The laws of nature existed before space and time

The problem with Ding's last Two threads is that he is mixing in his eccentric Voodoo religious ideas and trying to shoehorn them into 'science.' But they have No evidence and of course are not provable.
(he posts a lot of his nonsense in Religion too)

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The universe being created according to the laws of quantum mechanics and conservation is the evidence.

Where's your demonstration? ... a theory that can't be shown is pseudo-science ...

You're extrapolating quantum physics ... too funny ...

"... extrapolation is subject to greater uncertainty and a higher risk of producing meaningless results." ...
Where's your demonstration? ... a theory that can't be shown is pseudo-science ...

You're extrapolating quantum physics ... too funny ...

"... extrapolation is subject to greater uncertainty and a higher risk of producing meaningless results." ...
Paired particle production. The CMB is the evidence.

You are shooting from the hip. You didn't even know that the CMB was produced from the annihilation of paired particles.
The laws of nature are fundamental principles that govern the universe at all times and places, including the moment of the Big Bang, when the universe began. The laws of nature are not something that came into being, but rather the framework within which the universe was created and evolves according to.
The problem with Ding's last Two threads is that he is mixing in his eccentric Voodoo religious ideas and trying to shoehorn them into 'science.' But they have No evidence and of course are not provable.
(he posts a lot of his nonsense in Religion too)

Actually, Apu, I am discussing science. It is you who is threatened by the universe popping into existence and the laws of nature existing before space and time.
Mr Ding us and me

Big ding and little dong
running through the forest
not really caring
what the other has to say
18 verses later....or something.....who cares
big dang ding ole ding a ling
my other thread man
for being top notch stuff there
Playing small doesn't serve the world.
sorry ding I deleted it
I was actually referring to myself with that comment. I'm not going to shrink just because a bunch of people who don't understand the science behind the Big Bang are flinging poo. It's idiotic to believe the universe popped into existence according to no laws at all.
Playing small doesn't serve the world.
Dr Ding in my other thread I found a way to use the heat from a differential of two mediums that are cold and colder, a river and air, and use a fluid that boils at 30 degrees f to take energy out of the cold river and put into the colder air? converting the heat exchange into electricity. you don't even need a fire or heat source. And I found out that when a liquid turns to vapor it absorbs heat but the temperature doesn't go up. Does that make any sense? I know its off topic...
The problem with Ding's last Two threads is that he is mixing in his eccentric Voodoo religious ideas and trying to shoehorn them into 'science.' But they have No evidence and of course are not provable.
(he posts a lot of his nonsense in Religion too)

Of course. Donkey's have no use for shoehorns. What an ass!
Dr Ding in my other thread I found a way to use the heat from a differential of two mediums that are cold and colder, a river and air, and use a fluid that boils at 30 degrees f to take energy out of the cold river and put into the colder air? converting the heat exchange into electricity. you don't even need a fire or heat source. And I found out that when a liquid turns to vapor it absorbs heat but the temperature doesn't go up. Does that make any sense? I know its off topic...
I'm not a Dr. but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express once.

It doesn't make sense to me. Sorry.

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