Can Someone Remind Liz Cheney She is a Daughter of Treason? Dick Cheney's Iraq War Lies and 9/11 Treason

You can remember it how you want. What compromise did Obama offer? If O-Care was simply a rename of RomneyCare, it would have been 100 percent supported by Republicans. As for Obama and compromise, he didn’t get along with members of his own party.

Obama’s version of a compromise was him making demands and feeling entitled for everyone to go along without resistance.

Um, actually, Democrats wanted single payer like every other civilized country has. Instead, we got RomneyCare national. We didn't get a Medicare Buy in for those over 55, and we didn't get a public option, both of which would have alleviated many of the O-care problems.

Part of the problem was Joe Leiberman (D-Israel) resisting even these common sense measures... but what Obama should have done is just deploy the nuclear option.
If I was Liz Cheney I'd keep a lot lower profile instead of giving speeches and lying all over the country. Like father like daughter. Everyone knows Dick Cheney was really the one in charge during the Bush years and probably the prime architect of the Iraq War, in which 5,000 good American soldiers died over lies.

And let's not forget on 9/11 Cheney let the plane hit the Pentagon because a junior officer was calling out the distance of the plane from radar and asking Cheney if the no-shoot orders "still stand." Which Cheney confirmed. We know they were no-shoot orders for the simple reason that the plane didn't get shot down.

If there is one thing Trump did right it was to call out Cheney's and Bush's Iraq war lies in the famous debate with Jeb Bush. That was the moment he won the election IMO.

Dick Cheney, Vice President - United States: "Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use them against our friends, against our allies and against us. And there is no doubt that his aggressive regional ambitions will lead him into future confrontations with his neighbours. Confrontations that will involve both the weapons he has today and the ones he will continue to develop with his oil wealth."

Trump: They lied and said there were weapons of mass destruction.

MR. MINETA:…"I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, “The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out.” And when it got down to, “The plane is 10 miles out,” the young man also said to the vice president, “Do the orders still stand?” And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, “Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?”"

Fahrenheit 9/11 Bush Boat Party Scene

Where were you twenty years ago?
Um, actually, Democrats wanted single payer like every other civilized country has. Instead, we got RomneyCare national. We didn't get a Medicare Buy in for those over 55, and we didn't get a public option, both of which would have alleviated many of the O-care problems.

Part of the problem was Joe Leiberman (D-Israel) resisting even these common sense measures... but what Obama should have done is just deploy the nuclear option.
Don’t forget the penalties and enforcement…. Even Obama and Democrats were afraid to let that kick in. Also don’t forget the architect of ObamaCare testifying the successful passing of ObamaCare was contingent on the “stupidity of the American People.”
Some did. Most didn't, particularly when they figured out Bush and Cheney lied to them.

I only wish it were so.
But the reality is that Hillary and Kerry were the main ones who sold the invasion of Iraq.
And it was Obama who broke his anti-war promise, increased Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, the Ukraine, Yemen, etc.
Nope. We watched for months Iraq ignoring NATOs inspections of nuclear materials and Iraq moving them to Iran in the cover of darkness.

NATO had nothing to do with the inspections.
They were first US, then UN.
And they never found anything.
And Iraq would NEVER have moved any weapons to Iran, their Shiite enemy.
I only wish it were so.
But the reality is that Hillary and Kerry were the main ones who sold the invasion of Iraq.
And it was Obama who broke his anti-war promise, increased Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, the Ukraine, Yemen, etc.

The US had nothing to do with the Arab spring ..We had zero control over events in Egypt, Libya or Syria.

Russia invaded Ukraine...

Afghanistan was for ENRON.

Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions .

Iraq war was at the demand of Clean Break Strategy, the PNAC and Operation Mass Appeal.
This the same group that was defending Bush's wars here.

Shhh. They think we won't notice.
Pure equality means everyone treated the same. That means the same limits on medical for all. No one should cost a hundred times more than another from pure logical socialistic demands.
Pure equality means everyone treated the same. That means the same limits on medical for all. No one should cost a hundred times more than another from pure logical socialistic demands.
What the hell are you talking about?

As usual, I have no idea.

Are you a bot?
Didn't Trump make it a felony?
Funny, I seem to remember that you wingnuts were all in on Bush and Cheney's wars.

Yes. Dick Cheney was a major player in lying us into the Iraq invasion but we need to remember that he was not alone.

He had the entirety of the Republican Party behind him. Congress. Senate. White House. And most importantly GOP voters! Ya know… the very same people who now trash him. Many of the people who now support Trump
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Pure equality means everyone treated the same. That means the same limits on medical for all. No one should cost a hundred times more than another from pure logical socialistic demands.

Pure equality? Heathy children are born sort of equal.. although one may be smarter or quicker or more agile.. Another may be stronger or more aggressive.

Then there's the quality of parenting.

Yes. Dick Cheney was a major player in lying us onto the Iraq invasion but we need to remember that he was not alone.

He had the entirety of the Republican Party behind him. Congress. Senate. White House. And most importantly GOP voters! Ya know… the very same people who now trash him. Many of the people who now support Trump
Well, you got to keep in mind, the only GOOD thing the Orange Cult can say is "Trump didn't get us into a new war!" (although not for a lack of trying!)

So they need to act like a bunch of hippies in a drum circle saying they hate war now... especially if they can use it to rip on one of the few Republicans who says the quiet part out loud.

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