Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

Oh please. I explained it. Are you another one who doesn’t understand per capita?

Blacks, and of late black women, have absolutely been more likely to have been favored by these programs. I personally know two whites who were passed over for promotions (both happened on the federal government, which is really extreme in favoring blacks) in favor of much less qualified blacks - and BOTH sued. And guess what? BOTH won, although the process took two years. The blacks who were jumped over them were sent back to the original levels, and my two friends got the promotions they deserved.
Black women are paid less than anyone in this country. How do you know they were passed over for promotions? How do you know that black person wasn't more qualified? See that is how racist whites try to save face when a minority gets a job over them, they come with this claim of, "oh they just got the job because they were black". Folks like you kill me with those bullshit stories of I had a friend who was passed over for someone black. I can guarandamntee you that many more black folks have been screwed over when it comes to promotions than your 2 white friends.
Moors, historically, is term used by the Spanish people of the Iberian Penninsula to refer to the darker skinned people of Morocco that became
mixed with the Spanish people. Morocco had been islamized and invaded Spain and the two factions fought for centuries----and that's about it. The people of Morocco were heavy into slave trade and very mixed with the southern african people that they traded in slavery----and that's about it. The Spanish were negative against the Moors---a mutual dislike. The Inquisition aggravated the situation. If you imagine that MOOR means
african negro-----NOPE. For the spanish one need not be a negro to be a MOOR. Arabs---
strictly speaking---are according to accepted
race theory----"caucasian" or "white" Muhummad referred to black africans as "ABED" (slave) and 'raisin heads' << not a compliment. There is all kinds of racism in
actual muslim lands. My hubby was born in a "Muslim Land"----feel free to ask questions. Jews, like arabs, are classically also "causcasian" ----unless they are not having come to the condition by conversion or intermarriage
We can go round and round about the Moors, more and more history has come about showing that the Moors were in fact Black.
" Change To Vernacular And Prevail "

* Jersey Politics To Circumvent Policies And Political Science Principles *

You mean libs ignore it
The liberal versus conservative paradigm does not hold any meaning for myself and it is considers intellectual and political science buffoonery .

* Orwellian Circular Logic For Abdication To Authoritarian Ass Clowns *
I understand that islam is not a religion of peace
There is no such a thing as a religion of islam , there is either qurayshism that applies to lineal descendants of ishmeal within hejaz , or there is a debase pretense that qurayshism applies universally and outside of hejaz that is termed fictional ishmaelism .

The term islam is an infinitive meaning to submit and the term muslim is a noun meaning someone who submits , and anyone who identifies as someone who submits to submission , as a credo that embraces drone abdication to authoritarian government , is practicing mental retardation .

The sectarian supremacy of fictional ishmaelism is demonstrably ass holier than though , from pounding of heads in prostration before the lofted ass holes of others , to pointing in the direction of an amulet of a shiny anus .

The former persians , appropriately named as i ran in idiom , for running away like little girls , are not lineal descendants of ishmael within hejaz and are pathetic punks for the pretentious supremacy of arab cultural hegemony .
How many folks do you think actually ACT on that racism? See that is where the problem comes in.
Right now, it’s at the liberal colleges. The “wrong” minority is assaulted, bullied, unable to attend classes, pinned against the walls, yanked out of dorm rooms, etc. etc.

But keep on insisting that the big problem is bigotry against blacks. When liberal colleges allow them to be bullied, assaulted, unable to attend classes, yanked out of dorm rooms, pinned against walls - for no other reason than they’re black - I will be outraged.
Black women are paid less than anyone in this country. How do you know they were passed over for promotions? How do you know that black person wasn't more qualified? See that is how racist whites try to save face when a minority gets a job over them, they come with this claim of, "oh they just got the job because they were black". Folks like you kill me with those bullshit stories of I had a friend who was passed over for someone black. I can guarandamntee you that many more black folks have been screwed over when it comes to promotions than your 2 white friends.
Oh please…..we have college-educated white women passed over for black high school graduates, and whites with 15 years experience bypassed for blacks with two.

And one needs look no further than our idiot VP and idiot Press Secretary to know they were passed over white women. In fact, Biden TOLD us that he was going to bypass everyone qualified in order to choose a black woman. She’s a complete idiot. You’re telling me that there were no white women more qualified than she?
Black women are paid less than anyone in this country. How do you know they were passed over for promotions? How do you know that black person wasn't more qualified? See that is how racist whites try to save face when a minority gets a job over them, they come with this claim of, "oh they just got the job because they were black". Folks like you kill me with those bullshit stories of I had a friend who was passed over for someone black. I can guarandamntee you that many more black folks have been screwed over when it comes to promotions than your 2 white friends.
Besides…..if affirmative action weren't benefitting blacks above all others, why is it blacks are so opposed to dismantling it? In fact, they call any white opposed to affirmative action a racist.

