Alleged Apalachee Shooter Was Known to FBI, Made Threats Last Year

Sure they can be. Else they would have been there with handcuffs instead of questions.

Try it. Post on Facebook to the effect of, "I kind of feel like killing a president."

You will probably get a visit.
There is always this, which would not be a threat.....just saying.
If you are of legal age , you can kill this presidente legally.


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Well, another one.

But there was nothing they could do (as they always claim). Now hey've been sent to investigate (screw it up?).

The FBI's Atlanta Field Office has released some new details about the alleged shooter responsible for killing four and injuring several others at Apalachee High School on Wednesday.
Among the details was the fact that Colt Gray had been investigated previously for making online threats to commit a school shooting in 2023.


You'd no doubt prefer the FBI had the power to remove firearms owned by any person who makes a threat the FBI considers credible.
Or just a judge. So a prosecutor would have to be involved.
NNNNOOOOO that won't work, because if a judge took away the guns he/she would need probable cause. The OP Exaliber is talking zero FBI mess ups, which btw didn't occur in this case UNLESS there was PROBABLE CAUSE

Ecxalibre demands no less than total federal police automony because he is ... maga.
hmmm. Well, probable cause has different "levels" depending upon what the state wants to do to you. For example, there's not a lot of PC necessary for a copper to brace me on a dark street corner as like a cig, and say "whatch u doin' boy." But there is more necessary to take away guns
Simple? Hahahaha

That's the dumbest shit I have ever heard in my life.

Get real.

Like ole'slowJoe000 nothing can be done crowd. SMH. Its' kids and punks and you people shoot down (no pun) any idea everytime. This is why its' still happening. You lowIQ commee maggots infest the GOVT.

Ankle braclet the kid? Metal detector at his home tied into local Police. Lock down the school. Armed guards at the entery que to prevent outside shootings.

Must be something that can be done right now. But we pay to protect Hunter and his whores while on vacation in Brazil?
They could have referred the kid for mental health evaluation

GA could pass a state law requiring cops to require a kid go before a judge for a hearing on whether there's PC for a involuntary mental health review and funding the psychological review..... But maga supports the state over parents ..... well, yeah actually maga might approve of that.

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