REAGAN the movie

Get out of the thread if you’re not going to understand what is being discussed.

If you somehow magically think our government’s massive war spending and trillions wasted on multiple dumb wars is appropriate, you’re a dumb MFer.
I understand exactly what is being discussed, how Ronald Reagan rebuilt our military after the hippies dismantled it after Vietnam.

I think Reagan did some things that were kind of wrong, such as his anti-union stance, but rebuilding a first class military wasn't one of them.
I understand exactly what is being discussed, how Ronald Reagan rebuilt our military after the hippies dismantled it after Vietnam.

I think Reagan did some things that were kind of wrong, such as his anti-union stance, but rebuilding a first class military wasn't one of them.
After all that’s occurred in the last 30 years, you post this. Lol.

Hey it’s not 1980 dumb ass.
That's a little dishonest, Cockroach.

Russia and China have lower costs of living and they conscript their militaries. Sure, we have to spend more because we have to pay our military members a salary that is competitive with the civilian sector.

Afghanistan sheltered people who knocked down the towers, Cockroach. Did you forget that happened?

Iraq was living under a brutal dictator who attacked all his neighbors, including your beloved Zionist Entity. (Who were really the ones who provoked that war.)

Vietnam- that was 55 years ago, get over yourself.
Isis could not have won in Afghanistan without popular support. The same can be said of the Communists in Vietnam.
the sheep in America refuse to accept facts it was Gorby who was instrumental in that in it would have happened no matter who was president NO MATTER HOW MUCH DOCUMENTATION YOU GIVE THEM THEY WONT LOOK AT IT.:uhoh3:


I distinctly recall listening to Reagan on TV from the second home i owned in the early eighties

He was so smooth, everything he said made sense , seemed to fit and apply........until i had to live it


Agreed. Unfortunately it isn’t just the R Party who loves lavishing the war contractors with our money.

Nothing is more bipartisan than war spending.
Indeed,BOTH the Demopublicans and Reprocrats excell at that and have for DECADES.

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