So, to follow your deluded, incorrect reasoning, white women are the ones who gain most by AA, but when white women oppose it, blacks scream racism.
Oh,….I just realized that this topic is about the horrible antisemitism spreading theoigh the country, with yet another example of Jew-haters holding a rally, and somehow the blacktivist has turned it into how oppressed blacks are.
Right now, it’s at the liberal colleges. The “wrong” minority is assaulted, bullied, unable to attend classes, pinned against the walls, yanked out of dorm rooms, etc. etc.

But keep on insisting that the big problem is bigotry against blacks. When liberal colleges allow them to be bullied, assaulted, unable to attend classes, yanked out of dorm rooms, pinned against walls - for no other reason than they’re black - I will be outraged.
Welcome to our world. We are just trying to get in the damn school.
Oh please…..we have college-educated white women passed over for black high school graduates, and whites with 15 years experience bypassed for blacks with two.
That's bullshit, there have been more qualified black men and women passed over for less qualified whites for decades. This is a fact, why in the hell do you think we have different Civil Rights departments.
And one needs look no further than our idiot VP and idiot Press Secretary to know they were passed over white women. In fact, Biden TOLD us that he was going to bypass everyone qualified in order to choose a black woman. She’s a complete idiot. You’re telling me that there were no white women more qualified than she?
You mean the idiot VP who was elected as a District Attorney, State Attorney General, US Senator and VP, that idiot. You wonder why folks call you a racist fool. All we need to look at all the smart and qualified whites Trump has brought to the table. I bet they just love you at the Klan rallies.
Besides…..if affirmative action weren't benefitting blacks above all others, why is it blacks are so opposed to dismantling it? In fact, they call any white opposed to affirmative action a racist.
I didn't say it didn't help any black folks, we are just not the biggest beneficiaries of it, you are. Tell us Lisa since you claim there is and never has been any racism and discrimination why was it created?
So, to follow your deluded, incorrect reasoning, white women are the ones who gain most by AA, but when white women oppose it, blacks scream racism.
Most white women don't oppose it, just the racist like you who want to go back to the Good Ole Days.
Welcome to our world. We are just trying to get in the damn school.
Oh, are blacks being forbidden to walk to class at all these liberal universities, or beaten up on the way there?

And don’t give me that blacks aren’t getting in. They are getting in ahead of whites with better scores and grades - and sometimes by a substantial margin. I worked in admissions, and know what goes on. Blacks get letters to APPLY, while whites with the same metrics are laughed out of the place.

Any black who doesn’t get into these Ivy League schools - after standards are lowered for them - has no business attending them in the first place. They’d struggle all the way through to keep up, and require extensive tutoring.

So cry me a river that blacks can’t get into the schools. The case that finally convinced me to quit was when they rejected a white boy whose mother died of cancer when he was a child, and despite that had an 3.8 in favor of a black kid with two parents who had a 3.5 - and why? BECAUSE THE BLACK KID WAS BLACK.
I didn't say it didn't help any black folks, we are just not the biggest beneficiaries of it, you are. Tell us Lisa since you claim there is and never has been any racism and discrimination why was it created?

Most white women don't oppose it, just the racist like you who want to go back to the Good Ole Days.
I am so sick of you! The topic is the anti-Jew hatred that hasn’t been seen on this level since Nazi Germany, where Jewish kids are assaulted and spit on because they are Jewish, and you’re back to how bad blacks have it and,,,,of course…calling me a racist. SMH.

The truth is that blacktivists like you hate that Jews are being subjected to such outrageous bigotry because it makes your cries about how bad blacks have it look ridiculous.

And if the good old days means people get picked by merit rather than by their being “non-white,” yes….i want to go back. I want to go back where whites were not rejected due to skin color, and where Jews were admired for their intellectual abilities rather than be spit on and assaulted on college campuses.
P.S. My parents, aunt, and uncle - all raised in poverty by uneducated, immigrant parents - got into competitive tuition-free schools due to their smarts. They weren’t discriminated against because they were Jews (or spit on) although many schools had anti-Jew quotas.

And guess what? They all went to different colleges - and there were blacks in all four of those colleges. In the 1940s.

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