over 90% with P01135809. She is a very solid Conservative Republican, remember her Dead Eye (Dickless) was the shrub's VP. Her only sin was that she voted her conscience regarding the impeachment Diaper Don, and she on Jan.06 Committee. She voted against the GroppenFurhrer. She voted her conscience, which you MAGA MAGGOTS hate her for doing.
One more time. Her voting record showed she voted over 90% with P01135809. She is a very solid Conservative Republican, remember her Dead Eye (Dickless) was the shrub's VP. Her only sin was that she voted her conscience regarding the impeachment Diaper Don, and she on Jan.06 Committee. She voted against the GroppenFurhrer. She voted her conscience, which you MAGA MAGGOTS hate her for doing.
Thats pretty childish.
Lackey is a she. And dumb as a post.
when guns are banned there will be no school, supermarket, church, and concert shooting ... that's a good thing ... when you go hunting for Bambi you now have to throw spears at Bambi or shoot them with your bow ... hope it is good enough for that grisly bear that's been chasing you for the last three blocks
Come on people , we all know he is guilty we are the witnesses , we watched his every action online on
tv ,on video right up front in his a own words. The only person who isn't expected to see him as
innocent until proven guilty in court are the witnesses that watched him commit his crimes , and that
literally is everyone in this country. He is guilty as hell.
you nailed it's like they had their blinders on when he was attacking the country with his poor boys and his maga idiots who are all sitting in jail as they should be ...with Donald joining them ...
The problem with these maga fools is they can't see she's right... that all you Republicans should vote for Kamala Harris and not the orange fraudulent rapist ... you do realize that X is the worst source of information next to Fox News or NewsMax ...
So she can finish the job of turning the entire country into California? Why on God's green earth would any RATIONAL person vote for a far left loon like Kamala Harris?
when guns are banned there will be no school, supermarket, church, and concert shooting ... that's a good thing ... when you go hunting for Bambi you now have to throw spears at Bambi or shoot them with your bow ... hope it is good enough for that grisly bear that's been chasing you for the last three blocks
Now you're going to ban guns? After defunding the Police? Just how are ordinary citizens supposed to protect themselves from the criminals that you on the left have let pour across the border, Billy? Are we supposed to throw spears at them too?
Now you're going to ban guns? After defunding the Police? Just how are ordinary citizens supposed to protect themselves from the criminals that you on the left have let pour across the border, Billy? Are we supposed to throw spears at them too?
I don't worry about the gun banning idiots.

They're incapable of doing what they want.

Who cares if self defense is legal or not? People are going to do it anyway, with or without approval.

That's why it's called a Natural Right.

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