Alleged Apalachee Shooter Was Known to FBI, Made Threats Last Year

It isn't the left that is taking rights away. It's your hard right Supreme Court that is stripping your rights. And you're cheering them as they do it.

The Democrats want to censor free speech. That is a right. Did you forget?
What more could have been done, legally, for a 12 or 13 year old at the time? Take his dad's guns away? Nope!

I gotta feeling his daddyO may be charged as well...
That depends on how credible the evidence is against the kid

Can the FBI prove he made online threats of murder?
Well, another one.

But there was nothing they could do (as they always claim). Now hey've been sent to investigate (screw it up?).

The FBI's Atlanta Field Office has released some new details about the alleged shooter responsible for killing four and injuring several others at Apalachee High School on Wednesday.
Among the details was the fact that Colt Gray had been investigated previously for making online threats to commit a school shooting in 2023.


here is the shooter with ga governor kemp

Call me a Trumpie if you must, if only to sate your need to sub-humanize anyone who disagrees with you.

The kid was on their radar for a full year but let him ride and fester before he killed four students there.

Moreover, it isn't Trump's responsibility to protect himself, it's the government's. He was promised USSS protection as per the norm after leaving presidential office. He trusted them to protect him and they failed. It was smart of him to request snipers, but the USSS did not have eyes on the failed assassin.

That aside, we trusted the FBI to protect our students, but they failed. The FBI failed those four students, and there is nothing you can do or say to convince anyone otherwise.
A year ago Colt Gray was 13 years old.
It isn't the left that is taking rights away. It's your hard right Supreme Court that is stripping your rights. And you're cheering them as they do it.
Just like these authoritarian Republicans did after 9/11 when they cheered on Bush II's new government agency powers.

As the saying goes, "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the American flag and carrying a Bible."

We're literally seeing it unfolding before our very eyes in real time, literally.
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Cant blame the FBI for not having omnipotent powers. You can blame the people that gave that kid access to weapons: Republicans and his father.

You may have a point if you could just magically remove all weapons from every person in the country. That Utopia is unatainable.
You may have a point if you could just magically remove all weapons from every person in the country. That Utopia is unatainable.

Sure you can.

First, let's start with introducing NEW weapons, since most mass shooters acquire their weapons within days of their rampages. have real honest to God background checks, like an employer would do before hiring or a bank would do before giving you a loan.

Second, have Red Flag laws with real teeth. If someone says something stupid on the internet, the police should be able to go to that person's house and confiscate every weapon in the house.
You may have a point if you could just magically remove all weapons from every person in the country. That Utopia is unatainable.
We are far from Utopia... how about we make some big steps toward it... or maybe you are right and we do nothing because we cant make it perfect?
You may have a point if you could just magically remove all weapons from every person in the country. That Utopia is unatainable.

You don't need to remove all weapons from all Americans, but you need to stop giving mass killing weapons to anyone with the money to buy them.

It will take decades for all of the guns in circulation to go away, but you could start by not selling rapid fire people killers like AR15's, and having a buy-back program to get as many as possible out of circulation. They're not "hunting rifles", unless you're hunting people.

And you need uniform gun laws across the nation so you can't just drive across state lines and buy a gun and take it back to your home state.
Sure you can.

First, let's start with introducing NEW weapons, since most mass shooters acquire their weapons within days of their rampages. have real honest to God background checks, like an employer would do before hiring or a bank would do before giving you a loan.

Second, have Red Flag laws with real teeth. If someone says something stupid on the internet, the police should be able to go to that person's house and confiscate every weapon in the house.

We have background checks, unless purchasing at a gun show. What things should be included in such a check that aren’t already included. Mental health, but what mental health issue would disqualify someone from owning a weapon for personal protection?

How would this prevent mass shootings? What if a person who legally owned a gun just went bonkers one day?

None of these measures would prevent criminals from having guns.
Well, another one.

But there was nothing they could do (as they always claim). Now hey've been sent to investigate (screw it up?).

The FBI's Atlanta Field Office has released some new details about the alleged shooter responsible for killing four and injuring several others at Apalachee High School on Wednesday.
Among the details was the fact that Colt Gray had been investigated previously for making online threats to commit a school shooting in 2023.


The FBI is too busy nowadays harassing people who speak up at school board meetings, those who deny their assertation that the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation and conducting raids in Palm Beach so their G-man can gratify themselves with the First Lady's underwear.
Second, have Red Flag laws with real teeth. If someone says something stupid on the internet, the police should be able to go to that person's house and confiscate every weapon in the house.

Not a fan of the 1st amendment I see.
You don't need to remove all weapons from all Americans, but you need to stop giving mass killing weapons to anyone with the money to buy them.

It will take decades for all of the guns in circulation to go away, but you could start by not selling rapid fire people killers like AR15's, and having a buy-back program to get as many as possible out of circulation. They're not "hunting rifles", unless you're hunting people.

And you need uniform gun laws across the nation so you can't just drive across state lines and buy a gun and take it back to your home state.

Guns will not go away, ever. Criminals will always have them.

Any semi-automatic weapon can be rapid fire. Are you saying just semi-auto rifles need to be banned? Are you saying all semi-auto guns should be banned? We can only have pump action shotguns and revolvers, each with only 1-2 rounds? Do you even know what you are talking about?

Yes, the gun laws should be uniform, but not to conform to wacko states like Illinois, NY or CA, but more like TX or FL. My concealed weapons permit should be valid in Illinois and NY.

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