Kamala wants to end X(Twitter)

Naw, I thought it was a cesspool then.

The problem with all Social Media is that they have no quality control. Any idiot can make any claim. Moderation sucks.
Kind of like this website, eh?

Doesn’t stop you from talking part in it.
I know what a rebuttal is b----. I want x shut down or a change of ownership and change in policy. I DGAF what you ignorant right wing scrubs think.

Elon Musk is fomenting hatred and division, so if that's what he's going to do wth X, then it needs to be shut down. I don't even use facebook, so I could care less.
In other words you are the actual fascist that wants government to regulate and shut down any dissenting viewpoint.
Everybody is a Marxist to you idiots. Trump is actually a fascist
How so.

If he is, he’s not very good at it, and the democrats are doing a way better job at fascism than he is.

I don’t think you even know what the word means. I think you heard angry bitter MSM leftist pundits say it and now you just recite it

Hell, you support a regime that doesn’t even give a crap on what their voters think. They tell you who to support, and you get in the fetal position and obey.
He was elected and we were spared from his fascism by members of his administration. This time we won't see people like Mattis, Kelly and others to stop him. Trump is a fascist and you are a cult member. So you can't see it, because in your eyes he's almost God.
Going back to my New Year's resolution to not feed the trolls, argue with idiots, or engage in other acts of futility. Have a nice day.
Except this never pretended to be anything other than opinions.

And, yes, THIS website is moderated.
Progressives came into power with a lot of promises. And there is a lot of failures. Most of Trump's agendas are of common sense. No matter the opinions or smearing to the contrary.
Everybody is a fascist to you idiots. Kamala is actually a Marxist and you support that. So that makes you one as well.
No everybody isn't. But Trump is and if you support him, you are. Harris is no Marxist.
We aren't talking about facebook retrded b----. The fact is that twitter has become a cesspool of racists. sexusts,, and LGBTQ bigotry. The only people who get free speech are those types. Elon Musk censors others.

Anyone is free to counter and call them out for it.
Yikes. This is how Kamala, and all lefties, feel about X.

They hate free speech and want to censor everything.


How can anyone claiming to be “liberal” support censorship?

How can anyone claiming to believe in the constitution vote for this woman?

There is no doubt in my mind that if she wins power she will make edicts ending all speech that threatens her power.

And the media and DOJ and FBI all say, "Amen"!!

No problems here with that.
Naw, I thought it was a cesspool then.
Yikes. This is how Kamala, and all lefties, feel about X.

They hate free speech and want to censor everything.


How can anyone claiming to be “liberal” support censorship?

How can anyone claiming to believe in the constitution vote for this woman?

Some don't see value in social media.

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