Alleged Apalachee Shooter Was Known to FBI, Made Threats Last Year

I have not been able to find where. Anything on how the 14 year old got a hold of a rifle?
His father's gun collection. When the police interviewed the kid and family a year ago when the kid made the online threats, the father said and promised the kid would not have access to his guns, without supervision.

Obviously, that supervision did not happen.
I’ll take that as a confession that the kid made the death threats online

If so they could have and should have done more
A year ago, when the kid was 12 or 13, he made threats online. The FBI notified the State FBI and the state FBI then contacted the local police with it all, and the local police went to the home and investigated....

The father had a collection of guns, and promised the police that his son would never have access to the guns, without his supervision.
We have background checks, unless purchasing at a gun show. What things should be included in such a check that aren’t already included. Mental health, but what mental health issue would disqualify someone from owning a weapon for personal protection?

How would this prevent mass shootings? What if a person who legally owned a gun just went bonkers one day?

None of these measures would prevent criminals from having guns.

Then you don't have background checks. There are also instances where things like disqualifying data like Restraining Orders or Dishonourable Discharges, are not being entered. The Texas Church shooter had both but was still able to buy a weapon because neither were in the data base.

If someone who legally owns firearms just goes bonkers one day, you better hope you're nowhere close when it happens. But people don't just "go bonkers one day". There are always signs, and there are always people who see them.

If the FBI did question the family a year ago, and the family did nothing to prevent this boy from getting access to weapons, or get help in dealing with his obvious mental health problems, I blame the parents for all of this. They're the ones who created this monster.

Crazy, angry children don't just spring up out of nowhere. Monsters are not born, they're made, and they're made by the families who raise them.
This is what happens when some people think their first and second amendment rights outweigh others’ rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Four peoples’ pursuit ended today!

This is what happens when the left wants to excuse incompetence on the part of the Biden-Harris addled FBI which had a long lead time to deal with the shooter but did nothing.
His father's gun collection. When the police interviewed the kid and family a year ago when the kid made the online threats, the father said and promised the kid would not have access to his guns, without supervision.

Obviously, that supervision did not happen.
Thank you. If you have kids and firearms, its incumbent on you to lock them up.
This is what happens when the left wants to excuse incompetence on the part of the Biden-Harris addled FBI which had a long lead time to deal with the shooter but did nothing.
No red flag laws in Georgia. local PoPo were informed but then what?
It was the LOCAL POLICE that checked the situation and kid out. The FBI notified the police etc, is what the article stated. The police went to his house.

Thats worse you dumb commee clown. Two departments of public saftey knew yet let it happen.//
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
"Mass killing weapons"

"Rapid fire people killers"

"Pardon me if I think you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground."
- Dragonlady
I read nothing of an AR-15 used in the shooting. Only one report of an "AR style platform". That means what?
A year ago, when the kid was 12 or 13, he made threats online. The FBI notified the State FBI and the state FBI then contacted the local police with it all, and the local police went to the home and investigated....

The father had a collection of guns, and promised the police that his son would never have access to the guns, without his supervision.
Why not send the kid to a shrink and try to find out whats bothering him?

I dont like red flag laws, but in view of the online threats the authorities could at least verify that all the firearms are locked away
If kids can get weapons easily, something’s wrong.

4 yr old shot and killed in NSTL this week. Several kids at the home age 4-10 without any Adults there 10P-2AM?
One kid found a handgun and the young one got shot.

No Adult charged yet… they were 98% chance to be Black. So far .police said we are deeply saddened by this tragedy.
4 yr old shot and killed in NSTL this week. Several kids at the home age 4-10 without any Adults there 10P-2AM?
One kid found a handgun and the young one got shot.

No Adult charged yet… they were 98% chance to be Black. So far .police said we are deeply saddened by this tragedy.
What’s your point?


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