Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

You are gonna have to cheat ...
Really really really hard

4kids and he rents uh boy ......he voted for that sharp as a tack guy ...guaranteed ...for demockwacy

Eat your kids fat boy
when guns are banned there will be no school, supermarket, church, and concert shooting ... that's a good thing ... when you go hunting for Bambi you now have to throw spears at Bambi or shoot them with your bow ... hope it is good enough for that grisly bear that's been chasing you for the last three blocks

Commies always want law abiding citizens unarmed. All for our own good. LMAO

You want to be the only ones with them when you go full TYRANT
Trump has "told us what he will do," the Republican former congresswoman said in preview clips from an interview.

Liz Cheney, the former Republican representative from Wyoming, expressed deep concern in an interview about American democracy’s ability to survive another four-year presidential term for Donald Trump.

In clips shared Friday from the interview that will air on “CBS News Sunday Morning,” Cheney told host Josh Dickerson that Americans can’t entirely rely on Congress and the judicial system to rein in Trump ― the clear front-runner at this point for the GOP presidential nomination despite facing 91 felony charges linked to his 2016 campaign, his 2020 reelection loss and his mishandling of classified documents.

“He’s told us what he will do. It’s very easy to see the steps that he will take,” Cheney said.

“People who say ‘Well, if he’s elected, it’s not that dangerous because we have all of these checks and balances’ don’t fully understand the extent to which the Republicans in Congress today have been co-opted. … One of the things that we see happening today is a sort of a sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States.”

Johnson was one of the biggest cheerleaders of Trump’s ill-fated attempt to claim victory in the 2020 election won by Joe Biden. Shortly after the election, Johnson led an amicus brief backing a Texas lawsuit asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the vote.

Cheney raised similar concerns about Johnson during a podcast appearance last month.

In a quote from the interview released by CBS News, Cheney slammed newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) as someone who “knows ... that what he’s doing and saying is wrong, but he’s willing to do it in an effort to please Donald Trump.”

Liz Cheney: The U.S. Is ‘Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship’

I totally agree! It's a scary and dangerous path that we're on! What do you think?

You know the leftardians are panicking when the resort to Liz Cheney.
when guns are banned there will be no school, supermarket, church, and concert shooting ... that's a good thing ... when you go hunting for Bambi you now have to throw spears at Bambi or shoot them with your bow ... hope it is good enough for that grisly bear that's been chasing you for the last three blocks
Really? Tell that to the 130 Parisians gunned down a few years ago, or the 70+ killed in Norway. Massive gun control in both countries.

Banning guns from the normal people just makes it easier for evil people to do their evil.
A Neo-Con.

Can you believe that?

Leftards suddenly like Neo-Cons.

The reason why is that Kamala will not re=open the 911 investigation.

That's why ALL the Big Government 911 Zionist Fascist W Treason crowd loves Kamala....

They all want you to believe this is a 757

Really? Tell that to the 130 Parisians gunned down a few years ago, or the 70+ killed in Norway. Massive gun control in both countries.

Banning guns from the normal people just makes it easier for evil people to do their evil.

Both were one time events. Never to be repeated. There will another school shooting before the end of the month. There were 23 school shootings last year. More than 2 per month.

The leading cause of death for American children under 18 is gun violence. You banned abortions to save "innocent lives". I guess you need more kids for target practice.
Of course she did, typical Democrat traitorView attachment 1006667
Liz Cheney is a genuine American hero.

She had the courage to put the good of the Republic ahead of her own political ambitions.

Unlike so many GOP legislators who condemned Trump on January 6, 2021, then subserviently kissed the ring afterwards...

Liz had the courage to attempt to bring Trump to a righteous judgement over the January 6, 2021, MAGA Insurrection.

Despite what these MAGAtts (modern-day Know-Nothings) say now... she will go down in American history as a Hero.

God bless and protect Liz Cheney and her family.
If Trump wins now it will be largely a backlash vote from Straight White America... which has had a bellyful of Woke-Lib bull$hit.
The fact remains you're in bed with Neo-Cons
Your so-called "fact" is mere perception... and an erroneous one at that.

I am a registered (D) but only in-name; in practice I am an Independent who votes (R) almost as much as he votes (D).

Insofar as Cheney is concerned, I don't care if she's an American Nazi or an American Communist or anything in-between.

My point was that she bucked her party for the good of the Republic, knowing that it was going to harm her political career.

It takes a lot more courage to do that than to condemn your boy one day then slavishly kiss the ring the next day.

Liz Cheney is an American Hero.
the real question here is why would any right-wing loon on this god's green earth vote for a guy who took classified documents from our country and refused to give them back??? then gets convicted of 34 counts of fraud and has raped over 20 women ... trump takes his election-donated money to pay for his legal battles... not to mention all the people he owes money to that he refuses to pay... that cheats on his wife ... you say this is a great leader ... compared to a person who worked their way to the top doing hard work and did it for the people who were being cheated out of their retirement or money, like the kind of things trump does to the middle-class cause he knows he can and get away with it ... i'll take the lefty loon over your right-wing loon... oh yes she's trying to keep god's green earth free of pollution from guys like your orange turd turning our god's green earth brown and dead ...says he will stop the EPA existence ... cause they stop corporation from polluting some thing trump is fine with them polluting...
Kamala worked her way to the top doing "hard work", Billy? Is that what you call sleeping with someone thirty years older than you? Gee, I wonder what the people who got passed over for the jobs that Willie Brown gave to his 'girl friend' felt about her "hard work"?
Your so-called "fact" is mere perception... and an erroneous one at that.

I am a registered (D) but only in-name; in practice I am an Independent who votes (R) almost as much as he votes (D).

Insofar as Cheney is concerned, I don't care if she's an American Nazi or an American Communist or anything in-between.

My point was that she bucked her party for the good of the Republic, knowing that it was going to harm her political career.

It takes a lot more courage to do that than to condemn your boy one day then slavishly kiss the ring the next day.

Liz Cheney is an American Hero.
Not in Wyoming she isn't! There Cheney's the skunk at the church picnic! She'll go down in history as the person who let her personal dislike of Trump put a dishonest moron named Joe Biden in the Oval Office...something that cost Americans dearly financially and sparked armed conflicts all over the globe!
Your so-called "fact" is mere perception... and an erroneous one at that.

I am a registered (D) but only in-name; in practice I am an Independent who votes (R) almost as much as he votes (D).

Insofar as Cheney is concerned, I don't care if she's an American Nazi or an American Communist or anything in-between.

My point was that she bucked her party for the good of the Republic, knowing that it was going to harm her political career.

It takes a lot more courage to do that than to condemn your boy one day then slavishly kiss the ring the next day.

Liz Cheney is an American Hero.

If you registered as a Democrat, then you are lost. Simple as that.
If you registered as a Democrat, then you are lost. Simple as that.
Nope. I live in a highly-Democratic collar-county surrounding Chicago.

Republicans have about as much chance of winning here as a Guernsey cow does of becoming Pope.

So I have registered as a (D) for years in order to choose WHICH Democrat(s) survive the primary process.

But I oftentimes vote (R) anyway in the actual elections.

And, after years of this, I'm thinking about re-registering as an I(ndependent) to better reflect my hybrid perspective.

Lost? Hardly. I'm one of the few who know who-they-are in a political context, and it's not a Blue NOR a Red Lemming.

And none of that has the slightest bearing on my certainty that...

Liz Cheney is an American Hero.

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